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Star Struck(7)

By:Adriana Hunter

Mandy stared up into his burning gaze. "And after you have me? What  then? Ethan, I'm in a relationship. I can't throw it all away just to be  your whore. Even if I … I let you take me to bed right now, we are never  going to be what each other needs."

She'd said it to make him let her go. She couldn't think with him this  close. The sensation of his steel-cut body against hers was driving her  crazy, pushing her close to the point of no return, erasing all logical,  sensible thought and leaving her a wanton woman who so desperately  needed to feel this man's desire.

Ethan stiffened at her brutal words and his lips tilted in a mocking smile. "I am exactly what you need, Mandy … and you know it."

He lowered his head to catch her mouth with his, his fingers entangled  in her hair. Mandy should have turned away and refused him, but she  didn't. He growled at the taste of honey on her lips, sinking into a  deep kiss as a line of fire ran through his veins.

Reluctantly pulling away, he moved his lips to her earlobe, licking the  soft, curved edge, his mouth brushing against hers in a deep whisper.

"What if I gave you the chance to know the real me? The man that no  other woman has ever known?" Ethan asked her, his breath warm as it  fanned her neck. "Maybe we were meant to meet, sweet Mandy. Perhaps this  really is something special."

"Why would I want to know the real you  –  except on a professional level? I told you, Ethan, I … "

"Yes, I know … you have a boyfriend," Ethan replied, his voice a dangerous  rumble. Suddenly, he dropped her wrists and took a step back from her.  Mandy wrapped her arms around herself protectively as she felt the  warmth of his body move away, leaving her desperately shivering with  desire.

"But you know what I think? You aren't in love with him. In fact, you've  probably never been in love with anyone before, have you? That man of  yours … he has never made you feel the way that I just did. I can see it  in your eyes, Mandy."

Mandy bristled at his words, wishing she could disappear from his sight  before he saw just how right he was. When she didn't reply, his smile  stretched thinly.

"Okay then. I've got practice with the band in a couple of hours so  whatever you need us to get done today, we better get moving … "

"We need to shop … it won't take long." Mandy squeaked, barely able to  talk. The closet suddenly felt like an inferno, the heated tension  between them floating in the air.

Ethan ran his eyes over her beautifully curvy frame one more time before turning away.

"Sounds good. I'll let the others know that I'll be gone for a while. You good?" he asked, combing his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I'm good," she replied. "I'll finish up in here and be right down."

Quickly, Mandy escaped the confines of the walk-in closet, heading  straight across to the bathroom down the hall. Once she locked herself  in, she gazed at her reflection in the large mirror. Her lips were  puffy, her eyes glazed. Even her hair was a complete mess. To her  annoyance, her nipples were hard, the nubs pressing against the thin  material of her blouse.

She tried hard to process what had just happened between them. How could  she have been so naïve? Ethan had the worst reputation when it came to  women. From the first moment they'd met, he'd made it known that he was  attracted to her. She really should have stood up to him and refused his  advances instead of simply melting in his arms.         



A feeling of dread and shame overcame her as Mandy realized she'd not  only betrayed Marcus but herself as well. This must never happen again.  Ever.

Ethan Tyler treated women like objects of pleasure and nothing more.  She'd do best to remember he was bad news  –  and always would be.

"Damn it," Mandy sighed. Despite everything  –  despite the fact that she  knew it was wrong to want Ethan  –  if she was honest with herself for  just a moment, she would have to admit she still did. Very, very much.

Chapter Four

Mandy knew that what had happened between her and Ethan would only  complicate their business relationship and make everything feel awkward.

The shopping excursion brought them around to the most exclusive shops  in the city, with many of them featuring designs from the top names in  the industry. Mandy was certain that she'd be able to stay focused on  what was important  –  finding Ethan a few pieces that would blend with  his natural style.

He brought along a single bodyguard with them, mainly for crowd control,  and it was a good thing because hordes of groupies followed them from  shop to shop. With his trademark good looks, chiseled face, and piercing  eyes, he certainly stood out in the crowd, forever the rock god.

Mandy was grateful that a shopping experience with Ethan meant chaos and  a whirlwind of non-stop activity. It removed any chance of awkward  silence and also meant that they were never alone for more than a few  minutes before some fan would appear on scene, her face melting in a  feverish blush, screaming his name at the top of her lungs before being  led away by security.

There was no chance for conversation on the way back either, with the  bodyguard up front beside the driver, so Mandy took her place on the  opposite side of the passenger seat of the luxurious Range Rover and  flipped through her notes. Ethan spent most of the time on his  cellphone, talking to his manager, his band mates, and even a female  friend that he invited out for dinner after band practice.

Mandy tried to zone out his conversation, guessing he probably intended  to lick his wounds with some willing female companionship tonight.

I knew it …  she thought. Thank God I never gave in to that man.

Her mind flashed back to the things he'd said about her not being in  love. What did he know about love, anyway? He hadn't been with any one  woman for more than a few short months before replacing her with yet  another celebrity socialite.

He could ignore her as much as he wanted, Mandy thought as the car  glided through the city streets, when something hit her like a ton of  bricks.

She had cheated on Marcus.

Suddenly, Mandy was terrified to face him, feeling as though the guilt  would be etched onto her expression, shame flickering in her eyes. Would  he be able to detect that she'd been unfaithful?

Because she had been; she'd let her client kiss her like no man ever had  before. He'd pushed her hard against the wall and she'd felt every  masculine contour of his virile frame. Ethan had switched on a torrent  of pleasure that had lain dormant for so long. Never in her adult life  had she been so highly aroused by the opposite sex, and all with one  kiss. She was pathetic.

Mandy knew she had to face the truth about what she had done, but she  also had to face the truth about something else  –  the effect that Ethan  had on her. Suddenly, her phone wailed its usual alert. It reminded her  that she had messages and she flipped through the caller ID to see who  had called while she was out shopping with Ethan.

Two of the messages were from Marcus, asking how her day was going.  Mandy felt the gut-rotting ache of guilt in her stomach once again and  she forced herself to breathe slowly, deliberately, until her head  stopped whirling. She thought about just how trusting Marcus was,  knowing that she would be working with the Ethan Tyler and still showing  nothing but absolute support and encouragement. There was no hint of  jealousy or concern.

His last message to her indicated that he'd be home from a meeting early  if she needed to talk or if the entourage ever made her feel  uncomfortable and she needed to step out and get some fresh air. "I'll  be right there to get you, wherever you are," he had said on his last  message.

It's too late to rescue me, Mandy thought as she stared through the  tinted glass of the car window. She sent a quick text to let him know  that she was fine and was on her way back to the office.

Mandy knew there was no one else to blame. She made the decision to let  Ethan kiss her  –  and she'd done less than nothing to stop him from  kissing her again when it had almost reached the point of no return.  Thankfully, Mandy had found a way back to her senses and denied Ethan  the opportunity to add her to his list of conquests. She could only  imagine just how uncomfortable the week-long London tour would be, and  she shuddered at the thought.         



Her emotions ran the gamut from anguish at the thought of betraying  Marcus's trust to anger at the thought that she was the only one feeling  guilty when Ethan obviously had no problem making a pass at a woman  with a boyfriend.

She searched her brain for an explanation, but she was certain that she  hadn't encouraged his advances in any way. He simply felt entitled to  every woman that crossed his path, Mandy thought with a growl. Well,  lesson learned. She'd focus on her job and get it done and ignore  everything else. If he wanted to treat her differently just because she  refused him, then so be it. She'd leave that for his sycophants and  groupies.