Reading Online Novel

Not Even for Love(7)

“They’re lovely,” he replied, but his eyes were on her breasts, not the sofa. She swallowed convulsively as his eyes journeyed back up to her face and met her misty gray stare. Never in his life had Reeves been so captivated by a pair of eyes. Their light gray color was unusual, but their uniqueness was compounded by the dark blue ring that encircled that intriguing iris. The rarity of them, however, went beyond their mere physical aspects. They possessed a life and spirit all their own. The blue band surrounding that clear gray iris seemed to narrow and widen at will, allowing only fleeting glimpses into the soul of the woman. It became tantamount to Reeves Grant’s well-being to see and know all the secrets those bewitching eyes harbored.

He stared into them now and saw himself reflected in their depths. He longed to be there in actuality, inside her head, knowing what she was thinking. He moved closer to her.

Jordan’s heart was pounding so hard she thought surely he could hear it or see it as it stirred the fabric stretched over her now taut breasts. His eyes were too compelling, his body too warm, his hand too hot as it continued to caress hers.

Fighting the impulse to move toward him, she pulled at her hand in an attempt to release it. He didn’t surrender it easily. She tugged on it more firmly and said, “I’ll put this away if you don’t want any more.” Her hand was relinquished as she stood and picked up the tray. Her trembling fingers could barely maintain their grasp of it.

“I guess I’d better try the telephone again,” he said without enthusiasm.

She was coming back into the living room after setting the tray on the kitchen table when he replaced the receiver on the candle of the extension phone. Raising imploring eyes to her, he said, “It’s still dead.”

A thunderbolt punctuated the announcement.


Why don’t you stay here?” The words were out before she could debate the wisdom of speaking them. She knew that was what he wanted her to say. At that moment the consequences weren’t considered. The obvious risks didn’t matter. It was the right thing to say in that given situation.

“I thought you’d never ask.” He smiled broadly.

Lest he jump to the wrong conclusion about her spontaneous invitation, she said quickly, “You can have the bedroom. I’ll sleep out here on the sofa.”

“I wouldn’t hear of it,” he said, bowing gallantly. “By all means, the lady should keep her bed. I’ll take the sofa.”

“You won’t even fit on it,” she objected.

“If you could see some of the places I’ve slept when on assignment, you’d realize how great this sofa looks.”

“Well, if you’re sure…”

“I am.”

“Okay. You may take a turn in the bathroom while I make up the couch for you.”

“Right.” He saluted her and, lifting one of the bags he had carried upstairs with him earlier, went into the bathroom. He came back almost immediately and picked up a candle. Grinning sardonically, he returned to the bathroom.

Jordan hastily retrieved extra blankets and sheets from her bedroom closet and smiled when she heard him humming over splashing water.

With dispatch, she made the couch into a facsimile of a comfortable bed. She plumped the pillow and slipped a fresh case over it. She was straightening the blanket one more time when she heard him come in behind her.

“Brushing one’s teeth by candlelight is an incredibly sexy experience,” he drawled.

He was still dressed, but the collar of his shirt was damp where he had washed. Judiciously she ignored his leading remark. “Do you need anything else?” she asked softly.

He set his bag at his feet and took three steps forward until he was standing inches from her. “No. Till my dying day, I’ll appreciate your hospitality, my little American cousin.”

Before she realized what was happening, his hands were on her shoulders and he was leaning down to kiss her. His lips met hers firmly in a smacking, friendly, closed-mouth kiss. No harm done, she thought analytically.

But when he should have withdrawn, he didn’t. His hands remained on her shoulders—indeed, his fingers were moving in a near caress. His lips hovered over hers. His breath mingled with hers, found the blend delightful, and joyously united with it into an invisible vapor that ghosted between their mouths.

Taking her stunned immobility as an invitation, his lips hesitantly brushed across hers once, twice, then came to rest against the soft flesh. The pressure of his mouth increased until it could be said that he was truly kissing her. How easy it would be to accept this kiss, to lean against his strength, to be penetrated by the heat that emanated from his body.