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My Most Precious One(94)


“Lukas I’m so sorry.” He kissed my forehead.

“I’m not. Come on let’s go have dinner.”

I spent the rest of the week getting my C.V. ready. I figured since he paid for my books and lease I still needed a job to pay for food, clothes and my bills.

“What are you doing?” He came into my little office as I was just finishing up.

“Getting my resume ready.” I said nonchalantly.

“I thought we were over this.” He brooded.

“You were over it, I wasn’t.” I said as he looked away from me.

“Fine!” He bit out. “But you’re coming with me to New York this week, next week you can do what you like.” He stomped out of my room. I clicked onto my iTunes and played A Ribbon For My Hair from Bent, it always reminded me of us.

The song continued to play as I walked out to see him brooding over his laptop as he worked. The light of the computer highlighted his perfectly chiseled face and beautifully done goatee. I knew he was angry with me, I could see his jaw muscles tightened. I eased my way to him. He didn’t bother to look at me.

“I love you for wanting to do this for me but I still need to be me. I need money and I need to feel functional as a person.” He leaned back into his chair,

“Do what you need to do Alexia, but I’m not going to let you work yourself to the bone. You have school and a career you want and I would rather you focus on that then lose yourself.”

I sighed and headed to the kitchen I reached for a bottle of wine, the last of the one I like so much and I poured out two glasses. I walked back over and handed him a glass, I took a swig before I started my speech.

“The career you’re so adamant about, might not happen.” He looked at me carefully. “Why?”

I took another sip. “It requires a lot more time and effort on my part, traveling and studying in various countries, plus as much as I love archaeology the work is kind of dull.” He put his glass down.

“So why do you pursue it?” He asked.

“I do it because I love it, because it would feel unnatural not to. It’s like it was a bygone era that I needed to be a part of. I was actually planning on opening up my own little wine bar. I’m finishing up my masters but I don’t really plan on doing much with it.” I swallowed hard knowing that saying it only made it that more real.

“Why haven’t you ever told me this?” He muttered.

“Never really told anyone. Look, I don’t know, I just want to finish and I see what I’ll do.” I noted.

“A wine bar?” He murmured.

“Yes Lukas a wine bar. There would be wines from around the world and little appetizers to match the wine you’re drinking. I’d only be opened five days a week, with a dj playing house mixes and music I like. It’s just a private dream nothing more.”

It came time to follow Lukas to New York I didn’t want to but he insisted, so I came. Summer was nearing an end and I was sad about it. Not that I didn’t like winter but the sad reality was that winter lasted a long fucken time. I don’t know about you but personally it should just last until the holidays were over, then poof spring would start.

We spent the week going around Manhattan and when we weren’t out, we were laughing and playing. He came home one day smiling, he was too cute. He opened up the bag he was carrying and he bought us a Wii. I laughed hard knowing I was good at it and the image of Lukas losing flashed in my mind. This should be fun.

I was right I kicked his ass in bowling. I even had Mrs. Thatcher play. She beat him too. We decided to create each other’s Mii characters, god he was so pissed that I made his look funny.

“Come on Alexia, at least make it look like me.” I laughed so hard my sides were hurting.

“Okay…okay” I said between my laughs.

After the Wii hilarity Lukas decided that he didn’t like it so he opted for a movie instead. He loved action and so did I but for some god forsaken reason the man wanted to watch Apocalypse Now Redux. I can’t emphasize enough how much that movie puts me to sleep. Yes I know it’s a classic and it’s an incredibly great movie, but I don’t know why it’s like a sleep aid for me. I guess the movie must have ended because the next thing I knew I’m being carried to bed in Lukas ‘arms.

“You little shit.” He laughed to himself and kissed me on my forehead.

“Don’t forget tonight, I have a rather important client and I want you to get dressed for the occasion.” He kissed me licking my lips and smiling at the aftermath he caused me.

“I know I know.” I said nervously as I watched Lukas leave for work.