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Sirens in Bliss(24)

By:Sophie Oak

Why couldn’t they understand? Aidan had shot her a look of pure anger when she’d shooed him off. Contracts were important. She had to make as much money as she could. If things went poorly, they would need every dime to fight to save the ranch. That land had been in Aidan’s family for a hundred years. She couldn’t let them lose it. It was her children’s legacy.

She looked down at her phone. She had to be resolute. Her men weren’t thinking in the long term, and if they didn’t, then she had to.

“Don’t you dial another number, baby girl!”

Shit. Her mother was marching across the yard, a stubborn look on her face. She was dressed beautifully in a designer suit, but she was carrying her heels in her hands as she stalked toward Lexi.

This was why she’d been more than happy to find out they were staying with Trev and not Stef Talbot. The whole Dallas gang was at the Talbot estate where none of them could lecture her on how her career was ruining everything.

God, when had talking to her mother become a chore? When had she started avoiding anyone who had an opinion? She hadn’t been to the ranch in Willow Fork in almost a year. She got a little annoyed when her parents descended because they were a drain on time she should spend working.

Guilt settled into her gut.

“Alexis Ann, you have been avoiding me and I want to know why.”

“I haven’t been avoiding you, Momma. I’ve been working.” The words sounded weak even to her own ears.

“You’re always working. Did you talk to Lucas before he left?”

“I was on the phone. I waved.”

“Do you understand what you’re doing to him?”

“To Lucas? Momma, I’m not trying to hurt Lucas. He knows I have to deal with problems as they come up. And I need to call my agent back. Those contracts won’t wait forever.”

“Does Lucas look at your contracts? Why are you dealing with this? Lucas is your lawyer.”

“I’m not going to bother him with something I could do myself. Lucas has enough to deal with.” She looked down at her phone. No bars. She was a little startled. She hadn’t lost coverage once. “Hey, do you have a signal?”

“Lexi, I am talking to you.”

“I know, Momma, but this is important. My cell phone is dead.”

“Well, thank the good lord. Maybe you’ll get your head out of your ass long enough to understand that you are treating Lucas like he is meaningless and it’s going to kill him.”

“Lucas? Meaningless? That’s insane. I love Lucas.”

“Then why are you treating him the same way his father did?”

The truth hit her like a baseball bat to the head. Lucas’s father had treated him horribly by shoving him to the side in favor of his other children. And she could see where Lucas might feel the same way now. She’d marginalized him even as she was trying to build a better world for them all. She’d shut them out. She’d tried to take it all on.

Because it was what she’d watched her mother do. Her mother had worked her ass off, but she’d had to.

“I’m trying to live up to you.”

Her mom shook her head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

She felt a little light in the head, the revelation having an actual physical effect on her body. “All my life I looked up to you because you took care of things. You didn’t complain. You didn’t whine. You did what had to be done. You made sure everyone had what they needed.”

“Oh, honey, everyone was you and me and I didn’t have a choice. Trust me, if your father had lived, I would have leaned on him. Adam took damn good care of me before he died. I might have still gotten a job, but I certainly wouldn’t have expected to take care of you alone.”

“Lucas and Aidan have their own concerns. They have to take care of the ranch. You know how ranching is. It’s precarious. It could all go under with one bad winter.”

“No, it can’t because Jack’s made sure of it. Why do you think he brought Aidan and Trev and James Glen in as partners? They share the reward and they share the risks. If one has a bad year, the others help out. No one is going under. Honey, why are you worried about this? Lucas makes good money.”

“He doesn’t make enough to cover us if we go under. Or if someone tries to get rid of us.” The minute the words were out of her mouth, she wanted to take them back. She’d kept the secret inside for so long that it felt odd to say the words.

Her mom’s eyes widened. “Who is trying to get rid of you?”

The question wasn’t asked with a breathy curiosity, but rather an undercurrent of potential violence. Her mother wasn’t exactly the world’s most docile human being. She fought for the ones she loved. She sheltered them, and she’d taught Lexi to do the same.

The way she was trying to shelter her husbands from the truth.

Lexi shook her head. It would do no good to involve her mother. “It’s nothing. It’s just some stupid shit. You know how the locals can be.”

Her mother was still considered a woman of ill repute in Willow Fork, though everyone was too afraid of Jack to say it to her face. Deer Run was just like Willow Fork.

Would they really go through with it? Would they really take away her husbands’ home because they didn’t approve of her lifestyle? God, she couldn’t be the reason Aidan lost his ranch.

The only thing that would make them safe was money and a whole lot of it. If they had the money to buy off the damn city council, then no one would come after O’Malley Ranch.

She looked back down at her phone. Why didn’t she have any damn bars? She had a book coming out in two weeks and everything depended on it. The city council would take their vote in a month, and she needed time to get her fucking bribes together so Aidan might never know how close they came.

“You need to start talking now, baby girl.” Her mother was a dog with a bone. This was why she’d avoided her, why she’d avoided her dads. Jack and Sam had become her fathers over the years, and she didn’t even try to call them stepdads anymore.

“Mom, it’s nothing. I’m more worried about my cell phone not working. Can I see yours?”

Her mom pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and looked down. “I have three bars.”

“Can I borrow it?”


Olivia ran up. She was wearing her version of her Sunday best, a pair of clean jeans and a T-shirt without stains on it. “Hey, Momma. Hey, sis.”

Lexi’s heart swelled. Her baby sister was a ball of chaos, and Lexi loved her so much it hurt. And she hadn’t seen Olivia since she’d started avoiding her mom. God, how much was she going to give up to try to save the ranch? “Hey, Liv. How are you doing?”

“I’m good, but I need to find a dress. I think I should start wearing dresses, and I want to take a bunch more science classes.”

Her mom’s eyes widened. “You hate science.”

Olivia shrugged. “No. It’s kind of fun.”

“Oh, god, who’s the boy?” Lexi asked. No tomboy ever hung up her jeans for anything other than a boy. She really wanted to meet the boy who could handle Olivia Barnes-Fleetwood.

Olivia frowned. “There’s no boy. Ewwww. I was just talking to Will and Bobby.”

The names were said with the casual tone of a girl who didn’t really care. Which meant she cared. A lot.

“Oh. My god, she’s going after the twins.” Lexi couldn’t help it. She’d never had a little sister before and teasing her was totally fun.

It was far better than ignoring her.

Olivia put her foot down, stomping on the ground. “I am not going after anyone. I was just talking to them because they’re real nice.” She stared at Lexi’s phone. “Are you going to make a call? You’re always on the phone.”

It was true and now she felt a little naked without a working phone. “I can’t call anyone. I don’t have a signal.”

Her mom got to one knee. “Livie, baby, can you go and find Aunt Danielle? I need to talk to your sister.”

Olivia got a brilliant smile on her face. “Sure, Momma. Gee, sorry about your phone, Lexi. I guess it just doesn’t work anymore.”

Lexi felt her eyes narrow. Olivia wasn’t just a ball of chaos. The older she got the more sneaky she was. “Did you do something to my phone?”

Olivia just grinned and ran off toward the main house.

How the hell had she managed it? Lexi stared down at her phone. It was seventy-five percent charged. One minute it had been working perfectly and the next the whole thing had shut down. It was as if someone had simply turned it off.

“Momma, I think she somehow got my account canceled. The little shit. Olivia, you come back here!”

Her mother rolled her eyes. “God, I am so glad I had you two twenty years apart. You still fight like siblings. And if Livie managed to get your phone turned off then I’m raising her allowance because she’s the only one who’s had the guts to do it. Now tell me what’s wrong in Deer Run.”

But her mind was flying through the scenarios. “I have to go. I think the closest place I can get a new cell is Alamosa. Damn it. Lucas and Aidan took the car. Maybe Beth will run me into town.”

“Lexi, if you walk away from me now, I’ll explain to Jack that I need him to figure out what’s going on.”