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Star Struck(9)

By:Adriana Hunter



Ethan certainly had an unmistakable on-screen presence whether it was a  stage performance or one of their dark, entertaining music videos. The  Strum was an impressive over the top band, but they'd successfully  reinvented themselves for the MTV generation from their days as an  unknown indie group. Now all three of them, Jaime, Ethan, and the more  reclusive drummer Henson were the undisputed Kings of Rock. Mandy was  beginning to understand just how big a deal it was to be following them  on their London gig in a few days and she became breathless thinking of  what this could mean for her career-wise.

Ethan did cut a larger-than-life image, especially during his rapid-fire  shred guitar solos, with his white blonde hair streaking fire as he  head banged to the all-consuming beat. He exemplified a wild and  theatric persona when he was in front of a live audience and while he  was no less the ‘bad boy' in person, Mandy saw a flicker of something  more … a deeper, perhaps darker side of Ethan. She could feel that beneath  his styled-up image, there was a real person she would have liked to  get to know.

Too bad all he thought about was turning her into yet another booty call  or groupie rather than treating her with the respect that she deserved.

Mandy turned off her computer and lay down on her bed, for once letting  her mind roam back to those searing moments in Ethan's closet. She  smiled at the thought of what her closest friends would say about what  had happened between them when she suddenly realized that that she had  no interest in ever telling them. But then her smile died as she sighed  deeply, wishing the day with Ethan hadn't ended with that cold distance  between them. She admitted that it had hurt, but there was nothing that  she could do about it. Her thoughts growing fuzzy, she fell asleep with  the thought that she really didn't care what some self-absorbed rock  star thought of her in the first place. Or did she?

The buzzing of her cell phone caused her to sit up in bed, confused and  panicked. She mindlessly reached for the source of the noise and found  her phone under a pillow. Still half asleep, she groaned as she hit the  ‘Accept' button.


"Huh?" She blinked, wiping the side of her face, feeling the faint  moisture. She never dribbled. She must have been exhausted after the  day's drama. "Who's this?"

"It's me. It's Ethan."

Mandy froze, suddenly registering that raspy, stirringly distinct voice.  "Ethan? Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Mandy asked, clearly  surprised to hear his voice on the line. She was suddenly wide awake and  when she glanced at her bedside clock, her jaw dropped in bewilderment.  Why was he calling her at...one a.m.! She had to be dreaming or …

"Yeah. I mean no, nothing's wrong. Are you alone?" he asked lightly.

"Alone? Yes, I'm alone. What are you … why are you calling? How did you get my number?"

"The same way I got your house address. But never mind about that. Can you  –  come out with me for a second?"

Mandy was unable to process his request for a few seconds. Ethan,  calling her in the middle of the night, asking her to go out with him.  What was he thinking?

"Ethan, are you drunk?" Mandy asked suspiciously.

"Drunk? No! I may have had a few at the club, but I'm not drunk at all.  No. I just needed to talk to you. About yesterday. Or earlier today  –  I  was an ass. I don't want you thinking I'm like that. Wanting to get into  bed with every woman I meet. It's just not true, Mandy. I respect  women. Very much. And I didn't want you to come away with the impression  that I wanted you on the London team just to get you to sleep with me.  Crazy as it is, I like you, Mandy. I don't even know why. It's just how I  feel when I'm around you. There's a … peace. Something that I can't  explain to you or anyone really, but it gets to me in a good way and I  need that. So, are you coming down? I'm in the black Lambo parked in  front of your house."

Wait … what? Mandy scrambled off the bed and to the nearest window  overlooking the front of her house. Sure enough, there was a black,  sleek-as-sin Lamborghini stationed in front of her house. In the  driver's seat was Ethan, his distinct blond hair and tattoos visible  through the open window. He looked up, saw her, and smiled, lifting a  hand.

Mandy gasped, stared for a moment, and turned sharply from the window.  Still clutching her phone to her ear, she began to pace her room.  "Ethan. I can't. It's just … crazy. Why would you even … ?"

"I'll be on my best behavior. Promise. I just want to see you. Half an  hour, tops. We'll just go for a short drive. Anywhere you want, Mandy.  Just to talk."         



His voice was like molten hot honey.

"You aren't going to make me beg, are you?" he said in that low, growly voice that sent shivers down her spine.

Mandy didn't know what to say or think. There she was, standing in the  middle of her room while Ethan Tyler, the most recognizable face of The  Strum, was downstairs waiting to take her for a drive in his sexy sports  car.

"No, I don't think it's a good idea," she said wryly. "And Ethan, what  about your security? You're out alone in the middle of the night. Is  that even safe?"

She heard him huff. "I'm not worried about the streets … I grew up on  them, Mandy. I didn't always have such an easy life, you know. So don't  worry about me, princess, I can take care of myself … and I can take care  of you. You'll be safe with me. So, you coming? I really need to see  you."

Whoa. Mandy's stomach clenched into a tight ball, her breathing hitched.  There was more than a hint of desire in his voice and she found herself  lost in it. Then she sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Ethan, but … I can't. I  wish I could, but … "

"Right. I understand. It was crazy of me to think you'd want to see me.  But I was at the club with all these people and I just … I didn't want to  be there anymore. For the first time in a long while, I felt like the  loneliest person in the world. And then I thought of you, how you are so  real. And how you don't treat me like I can walk all over you. I admire  that. It's actually one of the reasons I like you. But you're right. It  was wrong for me to show up in the middle of the night. Really  selfish … and I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to sleep."

"Ethan  –  wait!" Mandy bit on her lip, her nostrils flaring as she sucked  in air. Pausing for a brief second, she whispered into the receiver.  "I'll be right down."

"I'll be waiting."

Mandy heard the smile in his voice and couldn't help smiling herself.  She moved quickly, dropping her phone into her purse before quickly  changing into a pair of her most comfortable jeans, a simple tank top,  and her favorite black leather cropped jacket. She skipped down the  stairs and within minutes she was climbing into the sexy automobile.

Even as she questioned her sanity and what the hell she was doing, she  turned to look at Ethan, who was looking her over with stark admiration.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she said, breathless from the rush as  well as the flash of white in his grin and the gorgeous sight of his  face. The annoyed, short-tempered, and thwarted Ethan from earlier that  day was gone.

To her surprise and inner delight, he leaned in and kissed her gently on  the cheek, a gesture she felt to her toes. It wasn't suggestive at all,  but it still drove a pulse of heat to her groin and she felt her body  throbbing from the heat of his touch. Even when he was being gentle, he  still exuded strength and power.

"Thank you for coming out, especially after the way that I treated you. I  wanted you so badly that I didn't think for a minute about what that  would do to you. I wouldn't blame you if you thought the worst of me,  Mandy."

"I don't," Mandy replied softly, realizing that she meant it. There was a  good side to everyone, right? And beneath the many foibles that set him  apart from everyday people, she knew that there was much more to him  than she first thought. True, she was awestruck as ever by him  –  after  all, he was a rock star, but he also came off as someone with depth. He  couldn't make the beautiful music he did without having that special  something.

She couldn't help but think about his words from earlier that day. When  he'd told her she might be in his life for a reason, to redeem him. She  didn't really understand what that could mean or if it had all been part  of his master plan to soften her up for the kill. But for now, well,  she just felt honored that though he could be with anyone right then,  he'd sought her out. And it felt right. Here and now, with him, as they  shot off into the night to some unknown destination.

Mandy pushed thoughts of her boyfriend Marcus from her mind and assured  herself she was doing nothing wrong. Ethan Tyler was an important  client, and right now he needed a friend.