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The Cut(39)

By:Carol Lynne

Gypsy's jaws twitched several times before he nodded.

Santana leaned over to give Rain a kiss on the cheek. "I'll call you."

Rain nodded. She gave Gypsy one last pleading look before walking away with Stake right behind her.

Santana pulled Gypsy off the dance floor and to a quieter spot where  they could talk without yelling. It wasn't the first time she'd noticed  signs of abuse, but every time she tried to talk to Rain about it, her  friend completely shut down.

"How can you just let her go back to that?" Gypsy asked.

"Manny's not even in town, so pushing her isn't the way to go." She knew  from her own experience how humiliating it was to have other people  witness the signs of a beating. "She's embarrassed, and we have to tread  lightly, or she'll push us away."

Although his breathing was still ragged, Gypsy reached out and touched  her cheek with his fingertips. The bruises had faded and the cut had  barely left a mark, but he obviously remembered. "I don't understand a  man who can hurt a woman."

"Neither do I," she agreed. "Rain told me you dated in high school." The  information had floored her at the time, but it was plain to see how  much Gypsy still cared for Rain.

"Yeah. Before I moved away for a year when we were seventeen. When I  came back, she was with Manny," Gypsy explained. "I told her then that  he was no good, but she wouldn't listen."

Santana wondered if Rain was the reason Gypsy never got emotionally  involved with women. She wouldn't ask, of course, because it wasn't her  business, but she couldn't stand to see two of the people she cared  about most in pain. "Let me talk to her again and see if she'll open up.  You barging in and scaring her isn't the way. Trust me on this, okay?"

"I want to kill him," Gypsy confessed. "Even knowing I'd probably get fingered for the job, I want to do it."

"And that's exactly the reason why you're going to let me handle this,"  she warned. She moved in to hug him. "For the first time in my life, I'm  surrounded by people who care about me, and I'm not about to give that  up without a fight."

He returned her embrace and kissed the top of her head. "Just promise  that you'll do it quick before that asshole touches her again."

"I'll try." She wasn't sure how to make Rain understand that she didn't  deserve to live a life afraid of someone who was supposed to love and  protect her, but she'd find a way.

"Seriously, brother, I've already put a ring on it," Stake growled, pulling her away from Gypsy.

She sank back against her husband's chest as his hands settled on her  still-flat stomach. His jealousy still didn't make sense to her, but she  reveled in it each time he beat his chest and proclaimed to the world  that she was his. Some might see the world she lived in as imperfect and  often times dangerous, but she couldn't imagine any other life. She had  everything she'd ever wished for. Her hands drifted down to cover his.  And some things she'd never known she'd needed.