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Her Guardian Werewolf(2)

By:Olivia Hill

"Our pack," he said, and then shut his eyes. "The team, I mean."

She wondered what that was about. "Oh well, a lot of people are afraid of heights."

He nodded and climbed the stairs. She followed, and each step hurt more  than the last. He was probably right about her back needing some  attention. The blood that had dried started again. She felt it sliding  down the back of her jeans and sighed. Before they made it to the top  stair she stopped. The pain was too much.                       


He turned back and frowned. "Your back?"

It was too late to deny the pain, so she nodded.

He jogged down to her and lifted her into his arms. She gasped because  it still hurt, and because she hadn't expected him to lift her so  easily.

"You don't have to do this," she said, but wrapped her arms around his neck anyways. He was warm and comforting.

"I know, but I want to." He carried her up the last steps and set her down gently before going inside.

Skye sighed. "Thanks for that."

"Not a problem. I didn't think you wanted me carrying you inside in front of the whole team."

"Definitely not."

He pulled open the door and gestured for her to go before him. She  slipped past him and went inside. The blast of coolness coated her  sweat-covered skin. She waited for Chase, and he was there again,  leading her. "My office is down that hall, but we need to go see Jesse."

She nodded and followed behind him. She was lightheaded, but there was  no way she was letting him cart her around like she was some helpless  female.

He went ahead of her, and this time she didn't bother keeping up, and he  didn't wait. He must have needed to warn this Jesse person that she was  coming. The pain was razor sharp and shot through her body. It wasn't  good as she slowly made her way down the short hall. Her vision blurred  and she bit her lip. She would not let herself fall. She gripped the  doorframe and one foot was in the office before she tipped forward. She  felt like she was falling, but then she was held up. Prying her eyes  open, she stared into Chase's concerned eyes.

"I told you it was bad," he said, before lifting her again. Someone else  shut the door and she heard muffled voices before she was laid on  something soft. The tearing sound echoed in the room, and she realized  it was her shirt being torn, but she was too weak to do anything about  it.

Someone hissed and said, "Fuck, what did the bastard do to her?" He sounded like Chase, yet different.

"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me, but she needs stitches."

Skye kept her eyes closed and listened to the two men talking. Their  voices were soothing. She relaxed her body into the comfortable couch.

"Do you want me to do it?"

She heard a growl and her heart raced, but not out of fear.

"Calm down, Brother. I know, and I wouldn't touch her otherwise, but she  needs a steady hand and you're not in control right now."

"Fine, but I swear-" Chase replied.

"Don't worry, I won't. Congratulations, though."

Skye moaned in pain and tried to get up. It burned. "It hurts," she said, and gasped.

The other man she heard talking knelt by the couch, and she looked into  his eyes. They were similar to Chase's eyes, and she knew that Jesse was  his brother.

"I'm going to rub some numbing solution over your injury. It may hurt at first."

She nodded. "Please."

"It's all right, sweetheart. You're safe and we'll take care of you now."

Chase growled again, but sat on the arm of the couch and ran his fingers through her hair. "He's right. You're safe now."

His tone was rough, possessive, and full of determination.

Jesse rubbed the liquid on her back and she arched back and cried out in  pain. Reaching out, she searched for Chase. He grabbed her hand and  laced their fingers together. If she wasn't in so much pain, she might  have noticed how good his touch felt. Instead, she squeezed his hand,  digging her nails in. He didn't complain, even when she knew she broke  skin.

Jesse's hand flattened her back to the couch. "Shhh. It's almost done, sweetheart."

He was right. Soon her pain disappeared to nothing, and she loosened her  hold on Chase's hand, but he didn't let go. "This stuff is awesome, but  why do I feel funny?" she asked in a slurred voice.

Chase chuckled. "It's medicine. You'll be all right, beautiful."

Skye didn't even feel the needle as Jesse stitched her back. She laid  still and closed her eyes. She was confused. Chase stayed by her side  and held her like he had the right to. She could feel his domineering  nature and the strangeness attached to him. He wasn't your typical  man-of that she was certain. She had a feeling he had a couple secrets  of his own.

Chapter 3

Skye didn't sleep exactly. She was aware of everything that went on  around her, but it played out like a dream. She watched the two men sit  and talk. The things they talked about were hard to understand. As if  they were vague on purpose. Chase was tense. She could tell by the set  of his muscles, and she wanted to soothe him, even if she didn't  understand why.                       


After what felt like a lifetime, she was able to feel her back. The pain  built slowly and she groaned. "Do you have some Aspirin?" she asked.

Chase jumped up and came to help her. She took his hands and he lifted her into a sitting position.

"Is it bad?"

"It aches."

Jesse came over to her and smiled. His dimples made him appear to be the  younger brother, but the wisdom in his eyes is how she knew he was  older, much older than he looked. "Sorry we had to meet under such  trying circumstances. I'm Jesse," he said, holding out his hands. In  one, there was a pill, and in the other, a glass of water.

"What's that?"

"It's stronger than Aspirin, but you'll feel better, believe me."

"I probably shouldn't be taking medication from strange men I just met,"  she mumbled, but took the pill anyways and swallowed it with the water.

Chase sat next to her. "We wouldn't do anything to hurt you." And she believed him. There was something so honest about him.

Jesse took the glass to his desk, pulled his chair across the room, and  sat in front of her. He was a big guy, but she didn't really feel  intimidated by him. If anything, he seemed like the protective older  brother type. He wore an easy smile and his eyes crinkled. "So my  brother tells me you had a run-in with a thug looking for money?"

Skye nodded. "My brother apparently owes quite a bit of money and he  dipped out. Honestly, I have no idea where he is, but if I find him, I'm  going to kick his ass."

"How much does he owe?"

"Fifteen thousand, and the thug informed me his boss was feeling  generous, so I have two weeks to get the money to him before-well, I  don't know what exactly, but I can't imagine it will be good for me."

Chase glowered. Skye shifted closer and he calmed as soon as her thigh  pressed against his. She held back her smile, but Jesse was aware of  everything. He smiled at her, and his eyes shined with excitement.

"No, I imagine not. That's what we're here for. You'll be protected, and  I'll send someone to search for your brother. I need something of his  though. I have the best trackers around. If anyone can find him, Shawn  can."

"My brother has always been good at disappearing. He won't be easy to find."

"We'll handle it."

"And what happens to him when you find him?"

Jesse shrugged. "We hand him over to this loan shark."

Skye wasn't sure how she felt about that. She didn't like him much, but  she didn't want anything to happen to him. Not really. "Oh, but-"

"He handed you over to thugs, Skye," Chase said.

She glared. "I know, but he's still my brother. I want him safe, even if I don't want him in my life."

Jesse held up a hand. "Maybe we can figure something out. Do you think he'll have the fifteen thousand?"

"Who knows? He gambles. Sometimes he can make more in a night. Other  times, obviously, he does horribly. I know what will happen to him if he  is handed over to this Mickey guy. He'll be killed, and I don't want  that."

"I understand, sweetheart, but his stupidity will end up getting you  killed instead, and I don't think that's a good exchange. You don't  deserve it."

She nibbled her lip. "If we can find a way to keep him alive and out of  my life, that's what I want. If not-then I don't want to know anything."  A tear slid down her cheek. She never imagined being so cold, but this  time Joey really fucked up, and she wasn't going to be able to save him.  She didn't have the funds or the energy.