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The Cut(8)

By:Carol Lynne

Her gaze went to the knife. "He'll be back," she mumbled without emotion. "He's going to kill me."

"No," he replied. "I will never let him touch you, again. I swear to  you, he won't get close enough." He looked at the broken door, wondering  if it was Gordon's blood on the knife, and if so, how badly the sheriff  was injured. Gordon's death meant absolutely nothing to him, but he  didn't want the fuckhead's demise weighing on her heart for the rest of  her life. "I'll take care of him, don't you worry."

Santana blinked and turned to stare at him, once again. Her eyes filled with tears. "Why would you do that for me?"

The question threatened what little control he had over his emotions.  "Because I should've never let Ellie drive me away in the first place.  It's my fault this happened, and I'll make it right."

Fat tears began to trickle down her bruised face as she looked up at him with confusion. "What did Momma do?"

Tired of the distance between them, he scooted closer and wrapped his  arms around her. Her body went rigid, but he didn't-couldn't-let her go.  "We'll talk about Ellie, later." He kissed the side of her head. "I can  call Doc Bailey if you want, but you will see a doctor one way or  another."

She clutched the front of his T-shirt. "I said, no cops."

"No, I promise. That's why I'll get Doc Bailey to look you over. He  doesn't like cops any more than you do." Truth was, Doc didn't really  like anyone except his friend Jack Daniels. Stake prayed the crazy old  fuck was sober enough to help her. If not, he'd do what he could to get  her cleaned up while the other brothers poured coffee down Doc's throat.

He looked around for something to wrap around her. There was no way in  hell he'd carry her into the club naked. When he spotted nothing but her  torn clothes, he brushed her tangled hair away from her ear and  whispered, "I'm going to check on Ellie now, but I'll be right back."

She nodded but didn't release the hold she had on his shirt. As much as  it killed him to do it, he pulled away from her. "Stay here, okay?"

"Not safe," she said, her gaze going back to the knife.

He didn't want to give her the knife, but he understood its importance  to her. The decision was made when he saw the sheath hanging halfway out  of her purse.

"Hang on." He retrieved the knife to its leather sheath before handing it to her. "Be careful with this. Okay?"

She clutched the knife to her chest and nodded.

Satisfied that she would be okay for a few minutes, he left the living  room. Despite what he'd said to Santana, he didn't give a shit about  Ellie or checking on her. All he wanted was to find something to cover  Santana. The decision was taken out of his hands when he almost stumbled  over Ellie's arm in the darkened hallway.

"Fuck!" he yelled, dropping to his knees. He rolled the emaciated woman  onto her back. "Ellie?" He tapped her cheek, hoping to get a reaction,  but nothing happened.         



"Momma!" Santana cried as she lunged for the prone woman.

Stake did his best not to notice the way Santana's heavy breasts swayed  as she began to shake her mother. It wasn't until his gaze landed on one  of the bloody cuts that marred her bronzed skin that he snapped out of  his lustful haze. Fuck, I'm no better than Gordon.

"Momma, why're you outta bed?" she asked Ellie.

He pressed his fingers against the side of Ellie's neck. His suspicion  was confirmed when he felt nothing but the rapidly cooling temperature  of the slack-jawed woman. "She's gone, bug."

"No!" she cried out and pressed her cheek against her mother's chest.

Although they would never know why Ellie was out of her bed, he wanted  to believe the bitch had heard what was happening to Santana and had  tried to help. As far as he knew, it would have been the first time in  Ellie's life that she'd put her only child above her own needs.

He pulled a blanket off Ellie's bed and wrapped it around Santana,  hoping the smell of her mother would comfort her to some degree. "Let me  get Ellie back into bed."

When Santana refused to move, he decided to give her a few minutes  alone. He stepped out into the living room and called Cecil.  Unfortunately, Ellie's death had made the situation even more  complicated, and he would need the help of his brothers.

"Yeah," Cecil answered.

"I've got a situation," Stake began. He stepped out onto the porch and  looked toward Gordon's house. There wasn't a single light on in the  place, and the sheriff's car wasn't in the drive.

"What've you gotten yourself into now?"

"Gordon beat and raped Santana. I found her about fifteen minutes ago."  Just saying the words had his blood boiling once more. His right hand  clenched into a fist as he fought for control. "Evidently Ellie tried to  get out of bed to help, but collapsed and died before she could do  anything."

"Holy fuck!" Cecil barked.

"I need to bring Santana into the club, but I need your permission  first. She needs to see Doc." His attention landed on a dark patch on  the rotting porch floor. He reached in through the broken screen door  and turned on the porch light. Blood. He didn't know how badly she'd  hurt Gordon, but it appeared to be more than a mere scratch.

"Ellie's dead?" Cecil asked.

"Yeah," Stake confirmed, knowing Ellie was the reason the club had turned their back on Santana in the first place.

"Bring Santana in. I'll start a pot of coffee for Doc." Cecil sighed. "What're you going to do about Ellie?"

"I don't know yet, but there's something else you should know." He took a  deep breath. He wasn't sure how Cecil was going to react to the news  about the sheriff. Although the two men didn't appear to be friends,  they had worked together for years. "She managed to inflict at least one  knife wound to Gordon before he got away." He couldn't keep the grin  off his face as he realized how brave the woman was. "There's blood on  the porch." He turned back to the house. "And a pool just inside the  front door."

"I'll send someone over to take care of it," Cecil replied, his voice tight with barely suppressed anger.

"Thanks." Stake hung up and shoved the phone back into his pocket. He  knew the situation would put the club in the middle of a shitstorm with  the sheriff and possibly, the Broken Ridge Police Department. The fact  that Cecil was willing to help said a lot about his feelings toward  innocents. The Kings had always protected the women and children of the  club, but Ellie had made it impossible for the brothers to look after  her and Santana after Smash's incarceration and subsequent death.

Stake returned to the bedroom and found Santana sitting up, staring down  at her mother, that goddamn knife still clutched to her chest. "Let me  get Ellie back to bed. Then, I need to get you to Doc."

"We can't just leave her here." She used the wall to brace herself as she struggled to get to her feet.

It was further proof that he needed to get her out of the house and to  the club as soon as possible. "Let me take care of you first. Then we'll  figure out what to do about Ellie." He settled Ellie onto her bed and  pulled a sheet up over her body. He noticed the bottles of pain pills on  the bedside table. "She's not in pain anymore," he reminded Santana.

The comment seemed to help because she nodded, dislodging the blanket  enough to remind him of what she'd gone through. Christ, the bruises and  bloody streaks fueled his anger once more.         



He readjusted the blanket, making sure her breasts were covered before  gently lifting her off her feet and into his arms. When she started to  protest, he shook his head. "Let me take care of you."

Santana rested her cheek against Stake's muscled thigh as they road down  the back roads to the Kings' clubhouse. Each time he hit a pothole, he  would brush the back of his hand down her arm and apologize. She didn't  have the heart to tell him her entire body felt numb. It seemed to make  him feel better to pity her, so she'd let him.

"After Doc examines you, I'll take you to my place. I've got a spare  room that you can have for as long as you want it." He began to pet her  hair away from her face. "We need to talk at some point soon before we  get to the club about what happened. Cecil will want to know, and I'd  rather be the one to tell him."

She nodded. Despite Stake's familial connection with Cecil, she couldn't  stand the man. For reasons she couldn't put her finger on, she didn't  trust the Prez. Maybe it had been the way the club had treated her  father or the way Cecil had often looked at her mother when Smash had  still been a member of the club. Whatever it was, she had no desire to  tell the Prez what his paid sheriff had done to her.

"Can you tell me?" Stake asked.

She lifted the blanket to cover her face. She was nothing, had been for  years, but it had taken Gordon's treatment to solidify her place in the  world. "It doesn't matter."