Reading Online Novel

The One and Only(22)

When he realized I was fine, he pushed himself up just slightly and began to roll his hips in smooth, fluid thrusts. I let go of his shoulders and twisted my fingers in the sheets, panting hard as the pleasure built.

But when I opened my eyes to look at Brian, I saw something on his face I didn’t like. It took me a few moments to realize that it was the focused look of a restrained man.

“Stop. Brian, stop,” I panted as I put my hands on his chest. A look of alarm flashed across his face, so I quickly added, “I’m fine. Just wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

How did I explain the problem without sounding crazy?

“Not at all. That’s... kind of the problem.”


Well, he was certainly looking at me like I was crazy. Hell, maybe I was. I rolled my eyes and shook my head before giving it another go.

“I mean, you’re just... You’re not into it.”

Brian laughed. “Are you joking? I’m—”

“You were wincing, Brian. Not a look a woman wants to see when you’re inside her.”

Understanding dawned in his eyes, but all he did was shake his head and frown as he said, “I don’t want to be rough with you. It’s your first time. You deserve better.”

“Is what you think I deserve more important than what I want?”

Brian let out a sound of frustration before he said, “No. Tell me what you want.”

“I want it like it was that day in your office. I want to feel that passion. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah,” he huskily agreed. “I just don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

I cupped his cheeks in my hands, forcing him to stare me in the eye as I said, “I trust you.”

We held eye contact for a long moment before his lips descended to mine as his hips began to roll again.

Only this time, there was a grunt at the end of each thrust. The movements were rougher. Faster. Almost animalistic. Completely driven by instinct. When I managed to open my eyes to see his face, I found him watching me. That restrained look was gone—replaced by a slack-jawed look of hunger.

I loved it. I loved him.

Just as I thought it couldn’t get any better, he pushed himself up and gripped the headboard with one hand, the other going beneath my hip and raising me from the bed. I screamed his name when he began to pound into me. He moaned my name at the same time and my toes curled.

“I’m—Ohh, Brian, I—”

“Come. Come for me,” he demanded, the pupils under his hooded eyes dilating even more. “Mallory.”

I pressed my feet against the mattress and arched up toward him just as the dam broke and pleasure went rolling through me again. My head fell back against the pillow as I let it happen and I listened to the choked groan that slid from Brian’s mouth as I came around him.

I opened my eyes just in time to see the look of wonder on his face right before his eyes slammed shut and his cock pushed deep into me one last time. He came with an almost startled gasp followed by a long, broken groan. His cock twitched so hard I could feel it against my walls.

“Holy fuck,” I murmured in awe. “That was...”

“Too rough?” he panted as his eyes scanned over my face.

“No. It was so worth the wait.”

He eased himself down until our sweaty foreheads were pressed together and he kissed me—a tender, lazy kiss that I’d never experienced before. One of total satisfaction.

I was smiling to the ceiling when he made the final move to make the night perfect. He got out of bed to dispose of the condom and turn the lights off, then slid in beside me and immediately tugged me in close.

“Do you wish we would’ve waited longer?” he quietly asked in the darkness.

“No. This just feels… right.”

“Yeah. It really does.”

I nuzzled up against him, smiling when his arms tightened around me. It didn’t take long for the sound of his heartbeat to lull me to sleep.



Sex had never been so satisfying as it was with Mallory.

Hell, nothing had ever been so satisfying. Not graduating school or moving out or even starting my company. There was just something deeply moved in me that I couldn’t quite put my finger on—something that said having her was more important than anything else.

And I did have her. I kept her in my bed for almost the entire Saturday and half of Sunday before I finally let her go back to her apartment.

I didn’t say it, but I wanted her to stay. The way she looked walking around my apartment in my robe made my chest ache. I wanted her there every damn day. I wanted free rein to look at her and touch her and kiss her and…