Reading Online Novel

The Throwbacks: A Compilation Of Four Complete Dark Psychological Romance Novellas


“How’s my little breeder?” Her eyes flew up to mine from her place on my bed, where her arms and legs were still tied, leaving her body open for my pleasure. Her eyes no longer spat fire at me these days; it was more like a smoldering flame. Lust mixed with anger and just a lingering tinge of fear.

The fear stemmed from my unpredictability and the uncertainty of what comes next from one day to another. But not since her first two weeks as my captive have I given her reason to fear me. In fact I think she’s more afraid of what she’d become, of her body’s response to me and the things I make her feel, than of any physical harm perpetrated by me.

I had one of her naked tits in my hand, fondling the pebbled erect nipple while I had the fingers of the other stuffed in her wet cunt. I smiled into her eyes as the significance of my words registered.

I finger fucked her nice and deep, spreading her open to take my cock which was unusually hard at the fact that I’d bred her sweet young pussy, which had been my sole intent; my reason for taking her.

After weeks of trying I’d finally got the results I’ve been hoping for. But planting my seed in her was only half the battle; we’d only just begun. I grinned at her when her eyes widened with realization. She shook her head no, I nodded mine yes.

Poor little girl lost, her whole life had just been turned upside down. She made a sound of distress and I lowered my head to take her lips beneath mine to calm her. I shouldn’t care about her comfort, but somehow I couldn’t seem to help myself.

I didn’t want to feel anything for her, hadn’t set out to, but from the very beginning she’d got under my skin. It hadn’t stopped me from going through with my sinister plans though. I was owed a debt and she was the only one who could pay it.

I pulled my fingers from her wet pussy and licked them slowly one by one, while looking into her eyes. “Aren’t you happy you’re going to have my baby? Say ‘yes Royce’. I pinched her nipple and fucked my fingers back into her hard.

“Yes Royce.” She said it too grudgingly for my liking so I set about making her a little more pleasant. I wouldn’t even give her that, the ability to defy me.

In the last few weeks I’d taught her body how to respond to my every touch, even when she fought me. Her lips might scream and yell invectives at me, but her body always told a different story.

I pressed my thumb down on her fat clit and eased the pressure of the fingers I had stuffed in her hot cunt. It wasn’t long before her moans reached my ears and her face heated with embarrassment. “You love that don’t you babygirl? Should I fuck you with something harder, longer?” I teased her as she bit into her lip to hide the moans of pleasure before they escaped.

Even as her eyes held defiance, she pushed her pussy into my hand trying to get my fingers even deeper inside her hungry cunt. I teased her cunt mercilessly, until her juices began to flow. I wanted her mindless before I gave her my cock, which is what she’s really after. I didn’t miss the way her eyes kept flicking to it ever since I came back into the room.

She was still fighting her need after all these weeks, but we both knew that as soon as I climbed between her legs she’d let me have her any way I want. It had become a game between us. Her holding out as long as she could while I used her body against her until she had no control left.

In a few minutes she’d beg me to fuck her but I won’t give in until she cursed at me until she got her way. I liked bringing her to that point so that as she lay here afterward the memory would keep her company. I started the game as usual, using words to inflame her until I sent her body up in flames.

“I wonder what your parents would say if they could see you now. Especially the man who used to be your dad.” I grinned at her look of apprehension. That was a new one. I’ve been taking pictures of her since the night I took her and tied her to my bed, but she never knew the reasoning behind my photography. I’d even let her think once or twice that I was sharing them on the net.

“Should I send him a picture of me fucking you from behind? Or maybe the video of the first time I took your ass. You remember, when you cried and pleaded for me to stop because I tore your ass, only to beg me seconds later to fuck you harder?” I kissed her trembling lips as she started to speak. I didn’t want to hear anything but her screaming pleas to be fucked.

I waited until she forgot where she was and started to feed on my tongue before pulling back to whisper in her ear. “Or how about when you took my cock in your mouth the first time and I painted your face with jizz? That is a beautiful shot if I do say so myself. Do you think he’d like that one? Hmm, decisions-decisions.” I knew that the thought terrified her and kept her little ass quiet when nothing else did.

That’s why I had the whole place rigged with cameras. Her every move was being recorded and she never knew which one of the degrading things I made her do was going to end up on a disc in her parents’ mailbox, or in every mailbox in her old neighborhood.

I knew it drove fear in her heart to be that exposed, the thought of having them see her like this. Especially those times when she was the one begging me to fuck her. She’d come a long way from those early weeks and I knew she was remembering each and every time she’d been the aggressor. She wouldn’t want them seeing that.

I guess some might call it Stockholm syndrome or some shit, maybe, maybe not. I’m not sure how well that would play since I’d made her come to me and had the evidence to prove it. It was only when she learned the truth of why I’d taken her that fear had come into play.

I wasn’t swayed by her fear, something she’d learned real quick. I stopped caring about other people a long time ago. When those who looked like me, talked like me, even acted like me, had destroyed my life without a second thought. Unlucky for her she was the only way I could see clear to exacting my revenge.

I didn’t let myself dwell on the dark past for too long. Today was a good day, a day of celebration. It had been a long time coming, and I wasn’t about to let anything mar it. My plan for revenge was coming to fruition, but it wouldn’t be complete until the ones who had taken everything from me were destroyed. Her pregnancy was just the beginning.

For now I put those thoughts away and concentrated on her body. She really was a thing of beauty. Long well shaped legs, concave stomach, which won’t be that way for much longer once my child started to grow inside her, and perfect round breasts that were almost too big for her small frame. I could already imagine my child suckling there getting all the sustenance he or she needed to survive.

As usual my perusal of her body made my cock react and it leaked pre-cum faster now, which pissed me off. I drove my fingers harder into her willing cunt while teasing her clit with my thumb as punishment for making me feel. I couldn’t forget what we were doing here, what this was all about, but more and more of late I find myself slipping.

It was her response to me, no other woman had ever accepted my body the way she has. I hadn’t expected this young girl to be able to take me the way she does. But her body seemed to be made for me. Her pussy fits me like a glove and my cock can’t go for too long without being shoved inside her.

If she ever knew that I was as much her captive as she is mine, the tables would turn. I can’t let that happen. So I have to keep the upper hand at all times. It’s getting harder and harder not to blur the lines though.

My thoughts were starting to piss me the fuck off. I’d even forgotten my real purpose for coming in here, other than to tell her the good news that she was going to be a mother. Now I looked towards the side table where I’d left her food. I’d forgotten all about that shit as soon as I touched her. I shook my head to clear it and grinned secretly at myself. If I’m not careful, I’ll fuck around and fall for her. Not gonna happen.


“I brought you some food, you’ve got to eat. I want my son or daughter to be healthy.” She tried turning her head away from me but I wasn’t having that shit. I fucked my fingers hard into her for her defiance.

“Eyes front.” Her head snapped around quickly at my tone. She didn’t want another ass whipping like the one she got yesterday for mouthing off at me.

I grinned at the memory of it. That had been a wild fuck, maybe the last for a while. I didn’t want anything harming the child in her womb. I’ll have to fuck her tight little pussy with more care from now on. But yesterday I’d fucked deep into her belly while she screamed into the bed where I had her head buried with her ass in the air and my cock balls deep in her tight pink pussy.

Her ass had still born the welts from my whip and her pussy I am sure was still sore from the fucking I’d just given her when I flipped her over and fucked her on her back, driving her raw ass into the mattress beneath. She’d screamed and pleaded even as her pussy leaked, and I’d enjoyed every minute of it. Now I fucked her faster with my fingers to show her who’s boss.

Her eyes lost their look of defiance and I saw the minute her body took over. I eased the pressure of my fingers inside her, knowing it would make her crazy. I felt her tense as her pussy tightened around my digits. Her body grew flush and her pussy heat singed my fingers, she was close.