Reading Online Novel

The Warrior's Pet(8)

One of the tall rough males hollered at the gesturing furry beast, his tail whipped out catching the Toufik with a slicing crack. The large furry male lowered his head and hands along with the rest of the group and continued to walk despite the consternation Giselle could see in his creased brow. The alien guard took exception to the expression and lashed out with a baton, cracking the Toufik in the back. The poor beast though massive was a head shorter and unarmed. He was no match for the demonic alien that struck him repeatedly till the hairy beast stumbled to the cobbled ground.

Giselle nearly cried out in horror as the beating continued unrestrained. The cracking sound loud and vicious as the horrible man made an example of the poor beast while the others were forced to witness it. Giselle shielded her eyes and covered her ears against the malicious act.

When she finally summoned the will to look up again Giselle found her cage being pushed through the arch of a large stone building. The black granite rose up high to a vaulted ceiling and also lined the floor. They passed into a long room that looked like a banquet hall.

Giselle looked at the now quiet alien people that sat at the long table. There were numerous giant men, as frightening, muscular and scarred as the ones that escorted her cage. These males all seemed to wear some type of armored kilt and legging along with several bandoliers of weapons.

Giselle noticed as she passed that one of the aliens wore a floor length dress. She was the first female Giselle had seen among the violent alien men. The male next her held her like some sort of possession. Giselle glanced around seeing a few other similarly dressed females. The woman were barely a head shorter than the males, so giant compared to her. Their hair was black and long, their eyes dark and skin a red tone like the men. These alien women were even a similar build to the men. If it hadn't been for the clothes, breasts and slightly more delicate face Giselle might not have recognized the distinction between the sexes.

She turned toward the head of the table and saw an alien man watching her intently. The smirk on his face made Giselle want to shrink back in the cage, but she held her ground.

"Vigdis quo Carnager" The male by her cage addressed the man at the end of the table with a bow, one fist pressed into his chest. "I have brought you a present, a new pet."

The other male, Vigdis, snorted. "A present bought with my own money." The snarky male replied.

"Nay a tribute from your warriors in honor of your anniversary." The scarred male that bought her countered.

"Great I'm a birthday present. Like a damn puppy." Giselle thought sarcastically.

"Well then bring the creature." Vigdis waved his hand imperiously.

The cage was pushed forward then stopped several feet from Vigdis. He wasn't scarred like his guard. Vigdis had similar black long hair decorated with what Giselle was certain were teeth but also jewels. In fact Vigdis' kilted warrior's garb and weapons were all inlaid with precious metal and encrusted with stones. Even the blood red fabric he wore looked finer than that worn by the rabble in the room. Vigdis was clearly the leader of this lot, but not a benevolent one. Vigdis' eyes appeared cruel. The way he leered at her, Giselle wanted to cover her naked body.

"It is female." Vigdis cast a lascivious smile at his guard.

"Yes it would appear so." The scarred male stepped forward and handed Vigdis a key to the cage.

Vigdis took the key and unlocked the cage with an ominous click.

"Come here pet." Vigdis demanded as he loomed at the entrance.

Giselle hesitated only a moment but the demonic male quickly reached in grabbed her by the arm and yanked her out of the golden prison. He gripped her tight as he sneered inches from her face.

"When I tell you to do something you do it." He snarled baring gleaming white fangs.

Giselle nodded frantically as strong fingers bit into her arms. He held her so tight she feared her bones might be crushed under the force, but she didn't utter a sound or look away.

"Well Madhava the creature didn't piss itself." Vigdis chuckled to his lieutenant as he hauled Giselle over to the table. "Let me see this pet." The man swiped a hand across the table sending the dishes clattering to the floor.

Giselle gasped as she was yanked up and her ass was planted on the higher than normal tabletop.

"She is round with large breasts." Vigdis licked his thin lips. Giselle cringed. "Spread your legs" Vigdis demanded.

Giselle was again so shocked she failed to act fast enough.

"You will obey me." Vigdis snarled as he shoved her roughly onto her back. "Madhava, you two, hold her." He growled.

The one frightening warrior gripped her arms his sharp nails digging into her wrists as he forced her arms above her head. The other giant males grabbed her ankles splaying her wide to Vigdis' view.