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Out of The Dark (The Grey Wolves #4)(25)

By:Quinn Loftis

"Cynthia, it's okay," Sally said as she began to wipe her tears away. "Jen isn't modest. It wouldn't bother her for Decebel to see her." She looked up at Decebel. "Do you want me to stay with you?" 
Decebel shook his head. "No, I want to be with my mate alone. She needs me. I may not remember her but I feel something, like my soul is being knitted back together. I think giving her my blood helped."
"Decebel, Vasile thinks you need to perform the Blood Rites in order to save Jen." Sally waited for his response and was surprised when he finally answered.
"I will do anything for her, but she has to bite me for the Blood Rites to take place. Drinking my blood is not enough."
"Maybe if you continue to give her your blood she will get strong enough to stay conscious," Sally said in a hopeful tone.
Costin brushed Sally's hair from her face and smiled at her when she leaned into his touch. "You are amazing," he whispered to her.
She looked at him, confused. "Why do you say that?"
"Because you refuse to think the worst, and only think of possibilities that result in a positive outcome."
Sally blushed,."Jen's a fighter. She would be pissed if she thought I didn't think she could make it."
Decebel stood over Jennifer. She lay still but for the movements of her breathing. Sally had brought him several towels and a large blanket to put over her. She'd also brought him a large bowl with warm water in it, and washcloths to clean his mate. He leaned down to kiss Jen.
"I will be as gentle as I can, love," he whispered as he dipped the washcloth in the warm water. After squeezing out the excess, he began to softly wipe her face, removing any trace of blood. Then he washed her arms and hands and dried them. The entire time, Decebel talked to her. He told her about the life he remembered and how he didn't remember the good things. All the while he protected her modesty by keeping the blanket over as much of her as he could.
When he finally removed her shirt, the breath felt like it had been punched from his lungs and he fell to his knees at the sight.
The door flew open at the sound of Decebel's knees hitting the floor. His head snapped up immediately and he simultaneously covered Jen with the blanket. His eyes were glowing as he snarled at the intruder.
Sally paled and after seeing that Jen was still breathing, slammed the door shut.
Decebel gently pulled the sheet back again and couldn't stop his hand from lifting and his fingers from tracing the markings that ran along her right side from under her arm to down below the waistline of the sweat pants she wore. Markings that were identical to his. At that thought his head jerked up and he quickly re-covered Jennifer. He stood and walked over to the bathroom attached to the room. He pulled his shirt over his head and looked in the mirror.
Decebel's eyes watched in wonder as his markings changed before his very eyes. The marks that covered the right side of his back and shoulder now began to move like a vine up the right side of his neck and down his right arm to the wrist. Several moments after the vine-like movement had stopped, Decebel continued to stare. He might not remember Jen, but his body did – his soul knew she was his.
He pulled his shirt back over his head and finished cleaning up his mate and getting her more comfortable.
As he covered her with a blanket after having dressed her in the clean clothes that Peri had brought him, he watched her chest rise and fall, taking solace in that sight. He moved to the other side of the bed and lay down, careful not to jar her. He propped himself up on his elbow, head supported by his hand, and stared at her beautiful face. She was still so very pale, but to his relief she did look better than when Costin had brought her through the forest.
There was a soft knock at the door. Without turning to see who it was, he said, "Come in."
Sally peeked her head in. "Are you both alright?"
"She is breathing, clean, and with me. For now that will have to be enough."Sally stepped far enough into the room that she could close the door behind her.
"Decebel," she started, then paused, trying to gather her thoughts. Still he did not turn his face from Jennifer. "Do you remember her at all?"
"My wolf recognizes her, knows her scent. But if you're asking if I have memories of her and I together, the answer is still no."
"Are you willing to do the Blood Rites with her?"
That question got him to turn and look at Sally.
He sat up on the edge of the bed, but left his left hand resting gently on Jennifer's leg.
"Have a seat, healer. We need to talk." Decebel motioned to the chair across from him.
When Sally was seated, her hands folded in her lap, Decebel met her honey brown eyes with his amber ones. He took a deep breath and let it out before he spoke.
"I will not do the Blood Rites without her fully conscious and making the choice herself."
"Not even to save her life?" Sally asked calmly, without any accusation in her voice.
"The Blood Rites are sacred, and intense. I cannot take that choice from her. Besides, she might not want to complete the bond while I do not remember her. Who wants to be mated to someone who doesn’t know you?"
"But you will remember her once the bond is done," Sally implored.
"Says who? The Fae? She is not pack – she does not know of our ways, our magic." Decebel growled.
"At least think about it. Don't make any rash decisions while your emotions are so chaotic." Sally stood and stepped out of the room.
Decebel once again turned and laid down next to Jennifer. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath to get his emotions under control. As he lay there, a song kept creeping into his mind and he couldn't get over how well it fit his situation. He laid his hand gently on her stomach and inched a little closer. In a voice that was surprisingly beautiful and haunting, Decebel began to sing to his mate:
"When I lose my way and I forget my name, remind me who I am.
In the mirror all I see is who I don't want to be, remind me who I am.
In the loneliest places, when I can't remember what grace is,
Tell me once again who I am to you, who I am to you.
Tell me, lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you. To you.
When my heart is like a stone and I'm running far from home, remind me who I am.
When I can't receive your love, afraid I'll never be enough, remind me who I am.
If I'm your beloved, can you help me believe it?
Tell me once again who I am to you, who I am to you.
Tell me, lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you. To you.
I'm the one you love, I'm the one you love, that will be enough, I'm the one you love. 
Tell me once again who I am to, who I am to you.
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you."
Decebel's heart ached as he sung words that were more true that he cared to admit. He needed Jennifer. He needed her to remind him, to help him see what was hidden deep inside him. He needed her to love him, love him until he returned to her. He wouldn't leave her side until she did, until he looked into her eyes and saw all of her, knew all of her.
Chapter 16
"I think we should go," Jacque declared for the hundredth time.
"Jacque, we have noted what you think, you need not keep telling us." Vasile's words were slightly sarcastic, but softened by the twinkle in his eyes.
"Noted isn't good enough, Alpha. Why are we just sitting here when we could be trekking through the forest to be with the others? Power in numbers, remember?" Jacque paced the meeting room while the others continued to look through the books they had brought with them from the archives.
"I will contact Peri and confer with her about it. How's that?"
Jacque glared at Vasile. "Better"
After Vasile got off the phone with Peri, he assembled the others in the meeting room. Everyone took the spots they had unofficially deemed as their own around the constantly burning fire.
"Peri said that Jen is still too weak to travel, and Decebel as well. She agrees with you, Jacque, that we should all be together,"
"Woot! I told ya, didn't I tell ya?" Jacque grinned wickedly.
Fane nudged her, attempting to hint that she needed to zip it. Jacque reluctantly quieted.
"As I was saying, she thinks we should be together. However, it is not safe for us to travel in the forest without protection. She is going to send one of her own to come so they can veil our presence. The witch is constantly seeking for us, for any way to strike out against us. So we will wait until her...person arrives."
"How long will that take?"
"Why are humans so impatient?" They all turned toward the door to see a short female with long pink hair that was braided down her back. She had an unusual face with almond shaped eyes that were an unusual silver color, a small, but cute button nose, and a pouty mouth that looked like it remained in a permanent smile. She wore brown leather pants and a green, snug, thermal looking shirt. Over the shirt she wore a vest-like top that held variously sized knives and from what they could see poking over the back, two swords. Her boots laced wickedly around her calves to just below her knees. Jacque decided that regardless of her name, she was going to call her Surely, because she could surely kick anyone's ass.
"You are the one Peri sent?" Vasile asked.
"Yes, Alpha. My name is Elle, I'm here to take you to the veil. We must move quickly, there is evil on the wind."
When everyone stood and began to head for the stairs to gather their things, Elle stopped them.