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Taking What's His(11)

By:Diane Alberts

“I…” He tried to think of something witty to say, but he came up blank. His brain had shut off on him again. How fucking typical. Asshole.

She pressed her open palm to his scar. “This another accident that was nothing?”

That one he received when his father had beaten him with a stick for talking back. He hadn’t said a word. He’d been ten. “Yeah.” He flexed his jaw. “Enough questions. I don’t like talking about it.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

She dropped her hand to his. He still had his fingers on the button of his pants, but he hadn’t undone it yet. Her touch was both erotic and soothing, all at once. So fucking weird. He’d never felt so fucking drawn to one person before. Not like this. “Lydia…”

She dropped to her knees, skimming the hard tips of her breasts over his bare skin as she did so. “Yes, sir?”

“Fuck,” he moaned, his abs tensing and jerking at her touch. “I didn’t tell you to go down there.”

“I know. I’ll come back up, if you want me to, though. But I’d rather do this.” She undid his button, and he balled his hands at his sides. “May I?”

His breath hitched in his throat, and he wanted to tell her one last time that she should run, save herself from a man like him, because she deserved better. Instead, he fisted his hand in her hair and clenched his jaw. “Yes. Fuck, yes.”

She unzipped his pants and tugged them down. He stepped out of them, never releasing his hold on her head. As soon as he was free of the khakis, she closed her hand around his cock through his boxer briefs. “You should walk around without pants, too.”

He stiffened, every muscle in his body going harder than the last. “Somehow, I think people might object to that.”

“Not women,” she said dryly.

He snorted. “Yeah, maybe—” He cut off on a groan. Leaning in, she flicked her tongue over the head of his cock. Even through the cotton of his boxers, it was enough to make him hiss. Enough to get him dangerously close to the edge. And the worst part was? He didn’t give a damn.

He wanted to fall.

Chapter Four

Lydia rolled her tongue over him, shutting out the world. She knew how to do this, and for the first time that night, she didn’t feel like a fish out of the water. Everything else they’d done had been way, way outta her league. Hopefully he hadn’t noticed how nervous she was. But in spite of the nerves, she wasn’t second-guessing her decision to come home with him. She’d been waiting for a long time for a guy like him to come along. One who made her want…well, want.

And with him, she wanted so freaking much.

The way he touched her. Teased her. Caressed her, and yes, spanked her, drove her wild. She had a feeling she could easily become hooked on this. On him.

Good thing she wouldn’t get the chance.

Gripping his balls, she tugged his boxers down and closed her mouth over his erection, sucking gently. He groaned and flexed his fingers in her hair, pulling hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. Good ones, not bad. His grip was rough, yet reassuring.

Tight, yet gentle. Perfection.

He groaned. “Lydia, fuck, more.”

She took more of him in, moaning deep in her throat. Holt wasn’t just large, he was huge. Her jaw ached from opening her mouth to accommodate him, but she didn’t care. He’d done nothing but blow her mind all night long. Now, it was her turn.

She pulled on his balls, applying what she hoped was the perfect amount of pressure to his sack, as she sucked harder. He groaned and fisted her hair even tighter, yanking it with his movements. “Watching you fuck me with your mouth is so hot.”

She lifted her lids and stared up at him. He was even stormier now, all turbulence and passion. His eyes reminded her of the sky on a winter afternoon, right before a blizzard. Deep, dark, and addictive. She could lose herself in him so easily.

“I’ll let you go another second, but then you’re fucking mine to take. Got it?”

She nodded, sucking even more of him in. He groaned and his arms tightened, flexing in that super sexy way that only men like him could do. His abs jerked, tightening. He didn’t have a scrap of ink on him, but he didn’t need it. His body was a work of art all on its own. To change it would be a crime to humanity.

She scraped her teeth over the head of his shaft, and he jerked. “Enough. In my room. Now.”

She let go of him instantly, even though she didn’t want to. She knew what came next, and it made her stomach tighten with a mixture of fear and excitement. And need. So much need. As she rose to her feet, he helped her up with a soft touch. “Yes, sir,” she said, her heart racing so loudly she barely heard her own words. “Right away, sir.”