Reading Online Novel

The Outcast Dead(43)

Ruth catches up with Clough, who is concealed behind a tree.


What are you doing here? he hisses. I told you to wait.

I know. Clough, let me talk to her. I know her. You dont. I can persuade her to give Michael back.

Clough looks at her doubtfully. Hes obviously weighing things up. Maybe Ruth would be better, shes a woman after all. And a mother. But what would the boss say? While hes still thinking, Ruth steps forward into the playground.

Dani doesnt even notice at first, shes so intent on Michael. Swing low sweet chariot, shes singing. A very scary song, Ruth has always thought, isnt it all about dying?

Swing low sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home.


Dani glances up. She looks the same. A wiry, no-nonsense professional who can also look disconcertingly like a little girl. Ruth finds it almost impossible to equate TV Dani with the woman who could do something like this. The Childminder.

Hi Ruth, says Dani. Has the filming finished?

This simple query takes Ruth completely by surprise.

Yes, she says. No. I dont know. She is aware that, to the listening Clough, she is hardly coming across as a silver-tongued orator.

Is that Michael? she says. She is relieved to see that Michael seems alert and quite happy. He is looking up at the dark trees, a strange little smile on his face.

Yes. This is my Michael.

My Michael. This throws Ruth for a moment and its Michael himself who saves her. Kate, he says loudly and clearly. He waves at her, beaming.

Whos Kate? asks Dani sharply.

My daughter.

Do you know Michael then? She looks down at the little figure on the swing as if surprised that he can have a life that doesnt involve her.

His mums a friend of mine, says Ruth.

Dani makes a sound that is almost a hiss. His mother. She doesnt love him. She doesnt care for him. She just leaves him with a childminder.

Ruth tries to keep her voice calm. She does care. She loves him very much.

I heard her that night in the restaurant, says Dani. "Its good experience in socialising." She puts on a mocking, high-pitched voice. Socialising! Children dont need to socialise. They need looking after.

Youve certainly looked after Michael well, says Ruth.

Yes, says Dani. I looked after the other one too, the little girl. Poppy. It was Judy who told me about her too. The family that never saw their children. So I decided to take Poppy for myself, to look after. It was so easy, I just walked into the house. The door was unlocked. The parents were downstairs, completely ignoring their babies. I just went upstairs, and took Poppy out of her cot. Id bought a buggy and we walked to my hotel. I was staying at a different place then. They didnt ask questions because Im so good with children. No-one ever asks questions. Michaels childminder just handed him over to me. I had the letter, you see. The letter on police paper. Remember the letter I had giving authorisation for the filming? I used the letterhead.

Very clever, says Ruth, edging forward.

Poppy loved being with me, says Dani and her voice is soft with reminiscence. But then I saw the mother on television and she did look sad. So I gave her another chance. I gave Poppy back to her.

Are you going to give Judy another chance? asks Ruth. She is near enough now to touch the tip of Michaels foot as he swings towards her. Shes completely devastated.

No, says Dani. I saw her on TV and she didnt look upset at all. Im going to keep Michael with me forever.


Nelson sees Cloughs car parked by the trees. A tall grey-haired man is standing beside it. He recognises the man as the TV guy  –  Frank  –  but now he looks different. All his self-assurance (cockiness, Nelson calls it) has vanished. He looks worried and rather scared. As Nelson approaches, Frank says, Are you the boss? Theyre over there. He points towards the open ground. Nelson can hear voices and what sounds like the creak of a swing.


Ruth and Clough.

Whats Ruth doing getting involved in this?

The man shrugs as if implying that he has no control over Ruth. Nelson knows the feeling. He stomps away angrily. After a few metres he finds Clough hiding behind some trees.

Shes over there. Child looks in good health. Ruths talking to the woman.


Clough doesnt answer. Nelson imagines that Ruth didnt wait for his permission. Even so he feels angry. Ruth could be putting herself in all sorts of danger. Still, the voices dont sound angry exactly.

Come on, he starts to edge nearer.

Tanya puts her phone away. Three people are staring at her intently but she addresses herself to Judy.

Hes here. In Castle Rising. At the park. Hes fine. Its all under control. But Nelson says to stay in the house. He doesnt want a lot of people there. Its a delicate situation, he says.

In answer, Judy pushes past Tanya and out of the door. Darren, Cathbad and Thing follow.

Come back! Tanya yells. You could jeopardise the whole operation.

But Judy is far away, running as if her life depended on it.

Ruth is near enough to catch Michael as he swings towards her. Should she grab him? Clough is nearby, she could call for his help. But then Dani might get away. And what if shes armed or something awful? Instinct tells her to keep playing the game. She propels Michael back towards his abductor. For a few minutes they swing him to and fro in a ghastly parody of a happy family. Ruth can hear rustling in the bushes. The police must be getting closer.

Id better take him home soon, says Dani. Its getting late. She says this as if its nearly teatime, not one a.m.

I could take him home, says Ruth. Its just round the corner. Honestly, its no trouble.

Danis face darkens. I know she lives round here. Thats why I brought him to this park, I thought it would be familiar. He used to come here with his childminder. I watched them. Nice girl. She cared for him, I know.

Shes very upset, says Ruth. She blames herself.

For the first time, Dani seems to falter. Does she? She mustnt do that. I blamed myself for Jackson. But it wasnt my fault. Everyone said it wasnt.

Of course it wasnt, says Ruth. She stops the swing, holding on to both sides. it must have been awful for you.

Everyone always blames the childminder, says Dani. Just like everyone blamed Jemima Green. Thats why I wanted to make this film. To set the record straight.

Ruth lifts Michael out of the swing, holding him close. Poor Jemima, she says, backing away. Frank says he can prove she was innocent.

Good old Frank. Suddenly Dani seems to realise what Ruth is doing. Hey!

Then several things happen at the same moment. A white dog comes bursting through the undergrowth and hurls itself on Dani. Two large men appear from behind the trees. A female whirlwind comes blazing over the grass and snatches Michael from Ruths arms. And Michael looks up and says Daddy as Cathbad and Darren come panting around the corner.


My baby. My baby. Judy and Michael lie on the grass, inextricably entangled. Clough has tackled Dani and they, too, are on the ground. Nelson is restraining Thing, who seems intent on licking him to death. Other police officers emerge from the shadows and take charge of Dani. Ruth sees her being led away. Darren and Cathbad kneel either side of Judy, both weeping. Its an oddly religious image, the kneeling men, the mother and child. Ruth finds that she, too, is crying.

How the hell did you get involved? This, of course, is Nelson, still holding Thing by the collar.

Dont you mean "thank you"? says Ruth, wiping her eyes.

Thank you. How the hell did you get involved?

I suddenly realised about Dani. It was a case Id read on line, about a childminder in Boston. So I went to her hotel and Clough was already there.

I read about that case. Tanya has joined them, out of breath and rather disgruntled.

But you didnt make the link, did you? says Nelson.

It was in America!

Danis American, says Ruth. Thats what made me think. She was a childminder for a baby that died. The parents were found guilty of murder. It made Dani resent all working parents.

So, years later, she started snatching babies, says Nelson. Why now? It doesnt make sense.

I dont know, says Ruth. Suddenly she feels very tired. I think it may have had to do with Jemima Green. Mother Hook, you know. Dani really wanted to make this film about her, to prove she was innocent. It must have brought it all back.

Thing barks ecstatically. Judy is on her feet, walking towards them, holding Michael so tightly that he seems almost part of her body. Ruth goes over and hugs them both.

Im so glad hes OK, she says.

Thank you, says Judy. Thank you, Ruth.

I didnt do anything really.

You found him!

Clough found him too.

Hearing his name, Clough ambles over. He is covered in bits of grass and grinning broadly.

How is the little fella?He ruffles Michaels hair.

Hes fine, says Judy. She reaches up to give her colleague a kiss. Thank you, Dave.

Even in the dark, Ruth can tell that Clough is blushing. Just glad it worked out, he says gruffly.

One thing I dont understand, Cloughie, says Nelson. What made you go to that womans hotel in the first place?

Youll never believe me even if I do tell you, says Clough.

Cathbad, who has been enfolding Ruth in a fierce hug, suddenly gives a shout of laughter. I know. It was the psychic wasnt it? It was Madame Rita. She gave you the clue.

Of course she didnt, says Clough.

Well, all this can wait, says Nelson. Lets get this little boy home. Here, Cathbad, take your dog. Hes a complete nutcase, like you.

Cathbad grabs hold of Things collar. Darren takes Judys arm and they start to walk away. As Judy passes Nelson, she says, Thank you, Boss.

Suddenly the little park seems full of people. More uniformed policemen are looming up behind the swings and the climbing frame. Ruth can hear Nelson barking orders. Judy, Cathbad and Darren are making their way across the grass. Darren is now carrying Michael. Ruth sees Judy and Cathbad touch hands, just for a second, before Thing jumps jealously between them. At the edge of the crowd, she finds Frank.