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My Most Precious One(88)


“I’m fine.” I shrugged.

He looked at my hand, “God damn it, you and your right jab.” He was fuming, he pulled me through the crowd and I could feel my world around me get smaller.

My breathing became harder, I could hear him yelling at me but he wasn’t looking behind to see me. My panic had gone full blown. He finally turned when we reached a door and his eyes nearly bugged out.

He opened the door and took me inside, taking me in his arms. I pushed away trying to breathe.

“What happened?” He said in a panic as he held my face. He almost looked as bad as me.

“I don’t do crowds well.” I murmured as I pushed his hands off my face and headed towards the leather couch that was by the wall. My body was shaky and I felt faint.

“You have to be kidding me! Then why the fuck did you agree to come here?” He yelled, my breathing only got worse with his yelling.

“Not… helping…” I managed to say. He knelt down in front of me.


“Alexia” He said tightly waiting for an explanation.

“When I’m with Kaci and Roxi they make little barriers I know it’s stupid but it helps. I don’t know why I can’t do crowds haven’t been able to for a while. If I concentrate I can kind of control it, but the reality is sometimes I can’t. I wanted to come. It sucks to be left at home all the time. I wanted to do this for my friends and you.” I murmured embarrassed that he saw me like this.

“And when did you think you should have told me about this?”

I looked at him with the best puppy face I could muster. “Never.”

His face contorted. “What?”

I lowered my shoulders defeated in the idea that I was going to keep this from him. “Look Lukas I never wanted you to know this about me, it’s embarrassing.” I moved to the side and stood up leaving him on the floor.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” He barked.

“Out there” I pointed to the door.

He shook his head “Not on your life. You think I’m going to let you go out there dressed like that? I nearly came in my pants when I saw your top.” He stood and walked over to me. “And I’m almost certain that I wasn’t the only one which by the way pisses me right off.” He seethed.

I exhaled “The whole point of the top was to make you cream your pants Lukas.” I tried my best seductive stare.

“I’ll have you know that you are the only one I see, I don’t give a flying shit about anyone else who is looking at me. Let them look, you are the only one who can touch me and have me.” He growled under his breath.

“Do you honestly think I’m going to let you go out there and dance around the way you do dressed the way you are?” I shook my head, what just happened?

“I’m sorry are you my father? Did I somehow sign my rights away to you?” I asked not giving him a chance to answer as I continued my tirade.

“You listen here Lukas Blakk, I can very well dress how I please and take care of myself. I don’t need your approval.” I went for the door.

“Alexia!” He cried out “Don’t you dare!” No one challenges me, no one. I opened the door and stormed out.

It was kind of tricky but I found a way back without freaking out completely. Roxi and Kaci gave me a knowing look, like they knew I was scolded. Fuck you too. I told Roxi I had a headache. I looked over to tell Kaci I was going home that’s when I noticed that she was now busy with Erik. Bitch, she is so going to tell me was is going on when I talk to her next. I motioned for Jacob and asked him to give me a lift home. I contemplated going to sleep at the hotel but I already gave him shit for doing the same thing, leaving wasn’t a solution. I walked into the penthouse and took a long hot shower, I rolled myself into bed and let sleep take me away from my fight with my Suit, the asshole.

I felt the bed dip and Lukas crawl in, he was trying to be quite, not to wake me, it didn’t matter I was too angry to sleep. It was the first night we had been together that we hadn’t made love, which pissed me off even more.

Lukas was up early. I guess he couldn’t sleep either. I rolled up and he turned to me.

“Still pissed?” He asked his voice hoarse.

“Yeah you?” I asked.

“Yes.” I pulled my knees up to rest my head on.

“So I’m guessing this will be an interesting day then.” Knowing him he’d brood all day and make me pay for it later. He sat down in his leather chair his elbows on his knees and his body hunched over.

“I’m sorry that I upset you, but I’m not sorry for what I said.” I could feel the quieted anger rising again.