Reading Online Novel

Passion .(2)

I know what people saw when they looked at me, they saw a foul mouthed  deviant, but the truth is I'm doing pretty good for a teen who  practically had to raise herself. I don't do drugs, I never drove drunk,  I wasn't a slut and I'm an honor student, society could go fuck itself.


It's raining; I don't think she should be driving that heap of metal on a  day like this. I drove by her house to check up on her just as she was  coming outside. She looked all kinds of pissed off. It made me smile.  She never noticed me as I followed her on the slick roads. She was  driving way too fast, not that I wasn't a speeder, but I had more  experience on these roads in these conditions, we'll have to do  something about that.                       


I pulled in next to her but didn't let myself look at her as I covered  my eyes with my Ray Bans. I could feel her checking me out without being  too obvious, that's how strong the pull between us is, I can already  sense her, eventually she'd be able to do the same, I'd see to it. I'm  going to take over every aspect of her life bit by bit, but first I will  make her crave me.

I ignored all the too easy pussy crowding the hallways, some of them  started primping as soon as they saw me, I saw my sister Vanessa and her  boy Andrew in front of her locker, my brother Matthew and his girl  Patti were probably still in his jeep necking. That was their routine.

"Joshua have you met the new girl, what's she like, is she pretty?"

Vanessa had missed school yesterday and by the time I reached home in  the evening she'd been with Andy so she hadn't had a chance to  interrogate me.

"Oh is that her? she's gorgeous, uh oh Patti's not going to like this,  she's wearing Vuitton rain boots, you know what that means, she knows  fashion. Nope, our Patti is not going to like this one little bit."

She had a point; Patti was so accustomed to being the center of  attention in our school she was going to have a hard time sharing the  spotlight. Her personality was such that she would view Carissa's beauty  as an affront. What can I say the girl has issues?

"I'm gonna go introduce myself, toodles." She gave us a little finger  wave before heading off. I leaned back against my locker and watched to  see how things would play out. I knew my ...

Carissa was a bit surly, but if she hurt Vanessa's feelings I was going  to have to step in and I didn't want to have to. It was too soon to show  my hand.


When I first saw the little whirling dervish approach I was ready to  blast the fuck outta her, but then she said her name, his name, I'd  heard some of the idiot girls talking about him that's how I knew, so I  figured she was the sister. I decided to let her share my space for a  time just to be tolerable, but then she named every designer I was  wearing and I perked up, holla, I didn't think there would be anyone in  this hick town who knew what fashion was, of course her brother was  rocking Gucci today, yesterday had been Ferragamo. I knew my shit, and  so apparently did Miss. Vanessa.

I tried to follow along in the conversation but girlfriend was talking so fast her sentences were running together.

"Slow your roll chicklet, take a deep breath, and calm the fuck down."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to finally meet you and now you're here and you love to shop and I'm so excited."

And she was off again, somehow I found her more cute than annoying, I'll keep her.

"So Vanessa what is there to do for fun around here?" Somehow we were  walking towards her brother and the nice looking blonde guy, not bad,  but nowhere near Joshua Steele's caliber.

I played it cool when we reached them but I have to admit I was a  little...unsettled. I tried really hard not to look at him but I lost  that battle, why did this fuck have such a pull for me, I never let a  guy have the upper hand , but this one had dominant written all over  him, so not for me.

Vanessa made the introductions and we played it like we hadn't already  met, neither of us acknowledging our first meeting. He didn't hang  around long after that, no what he did do was walk right by me and sniff  my fucking neck. What the fuck was up with this guy, and why did that  shit make me cream my panties? Fuck.

Chapter 4


I watched her from afar for the rest of that first week, after making  her shudder in the hallway that day, I'd decided to pull back just a  little, let her wonder, and wait. It's a cat and mouse game, I'm always  the cat.

While watching her, I also watched the dicks that are swarming around  her, they haven't quite tried to breach the inner sanctum yet, too  afraid of that tongue of hers I guess, but I know it won't be long  before one of them builds up enough courage to approach.

The school dance was coming up soon; I'd heard rumblings of all the  different assholes who were thinking of inviting her. We'll just see  about that.

I watched as first Dyson, brave soul that one, then Eric were shot down, good girl.

The next day Terrence was up at bat, I watched him approach her in the  hallway; I watched her smile at him and felt my hackles rise. No way, no  how. I don't know what answer she gave him, he didn't walk away looking  as disappointed as the other two.

Well now, looks like I have to show just the tip of my hand.

I walked as close to her as possible without touching her and whispered  one word in her ear, I felt pretty sure she'd know what I was talking  about.                       


"No." that's what I whispered to her before continuing on my way. I could feel her staring holes in my back.


Mother-fu... this guy really had to stop this shit, and what the hell  did he mean no, no what? Had I asked him a motherfucking question? I  knew damn good and well what he was referring to, after all it was  because I'd become aware of his stare that I had smiled at the last  dude, what's his face.

I had no intentions of going to the stupid dance in the first place, but  since he threw down the gauntlet I was gonna pick that shit the fuck  up. No my ass, bitch, who the fuck did he think he was any way. No one  told me what to do; I wish a mother-fucker would. Sheeiiit.

Chapter 5


I've been keeping tabs on her, whenever I show an interest in my  sister's plans I get an insight into Carrie's since the two have been  joined at the hip lately.

It's been three days since our little encounter; two of them were over  the weekend. I only drove by her house twice to assure myself that she  was there, alone, no visitors.

I depicted which room was hers, the tree outside her window leaves room  for thought, getting by the Captain is no issue, and I'm the master at  covert ops. I've defiled many a debutante right under mommy and daddy's  nose.

I know what you're thinking; I'm no man whore, just a normal teenaged  guy with a surplus of high grade pussy. They throw it, I catch, it's a  natural instinct. I don't cheat, never had anyone to cheat on, and if  someone's heart gets broken! It's because they didn't read the fine  print.

For someone who speaks like they were raised on the docks my lamb's  reading material is very telling, it gives me insight into who really  lives behind those defiant eyes. Her dog-eared copies of the Bronte  sisters among other classics make me smile. Especially the copy of  Wuthering Heights that's on the pillow next to her.

Now it's lunch period on Monday, and I'm sure Vanessa plans to ask her  to join our table. I don't know why she hasn't thus far, or if she had  and was rebuffed, we'll see.

Patti as expected is not pleased by these events, Matthew better shut  her the fuck up before I do, see Matt might be older, but in this  dynamic, I run things, always have. I don't know if it's because of my  higher than average intelligence, or my silently forceful personality,  it's just always been this way, my sibs followed my lead.

I gave Matt a look that spoke volumes; he rolled his eyes at me and  smirked. Sometimes my brother could be an ass, but I wasn't giving  anything away.

When Vanessa showed at the table with Carrie lamb in tow I kept my head  averted as it had been. I didn't have to look to know she was here, her  scent enveloped me, it was driving me fucking insane. I couldn't wait to  lick it off of her.


I don't know why chicklet keeps insisting that I sit at her table, she  has some crazy ass idea that I'm lonely and shit sitting by myself, now  usually a douche sitting alone meant outcast of some sort, with me, it's  what I choose, it's my way of saying ‘I like my own company better than  yours so fuck off.'

She dragged my ass over to the table where her two brothers, Andrew, and  the Marilyn Monroe wannabe were already sitting. The fuck was her  problem anyway? Bitch had her nose in the air, yeah, like I give a fuck,  bitch I could out bitch you with one hand tied behind my back while  wearing a gunny sack.