Reading Online Novel

The Outcast Dead(35)

She stayed over with a friend. Theres a pause and Bob frowns at the blank screen. These last few weeks have been hard on her.

I bet they have, thinks Tim. Teenage girl shacks up with her lecturer to find that hes accused of child murder. He wonders whether Aliona will ever come back to the house in Pott Row.

So you were on your own?

Yes. Do you want to search the house for the missing baby? Do you think Ive buried him under the patio?

Thats a very odd thing to say, says Tim. What makes you think hes dead?

I know what youre doing, says Bob. Youre trying to trap me. Ive studied the lot of you. Youre the clever one, the policewomans the nice one and theres a thuggish one too. Then theres the boss, DCI Nelson. Now theres real hatred in Bobs voice. Its Nelson whos really got it in for me. Hes in league with her.

Who? Liz?

Liz? No. Bob dismisses his former wife with a wave of his hand. Justine.

Justine Thomas? Why would she have it in for you?

Oh. Bobs tone is almost careless. Because I dumped her for Aliona.

Tim stares at the man opposite him, balding, slightly stooped, dressed in a beige cardigan and jeans that look as if theyve been ironed. How come I cant get a girlfriend, he thinks, and this guy has them fighting over him?

Aloud he says, You had an affair with Justine?

Well, it wasnt really an affair. Just a few nights, you know.

But she took it badly when you left her for Aliona?

Yes. She kept saying that she felt guilty over Liz as if Liz was the only thing that kept us apart. So when I left Liz for Aliona, Justine was furious.

Did Liz know? About Justine?

God no! We kept it really quiet.

But the partner usually does know, thinks Tim. Even if they dont know what they know.

When you were, he pauses to think of the right word, seeing Justine, did you get to know the children she was looking after?

Poppy and co? says Bob. Yes, I met them in the park a few times. At least I never saw the older boy but I got to know the younger ones pretty well. Especially Poppy. I had a really soft spot for Poppy.

Tanya gazes at the screen. Registered childminders, childminders forum, how to become a childminder. Who knew there were so many of these people out there? She gets caught up in a long forum discussion between mothers complaining about childminders, nannies and nurseries. She wants to post a comment saying 1. learn to spell and 2. why have children anyway, but decides that this would probably be unhelpful. Tanya cant imagine ever having a baby. She wants to be Norfolks first woman police commissioner and to have a penthouse apartment with white carpets and glass furniture. Neither of these ambitions would be compatible with becoming a mother. Luckily her boyfriend, a fitness instructor, agrees. Fatherhood is also not compatible with fourteen-inch biceps.

Despite all the complaints, there seem to be very few cases of childminders actually charged with abuse. Eventually Tanya narrows it down to three in the East Anglia region. She wastes half an hour looking at a case where a teenage childminder testified against abusive parents before realising that it took place in Boston Massachusetts and not Boston Lincolnshire.

Tanya arranges her three cases in the list format preferred by Nelson.

1. Norwich 2008. Childminder accused of abusing her charges by leaving them outside in the garden as punishment. Margaret Rogers, aged 50, was given a suspended sentence and barred from working with children.

2. Cambridge 2009. Childminder Sally Fisher went on the run with a four-year-old child in her care. She claimed that the childs Turkish parents wanted to take him out of the country. Given a three-year sentence for child abduction.

3. Chelmsford 2010. Boyfriend of childminder Vicky Lomis found to have previous conviction for sexual abuse. No question of him abusing any of Ms Lomiss charges but Ofsted were criticised for not investigating his background.

She doesnt think that any of these will yield useful leads but at least she has something to show for the mornings work. She sighs. She often finds Judy exasperating (Tanya likes rules as much as the next person but Judy is obsessive about procedure) but the thought of something happening to her baby is just too horrible. Thats another reason for remaining childless, thinks Tanya as she prints out her list, it saves you a whole lot of heartbreak.

Madame Rita turns out to be a sensible-looking woman in her mid fifties. She places a large handbag on the desk and puts on a pair of bifocals.

Did you get my message? Have you got something that belongs to the little boy?


Clough hands over a cuddly giraffe. He hadnt wanted to ask Judy for one of Michaels possessions so had phoned Cathbad, who turned up at the station an hour later with the giraffe in a plastic bag.

Madame Rita holds the toy to her chest and closes her eyes. Clough watches her nervously. Is she about to go into a trance and start frothing at the mouth? They are in Nelsons office so at least they havent got an audience, but whos going to help him when she starts speaking in a guttural voice and rolling her eyes? Hes seen The Exorcist. He knows what to expect.

Why are you looking so nervous? Madame Rita has opened her eyes and is regarding him with amusement.

Nervous? Im not nervous. Clough attempts a laugh.

Its nothing to be afraid of, you know.

Clough doesnt dignify this with a response. Still smiling, Madame Rita closes her eyes again. Clough looks at his watch. Nelson will want his office back for the team briefing at four.

Hes still alive, says Madame Rita.

Despite his scepticism, Clough finds himself exhaling with relief.

Are you sure?

Absolutely sure. His life force is strong.

Do you know where he is?

Hes close by. An old place. Full of ghosts.

No address? Nothing useful like that?

The spirits dont deal in addresses, love, Madame Rita explains kindly.

Can you tell us anything else? Anything that might actually help?

Hes with a woman from the spirit world. Shes looking after him. She loves little children.

Any clues from our world? The one were living in?

Madame Rita strokes the giraffe. Hes in a room with low ceilings. I can see a tower. Look for a red heart and a white lady.

A red heart and a white lady?

Thats as specific as I can be.

Nutcase, thinks Clough. Well, thank you very much Mrs  …  Madame Rita.

Madame Rita picks up her bag. Hes alive, Sergeant Clough, but be quick. She cant protect him forever.

Smiling gently, she places the toy giraffe in his arms.

A tower? Where could that be?

Clough is amazed that the boss is taking the psychics remarks this seriously. Perhaps its a sign of how few leads they have. Anything, even the ravings of a madwoman, is better than nothing.

Theres Cow Tower by the river, he says. Its a bit out of the way though.

There are lots of church towers in the old town, says Tanya.

Yes, says Clough. Theres that famous one in Tomb-lands. St Georges. I went to a wedding there once.

Nelson sighs. It might be worth checking out. Just have a look at any houses that overlook the towers. But not a word to the press, mind. We dont want to look desperate.

No-one makes the obvious comment. Maybe were taking it too literally, says Tim. She could mean a tower block, or a pub called the Tower.

You know all the pubs, Cloughie, says Nelson. Is there one called the Tower?

Not that I know of. You need Irish Ted. He knows every pub that ever sold a pint.

Give him a ring. He knows the area too. Dont mention the psychic. Just ask for his help.

OK, Boss.

Right. Nelson pulls his notes towards him. Were still looking for the white Skoda. Weve followed up all possible sightings but they all check out. Tanya, did you have any luck with the childminders?

Tanya hands him her list. Nelson grunts with approval. Nicely arranged, Fuller. Sally Fishers the one that fits the profile best. Is she still inside though?

Tanya shakes her head. She got out earlier this year. Released on license.

Might be worth checking to see if she has any links with the Grangers or with Judy. I cant see it though. Theres a difference between abducting a child you know and love and snatching random children.

There are lots of childminding forums, says Tanya. I could keep a watch. See if anything weird crops up.

Good idea, says Nelson. Might even be worth posting something yourself about this case. Be careful though, we dont want to be done for entrapment. He turns to Tim. What did you get from Bob Donaldson?

Well, he hasnt got an alibi for yesterday afternoon. He seemed very hostile but perhaps thats only to be expected. I cant see a link to Judy but there is a connection with Justine Thomas. He explains.

Bloody hell, says Clough. What the hell do all these women see in him?

My thoughts exactly, says Tim.

People say that about Michelle and me, says Nelson. Sometimes beautiful women like ugly men.

He thinks that Tim is looking at him rather oddly. Probably thinks that his tone is too light-hearted. If only he knew how heavy his heart was.

And theres something else, says Nelson. Maddie Henderson had an affair with Bob when she was only sixteen

Thats not relevant to this case, though, is it? says Tim.

Shows you the kind of guy he is, says Clough. I wouldnt trust him further than I could throw him. Which might be a long way, the bloody wimp.

I agree with Cloughie, says Nelson. He took advantage of Maddie when she was most vulnerable, just after her sister died. He took advantage of Justine but never planned a future with her. Both these women were connected to young children. I think we should search his house.

Nirupa Khan will be on our case, warns Clough.

Let her make a complaint to me, says Nelson. Ill tell her where to get off. This is a child abduction case, we cant discount anything or anyone. And times running out.