Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(97)

I was dancing around the penthouse when Lukas walked in. he had a huge smile on his face.

“I’m assuming you’re happy.” I ran to his arms and jumped onto him wrapping both my legs and arms around him. He cupped my butt and held me.

“I got the job!” I screamed.

“Oh baby, I’m so fucken proud of you!” He kissed me. The wedding planner laughed and excused herself. “I think its best we leave this for tomorrow, you guys will want to celebrate.”

Still in a Lukas hold I said. “Thanks, Meli I seriously need some time now with my man.” She laughed and waved good bye.

“So, my baby is going to be working at the museum? That’s fucken great.” He walked us to the counter and placed me down, he let go of me but I pouted making him laugh. He reached for me again and hugged me one more time.

“I love you baby girl, I knew you could do it.” He kissed my neck “I think I should reward you.” He said playfully. “What do you think?” My belly went liquid, I loved it when I was rewarded I loved it more when I was punished.

I licked my lips “You better. I was a very good girl.”I grinned.

“Hmm, you were, were you?” He threw me over his shoulder and slapped my ass as he carried me upstairs to our room.

“You’re mine.”

My Romance

I really thought that my romance with Lukas had found its happy ending but little did I know that it was all an illusion. I was left uncertain on how much of it was real and how much of it was engineered by him. I was supposed to marry him in three months but I guess that wasn’t going to happen now.

“What are you going to do with your life now that you’re back home?” My mother’s Greek shrill voice woke me up from a nightmare I had involving my ex-fiancé.

When I left New York I left with nothing but the money I earned at the museum and the clothes I was able to throw in a bag. I left my phone and my life. Everything I had grown to love and to feel like it was mine. I didn’t confront Lukas when I finally found out the reality of my world was just an orchestrated joke he had put together. Nor have I seen him since.

It had been over three months since I came back home to Montréal and I was left with nearly nothing and even less in self-dignity.

Let’s rewind to three months ago shall we.

“Lexi have you seen the new acquisition I have acquired for us?” Mr. Simon, my boss asked.

Since the moment of the interview I had a fondness for him. He was an older gentleman who spent most of his life dedicated to museum work. When he had started his career he was a promising archaeologist but decided to end it when he was offered the director’s job here at the Met.

“I have. I’m in the middle of cataloging it. It’s a fine piece.” I said, still elated that I had my dream job and that everything seemed to fall perfectly into place.

I was going to marry Lukas, in Greece in three months making him my husband in front of my family and friends. The very word ‘husband’ seemed surreal. The notion of him being legally mine, expressing vows of loving each other forever. Connecting our souls spiritually was exactly what I had wanted since the moment I had met him.

“Why don’t you go home Lexi? You’ve done enough for today.” Mr. Simon offered. I happily agreed knowing full well Lukas would be home seeing how his meeting had been cut short.

Mike had become my full time bodyguard. He was the one driving me to and from work every damn day and anywhere else I wanted to go. I hated it but like Lukas said it was nonnegotiable. So I bit my tongue and let this one slide. Mike was super nice and we would have fun together so it didn’t always seem like I was protected by an overzealous fiancé.

“Hey Lexi!” Mike said as he opened the door to the Q5 Audi that Lukas had picked out for me.

“Hey Mike, how was your day?” I asked knowing the answer. He probably stood out front reading his sports paper and looking over his football stats on his iPad.

“The usual.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Look, sports, is my life. I’m not embarrassed to say it.” He closed the door to the Audi and made his way to the front of the car.

“You know if you would just get into watching some football then maybe we would have more to talk about.” He offered, knowing full well that was never going to happen.

“Unless it has to do with the UFC I honestly don’t care.” I smiled and stuck out my tongue.

“You are too much Lexi.” He shook his head.

We drove through the city till we reach the penthouse. On the way there he was trying to convince me that the Denver Broncos were going to win the season and that they were the best team out there.