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The Private Serials Box Set(68)

By:Anie Michaels

"Wait," I said, still trying to catch up. "You're watching the kids for  us? We're going on a date?" Devlin was only five months old, and we'd  never left him overnight before, but my gut was telling me to take their  offer and run off with my husband for a night of uninterrupted adult  time.

"Piper is going to stay here with me to help take care of the kiddos;  we'll keep your car with the car seats in case we need to go anywhere,  and you two go and have a good time. If you come back before ten a.m.  tomorrow morning I'll be very upset with both of you."

"Are you sure?" Preston asked.

"We're sure. You know Mom's got that nursery just waiting for some baby  time," Piper said, gently rocking back and forth as all women tended to  do unconsciously when holding a baby.

He looked at me and I looked at him, and I knew we were in agreement. We  both walked toward our children and took turns kissing them both  goodbye, and I shouted last-minute instructions to my mother-in-law  before closing the door and walking to Piper's car.

Once we were both in the car and pulling away from their house I turned  to Preston. "I feel like we just got ambushed, but in reverse."         



"Yeah," he said, reaching over and taking my hand in his as we drove. "But it's a pretty sweet anniversary gift."

"Yeah. Hey, can I ask you a favor?"

"Anything," he said as he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Can we go home first and get the Lotus?" Butterflies took flight in my  belly at the thought of being alone with him in that car again. I very  rarely ever got to ride in it, and he usually drove a more practical car  to work.

"Just so long as you understand if I see you sitting in my Lotus, I won't be able to keep my hands to myself."

"I would never expect anything less."

"You know I'm gonna take what's mine."

"And I'll happily give you everything."

The End