Reading Online Novel

Twisted Pride (The Camorra Chronicles Book 3)(23)

Nino was driving and Savio and Adamo sat in the back. It reminded me of the past, the months we’d spent on the run from the Russians, part of the Camorra, and the other mob families. We’d been on the road almost constantly, never staying anywhere for long, and still our pursuers almost got us a couple of times.

Nino slanted a look at me as if he, too, was remembering those days.

We pulled up in front of one of our casinos on the outskirts of Vegas, where the initiation would take place. The parking lot was crowded with limousines. My soldiers were already there. I got out first, not waiting for the bellhop to open my door, and stalked inside the casino with my brothers on my heels. The place had been closed since yesterday for the occasion. Inside familiar faces greeted me. Some of my men were nursing drinks at the bar. Others were engaged in conversation with each other. None of them were playing poker or roulette, even though the croupiers were there just in case. They knew it was a test. An alcoholic shouldn’t run a bar. And my underbosses and captains better not gamble or do drugs. Lower soldiers had more leeway.

Eleven Underbosses and their Consiglieres were invited for the initiation. Most of them were barely older than me. When I’d taken over power, I removed most of the old Underbosses and chose their young ambitious heirs or bastards. Similar to me and my relationship with my father, only a few of them had been sad to see their fathers gone. Only three cities fell under the rule of older Underbosses, who were loyal to the bone.

I shook their hands before we gathered in the center of the room. I put a hand on Adamo’s shoulder. He stood tall, for once his expression not betraying his emotions, but I could feel his tension under my palm. “Today we’ve come here to initiate my brother Adamo.”

The men nodded a greeting at him. They had all dressed in suits for the occasion, and my brothers and I had followed the tradition of dressing up. “As with every initiate, blood has to be paid.”

Nino dragged a struggling Mason toward us. Fabiano had locked him in the utility closet. Adamo tensed under my hand, and I squeezed his shoulder lightly.

Nino threw the asshole to the ground. He wasn’t in school anymore. A drop out, who’d managed to gather a posse of well-off, much younger kids around himself and introduced them to drugs. His father had been a Made Man before I disposed of him in my claim for power, but the son was even more useless than the father.

His mouth was covered by tape, and his eyes were wide with terror. I handed Adamo one of my guns. As an initiate, he wasn’t allowed to bring his own guns. Adamo pointed the barrel at Mason’s head. I was close enough to see the slight tremor of his hands. I squeezed his shoulder again, encouragement as much as a reminder not to show weakness, and then he pulled the trigger.

Mason slumped forward dead. Adamo shuddered under my hand and slowly lowered the gun, his expression hard, but in his eyes I could see the hint of conflict. It would get easier with time. The men nodded their heads in approval, and Adamo met my gaze.

“It’s time to get the tattoo.”

Nino came forward with the tattoo equipment, and Savio carried a chair over. Adamo sat down, rolled up his sleeve, and held out his forearm.

“I think it’s time for some entertainment while we wait for Nino to finish the tattoo.”

I clapped my hands, and one of the bartenders opened another door. A row of our most beautiful whores streamed into the room, half naked. Most of my men took me up on my offer, but a few chose drinks over female entertainment. I stepped over to my brothers. Nino was still outlining the knife. He was quick and accurate. I wouldn’t want anyone else do our tattoos. Even Savio stayed beside Adamo, but his eyes strayed through the room to look for a whore for later. Adamo’s jaw was clenched as he watched Nino ink him. The kill bothered him more than it had Savio, Nino, or myself, but like all of us, he would get over it eventually.

“Do you want a drink, Adamo?” Savio asked.

Adamo looked up in surprise. “Sure.”

“Whiskey, neat?”

Adamo gave a nod then winced when Nino started filling in the pupil of the eye. Savio came back with four glasses on a tray and handed one to each of us. I raised my glass. “Us against the world.”

“Us against the world.”

We downed the whiskey, and Adamo started coughing, not used to hard liquor. Nino lifted the needle with a frown. “I’ll mess this up if you keep moving.” He set his empty glass down and waited for Adamo to calm himself before he continued.

When the tattoo was done, Nino stood and I called my men over. The whores remained in the back. They knew they weren’t welcome. Adamo stared down at his inked arm. I held out the arm with my tattoo. Adamo closed his fingers over it, and I closed mine over his, causing him to hiss with pain. “Will you be my eye?”

“I will.”

“Will you be my knife?”

“I will.”

“Will you bleed and die for our cause?”

“I will,” Adamo said firmly.

“Today you give me your life. It’s mine to decide over till death sets you free. Welcome to the Camorra, Adamo.”

I released him and stepped back. Nino clapped his shoulder, and Savio did the same. Then my soldiers welcomed my brother into our world. Nobody paid any attention to the corpse lying in its own blood on the ground. The cleaners would remove it later.

Alcohol flowed more freely. Savio and Adamo sat together at the bar. A rare sight. Soon, two whores approached them, one latching on to Savio, the other pressed up to Adamo.

Adamo shook his head and after a moment, Savio disappeared with the two whores through the door behind the bar.

Nino joined me where I leaned against a roulette table. I’d exchanged a few words with each of my Underbosses. Most of them would return to their cities very soon, worried Dante might attack after all.

“I’m surprised you’re not fucking a whore.”

My eyes strayed to the gathered women, but none of them got my attention.

“I’ve fucked all of them before. It’s getting boring.”

Nino raised his eyebrows but didn’t comment. “We should go to Adamo.”

I nodded but we both stopped when one of the whores, C.J., sat down beside him at the bar and they began talking.

“Maybe she can talk him into losing his virginity,” I muttered.

Nino shrugged. “She’s a decent woman. He could do worse for his first time.”

I gave him a look. “Can you cut the compassionate bullshit?”

He smirked. “It’s got nothing to do with compassion. C.J. is a good, a logical choice for Adamo. She’s skilled and will try to please him. Plus, she will pretend he’s a good fuck. Pure logic.”

“You enjoy pissing me off with your logic.”

“It’s quite satisfying, yes.”

I shook my head at my brother. “One of these day, you, Savio, and Adamo will be my death.”

“The only thing that will kill you is your lack of control.”

My thoughts drifted back to Serafina, the sight of her in the skimpy nightclothes, the way her nipples had puckered in the cold. Fuck control. Fuck patience. I’d never wanted anything as much as Serafina, and yet I couldn’t have her.

Nino shook his head. “Exchange the girl for Scuderi before you’re in too deep.”

“I’ll exchange her the moment she lets me deep inside her.”

“Telling you ‘I told you so’ one day will be as satisfying as annoying you with my logic.”

“It’s my game, Nino. I’m the best player on the field. I will win.”

“There won’t be any winners, Remo.”



It was around lunchtime when someone knocked. I hadn’t seen Remo since he’d brought me back to my room after my call with Samuel yesterday. Savio brought me breakfast in the morning without a word. He was probably still pissed.

Kiara opened the door with a shy smile and two bags in her hands. “I bought clothes for you. I hope they fit.”

She stepped in followed by Nino. I hopped off the windowsill. My limbs were starting to feel sluggish from lack of use. I’d worked out almost daily before my kidnapping, and now all I did was sit around.

“I assume that means my stay won’t be ending anytime soon,” I said bitterly.

Kiara sighed. “I don’t know.”

My eyes moved over to Nino, who looked his usual stoic self, not that I had expected an answer from him.

Kiara held the bags out to me. “I got you sandals and a pair of sneakers. A few pairs of shorts, tops, and dresses. And underwear. I really hope I got the right size.”

I took everything from her and went into the bathroom to change. The clothes fit, even if they weren’t my usual style. I left the bathroom wearing shorts and a top as well as the sandals.

“And?” Kiara asked hopefully.

“It all fits.”

“Why don’t you join me in the gardens? It’s beautiful outside, and I’m sure you can’t stand these walls anymore.”

I frowned. “I can’t stand this city, but I’d love to join you.” My eyes darted to her husband whose expression had tightened at her suggestion. “If he allows it.”

Nino gave a quick nod, but it was obvious that he didn’t approve.

I followed Kiara outside while Nino walked behind us to keep an eye on me.