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My Most Precious One(93)


“Lukas, I didn’t want you to do that!” I seethed and got up from bed and began pacing.

“I know baby, but it’s the least I could do considering my parents behavior.” He reached out and grabbed my hand.

“Listen.” He said and I waited.

“Just listen, since it’s your last semester, stay home I’ll pay for your bills and everything. You won’t need to worry about anything, do what you need and I’ll take care of the rest.” He said earnestly.

“That’s not what I want Lukas! I want to…I know it’s stupid but I want to have equal footing with you. I realize I’ll never make the amount of money you do but at least I could pay for a dinner or a gift or a trip, something that I could give you.” I chagrined.

“Come here.” He tried to move me closer but I wouldn’t budge.

“No, you don’t get it.” I pushed back.

“I do get it.” He snapped. “You think I didn’t know how much that bottle of whisky cost? You think I don’t see how hard you work? Baby you give me you and you are worth so much more than you can ever fathom. Do you honestly think I would fall hopeless and helpless in love with just anyone? I haven’t ever given my heart to anyone on this fucken earth but you. So just let me take care of you.” He grabbed the shirt I wore and pulled me to him. He lifted it and kissed my new tat.

“You and me it’s our path, our life. We are headed for something a lot more serious and you know it, so just let it happen.” I chewed on my lower lip, Lukas’ eyes narrowed.

“Alexia, I want to take you out today, so stop that.” I did. “Come on get dressed. Let me take you out.”

The Met

Lukas stayed in Montreal the rest of the week. I was still refusing his offer. I just couldn’t accept it. I mean I wanted to, who wouldn’t? But the fear of getting used to being taken care of was far too great for me to handle. He scared me, the blind devotion he showed was at times overpowering. What if I lost myself? Lost my individuality?

I had gotten a text from Kaci her business was taking off and so she decided to give her two week notice to Philip, while Roxi finally got the position she went to school for and got a job in a pharmaceutical company. Roxi laughed and said it was karma; that Philip should have stood up for me, but I told her he had no other choice, money paid the bills and I completely understood him.

I didn’t understand why Lukas was still in Montreal until one night when he looked at me, smile and asked if we could go out for dinner, I agreed obviously, I loved spending time with him. He drove us to a local restaurant. It was kind of high class but we could still be casual. As we walked in, there were Lucas’ parents, I turned to him but he blocked my way.

“You and me.” He whispered in my ear, as he held onto my arms.

He walked us to the table, “Ah Lukas.” His mother got up from her seat, he held her at arm’s length.

“Karen” he said coldly. “Charles” he nodded in the direction of his father. He gestured her to sit, she complied. It was disgusting to see. You can tell how much she wanted him for his money and power, his own mother.

“We already ordered.” She smiled not paying any attention to me as Lukas and I sat down. He held my hand and not once let it go.

“Good I’m glad. I came here to say this and you can go about and enjoy your meal.” She sneered.

“What?” Lukas’ father looked at me then him.

“Lukas.” He said sternly.

“I wanted you to know that I have placed a restraining order on you on the behalf of Alexia and myself. You are not to come near us or her at anytime. I told you twelve years ago that if you tried contacting me again I would do this.”

Karen’s face grew red “Because of her.” She said with venom.

“No because of me. I don’t need parents especially those that are like you. Now enjoy your night and your flight back to New York.” He stood up making me stand as well.

“She will not make you happy Lukas, you need us.” She screeched.

“No Karen, you need me and I’m done, I was done twelve years ago.” He turned and walked out of the restaurant. He continued to hold my hand but was two steps ahead of me I finally reached for him, stopping him in his tracks. I walked over and searched his face.

“Lukas, are you ok?” He gave me a faint smile.

“Not really. They’re still my parents.” I kissed his hand that held mine.

“Then why do that?” I asked.

“They need money and Mollie’s parents bribed them telling them if she and I were to marry they would be set.” I shrugged it off outwardly but inwardly I was furious.