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Out of The Dark (The Grey Wolves #4)(29)

By:Quinn Loftis

A sharp pain suddenly pierced his mind and he felt like his brain was trying to burst through his skull. Images began flying through his mind, almost like movie clips. Seeing Jennifer on the side of the road, her body badly burned; a hospital bed, her eyes narrowed in anger; rolling an IV pole down a hospital corridor with Sally chasing her; tumbling naked from a steam-filled bathroom.
Every now and then he would hear conversations along with the images. He saw Jennifer on a plane staring daggers at him. Then on a bar, beautiful, her hair fllying behind her while she danced; in a gym doing that sexy dance with Crina and Marianna; in a garden, they are standing in a gazebo, he tells her he wants her as they sit on a swing, then they're standing and he has his hands on her hips, holding her to him.
He saw their first kiss, remembered being angry – Jennifer had been touched intimately by another – then he marked her. Jennifer pulled him to her and kissed him fiercely. He felt the emotions of that moment rush over him, the lust, the love, the utter joy at having her in his arms.
He continued to kneel on the floor next her bed, grasping the side for support as more and more memories flooded his mind. The memories were only half of it – the emotions were what wracked his body. His breathing was labored and his heart felt like it was going stop at any second.
He didn't know how long he knelt there with his eyes closed. But finally it was over and he was in the present, in a house beyond the veil, his mate weak, dying, hurt by his incompassionate words. The curse was broken.
Decebel looked up at Jen's face. Her eyes were still closed. Unable to stop himself, he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her chin. He just wanted to hold her, to be close to her.
His breath stopped when her eyes opened – they looked like beautiful blue orbs.
Jen saw it the minute she looked into his amber eyes. The recognition.
"You remember," she whispered softly, afraid to hope.
Decebel nodded. "Every. Precious. Second." His voice was thick with emotion as his eyes began to glow.
Jen tried so hard not to, but it was useless. It started with her body beginning to shudder, she couldn't control it. Her hands shook as she lifted them to cover her face and her lips trembled as a sob escaped, and pain, joy, fear, anger, and love stronger than anything she had ever known beat into her already-broken body. The tears that filled her eyes and flowed down her cheeks soaked her shirt and the blankets.
She felt Decebel's arms around her as he picked her up and put her in his lap, taking her place in the bed. He whispered her name over and over. He professed his love, he spoke in a mixture of English and Romanian, and every word made her cry harder. This time when he brushed her hair from her face, it was with familiarity. He held her and touched her like he knew her. That thought seemed to push her over another ledge she didn't see coming. Jen didn't think about the pain as she pressed closer to Decebel. If she could have climbed into his skin she would have. She buried her face in his neck, knowing she was getting him wet, but needing to smell him and feel his skin, needing his warmth to seep into her body.Jen had no idea how long she cried. She only knew that Decebel never stopped rubbing her back or her hair. He never stopped talking to her, reassuring her. He told her about seeing her for the first time, their first kiss, the moment he knew he loved her. It was like he was trying to convince her that he remembered. He didn't have to, she could feel it.
She finally pulled back enough that she could look at his face. He reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks as they finally abated. He smiled tentatively. Jen figured he was probably afraid she would throw him out again, but she didn't think she could handle being away from him any longer.
"I love you," he whispered to her.
"I've missed you," Jen whispered back.
Decebel pressed his forehead to hers as he listened to both of them breathe. Jen closed her eyes, basking in the closeness and, when she felt his lips against hers, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tighter. She was so very weak, but nothing could stop her from having this kiss.
Decebel pulled back, knowing he needed to be gentle with his mate. Though the curse was broken, the bond still wasn't restored. He couldn't feel her in his mind nor could he look into hers. She was still dying. He ran his thumb gently across her lips as he looked at her.
She was beautiful, she was his.
"Baby, you need more of my blood."
Jen nodded. "I know."
"The bond won't be restored until we complete the Blood Rites." Decebel said these words very carefully. The last time they had spoken about the Blood Rites he had acted like an ass and was worried bringing it up might anger her again. He didn't want her to be angry with him. She might not let him hold her if she was angry and at the moment there was no way he could let go.
Much to his relief she smiled, but her words made him frown. "Let's not talk about the Blood Rites right now, okay?"
Decebel's brow furrowed, but, deciding that she didn't need to exert anymore energy, he let it go…for now.
"Are you going to bite your wrist for me again?" she asked him softly, and he could tell that now that she was aware of what was going to happen she was actually embarrassed.
"No," he answered simply and Jen's eyes widened as Decebel pulled his shirt away from his neck and shoulder. She saw one of his claws lengthen on his hand and watched in fascination as he made a deep cut across the area where his shoulder and neck met.
"This is how a female takes from her mate." Decebel gently guided Jen's face to his neck and she could tell he was holding his breath, waiting for her to put her mouth on him.
Jacque wasn't lying when she said this blood-taking stuff was intimate, she thought as she lowered her mouth to his skin. She was fully clothed, not touching him or being touched in any intimate way, yet she felt naked and vulnerable. She heard a rumble and felt it in Decebel's chest as her lips covered the gash and she began to swallow his healing blood. She closed her eyes as the liquid she expected to be metallic – but was actually sweet – trailed down her throat. 
Decebel knew she had taken enough, but in his selfishness he didn't pull her back. There was nothing more intoxicating to a male than providing for his mate. And Decebel was providing her with life – his blood was keeping her here with him. He pulled her close with a final squeeze and then reluctantly whispered to her, "It's enough, baby. You can stop."
Decebel smiled when he heard her growl. Stubborn woman. She finally pulled her mouth away and Decebel covered the gash by pulling his shirt back over it and pressing on it. It would close up in a matter a minutes. He noticed that Jennifer didn't look up at him but instead was looking at her hands in her lap. He placed his fingers under her chin and gently lifted it. Her cheeks were bright pink.
"Is my mate blushing? Jennifer Adams blushes?" Decebel teased.
"Well, bloody hell, Dec, you didn't tell me it was going to be like that."
"Like what?" He was taunting her now, wanting to see some life restored in her – even if only for a little while.
"You know," she muttered petulantly.
"I don't, love. You're the first to ever do that to me. How would I know?"
Jennifer glared at him and he smiled as he lifted a brow at her.
"It was hot,” she confessed forcefully. “I'm here dying, and doing that," she pointed to his neck, "turned me on. I mean, seriously, if that can arouse a dying chick, she should be warned."
Decebel tried to hold Jennifer still as he laughed at her words. The joy and relief of having her back, of knowing her and knowing the love he felt for her, was indescribable.
"I'm sorry that I didn't warn you that taking my blood in that manner would -" Decebel cleared his throat before he continued but Jen beat him to it.
"Make me all hot and bothered?"
Decebel leaned forward and kissed her gently. "Don't be sore with me, love. Next time I'll warn you."
Jen tried not to laugh because she knew it was going to hurt like hell. And it did. She stiffened as she tried to swallow the pain. Decebel stood up with her in his arms and placed her back on the bed. He tucked the covers in around her, acting very much the role of a mother hen. Jen watched him in amusement as he felt her forehead. Like he would know what to feel for, she snorted to herself.
As he turned to head toward the door, she panicked.
"Where are you going?" Her words rushed out, sounding way more desperate than Jen would ever admit to feeling.
Decebel turned around and saw the fear in Jen's eyes. He came right back to her side.
"I'm not leaving – I'm not letting you out of my sight. I'm going to get Vasile so we can do the Bonding and Blood Rites."
Jen's eyes widened and she squeaked, "Now?"
"Yes, Jennifer, now. There is no reason for you to lay here sick when I can make you well. So," Decebel stood up to his full height and clapped his hands together once and rubbed them, "we are going to remedy this little problem."
Jen was beginning to panic. She needed to talk to Jacque and Sally before Decebel was able to get Vasile to go through with this.
"Wait, Dec. Can I talk to my two besties before we do this? First I need to tell them that you remember me. That is sort of important. And, I mean, it is kind of like a wedding, ya know? I need to have my girl time before I tie the knot, so to speak." Jen knew that was a weak argument and, judging by the raised brow on Decebel's delectable face, he was not buying it."I will tell them to come in, but the door remains open so that I can see you."