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Three Weeks With Lady X(13)

By:Eloisa James

Damned if that didn't provoke a mocking little smile from her, reminding  him that she considered him to have a shortfall in his private parts.  "Naturally, you will have all my best wishes for your success," she said  sweetly.

As he opened his mouth to say a few choice words that he would likely  regret, Rose skipped up and slipped her hand into his. "Shall we see the  house now, Mr. Dautry?"

He would be happy to convince the she-devil just how well he could  succeed. But he clenched his teeth instead and again took out the key  he'd been given by his solicitors.

"Has anyone lived here since Lord Jupp died?" Lady Xenobia walked ahead  of him, sounding as cool as if the air hadn't sizzled between them a  moment earlier.

"No," Thorn said, grimly registering that battling with her had  perversely made his cock spring to action-and he'd left his bloody coat  in the carriage. Again. "I bought the house with all contents intact.  Hopefully, the furniture merely needs dusting."

"It's been a good six months," Lady Adelaide said cheerfully, trotting over to join them.

The oaken door was large and heavy, with stubborn hinges. Thorn was  forced to throw his shoulder against it until it swung open with a  creaking noise and a rush of dusty old air. They all stepped forward as  light flooded the entry hall.

A moment later Thorn snatched up his ward and headed straight back out of the house, his hand clapped over her eyes.

Chapter Eight

The Earl of Jupp had adorned his entry hall with statues.

Of naked people.


India had never seen a copulation before (if that was the correct use of  that noun-was it a noun?), but she knew enough to be certain that these  statues depicted variations on the act she'd heard described. Just  inside the door, for example, was a group of two women and one man,  their naked bodies so entwined it was hard to see whose limb belonged to  whom. What's more, they were standing, instead of lying down, and there  was no bed to be seen.

"Extraordinary," Adelaide said, fanning herself. "I'm almost sorry that  my mother didn't allow that dance with Jupp. One has to wonder whether  he had these done from life." She moved around the side of a horizontal  piece featuring two people carved from a single block of marble.

"The men do not look English," India said, feeling somewhat proud of the fact that she'd even noticed their facial features.

"Probably Greek," Adelaide said. She peered at a bronze statue. "Do you  know, I think there's a chance that this piece is by Cellini?"

India hadn't the faintest idea who Cellini was. Was a "piece" still a  statue when there was more than one person involved? Or was that a  "composition"?

She moved to stand beside Adelaide, who was staring at a naked man from  the back. His legs were extraordinarily hairy. And he had a tail.

India wrinkled her nose. "Is that supposed to be a man?"

"Don't be prudish, darling," Adelaide said. "There's nothing worse than  an English lady who doesn't appreciate art, particularly an exquisite  bronze dating from the 1500s. The hooves and tail suggest he's a satyr."

"What's a satyr?"

"Half-man, half-goat, from Greek mythology. My governess didn't teach me  much about satyrs, because they are invariably naughty." She took a  quizzing glass from her reticule, bent over, and peered at the base.  "That looks very like Cellini's mark."

The goat man had a beautiful back, muscled in a way that India imagined  few English gentlemen's were. And although she probably shouldn't look,  his behind was very attractively shaped. Rounded, one might say. And  muscled.

"Benvenuto Cellini was one of the most famous sculptors in Renaissance  Italy," Adelaide said. "My husband spent a terrible amount of money on a  silver salver depicting Neptune. Naked, of course, so it couldn't be  used even among friends." She sighed.                       


The late Lord Swift had been prone to extravagant decisions. Luckily for  Adelaide, he died before he could lay waste to the entire estate.

The satyr was not alone. He was embracing a damsel, one arm curved  around her waist and the other flung in the air, curving over their  heads.

They were kissing.

His lover wore no more clothes than did he.

"Thank goodness your mother didn't raise you to be straitlaced, as you'd  likely faint at this," Adelaide commented, taking a closer look at the  way the two figures clung to each other.

It was true that India's mother had favored dancing naked in the  moonlight over instruction in ladylike behavior. At any rate, the  sculpture made her feel more feverish than faint.

"I think the satyr is actually the god Bacchus," her godmother  continued. "Do you see that grapevine around his forehead? Or a follower  of Bacchus, because it seems to me that the god didn't have hooves."

India was more interested in the fact that she couldn't see below his  chest in the front: the satyr and his beloved blended together below the  waist.

Adelaide strolled away to inspect a female nude leaning against a  surprisingly large bird. "This is presumably Leda and the swan. Do you  suppose that Mr. Dautry was aware that these statues came with the  house?"

"I had no idea." The sunlight darkened for a moment as Dautry walked  through the door. "I damn well wouldn't have brought Rose with me. I've  put the coachman in charge of her, but I can't stay long."

Adelaide began chattering to him about Cellini, and India drew out a  piece of foolscap and a pencil and began making a list of the statues,  the better to ignore the silly, craving ache that the satyr's kiss had  aroused.

It was ridiculous.


That whole conversation outside with Dautry hadn't helped. She had never  seen a man flaunt an erection the way he was doing-again. Adelaide had  made certain that India recognized the signs of male arousal, if only so  that no man could surprise her unawares.

But she hadn't known that men were regularly lecherous. In fact they  likely wore long coats just to disguise the fact. The thought of  Dibbleshire's breeches drifted through her mind; she shuddered and  pushed the image away.

There were ten statues in all. She waited for a pause in Adelaide's  lecture about Renaissance sculpture, then asked, "Do you wish to keep  these pieces, Mr. Dautry?"

He was standing before Leda, who had very large breasts and looked  merry, as if swans were just her cup of tea. "Perhaps I'll keep this  one," he murmured. But then he glanced sideways at India. He was trying  to shock her, the way little boys did when they dropped their breeches.

"She looks like a village barmaid," she said indifferently. "I find the satyr far more interesting."

Dautry pivoted and gave the bronze statue a good long stare. India  looked again too. The satyr's hand was curved above his lover in a  gesture both exuberant and protective. Unwillingly, she felt another  pulse of warmth.

"If they were both female, I would," Dautry said, with a wicked grin.

He was trying to provoke her again, and she refused to give him the  satisfaction of appearing scandalized. "Shall we consign the statues to  the barn, and you can decide their fate some other time?"

Adelaide turned around, frowning. "Darling, you can't mean to imply that  you will actually attempt to put the house to rights. India has never  done anything like this," she told Dautry, gesturing about. "Her  services are more like those of a wife. A temporary wife."

His smile deepened.

"Barring any intimacies, of course!" Adelaide cried.

India rolled her eyes. "Mr. Dautry, I assure you that my clients do not think of me as a wife, temporary or otherwise."

"Actually, that's probably why they're always falling on their knees before you, waving a ring," her godmother said.

"I'm going to pay through the nose for a wife," Dautry said, looking  very amused. "It doesn't seem extraordinary that I would have to pay for  a provisional one first. According to my solicitor, you charge a sum  larger than many dowries."

"That is true," Adelaide said, nodding. "From the moment that darling  India decided to help people in a formal way, as it were, she determined  that her services had to be seen as an extravagance, or she would not  be treated with the respect she deserved."

India decided to ignore this unhelpful exchange. She opened the first  door to her left and entered a large drawing room. Its moth-eaten damask  curtains had fallen to the floor, and only a few pieces of ramshackle  furniture stood against the walls.