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My Most Precious One(82)


“What did you just say?” He didn’t respond. His Greek pronunciation was perfect.

“Lukas?” I picked up a word from one of my employees.” He shrugged it off. He eased off my ravaged body and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. “Let’s go to bed.”

I was cooking breakfast for Lukas, his kitchen was a dream and I loved being here.

“Something smells good!” He said as he approached me, hugging me from behind.

“The food smell awesome too.”

I giggled “Shut up!” He pulled away and sat down on the island. I placed the mushroom omelet I had made for him with some fruits and watched as he reached for his coffee.

He wore a simple navy suit and his light blue shirt was still unbuttoned, I was gawking and I didn’t care, his hard chest muscles made it too easy not to lose my mind.

“You know” he said as he stopped chewing. “I might decide not to go to work today and stay home and making sure that you won’t be able to walk out of here without knowing I was inside you the whole day.” He smirked. My belly dropped and I instantly became wet. I took a deep breath.

“Empty threats that’s all you are.” I said hoping to deflect him from noticing how much he affected me. He narrowed his eyes.

“Really?” He pushed his plate over putting his hand on the counter and reached out grabbing the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. I closed my eyes waiting for his kiss but I didn’t feel his lips,

I opened my eyes.

“You want me that much?” He grinned and winked. I scoffed and pushed him back. I took off but he started running after me, I screamed but he continued his chase. I evaded him a few times but finally he cornered me.

“You have nowhere to go little girl of mine.” He warned.

“Screw you Lukas!” I cried out.

“Oh you will baby.” He smiled from ear to ear. I tried to run past him but he grabbed me by the waist and yanked me to him. He moved me to the wall and caged me in; he grabbed my arms and held them over my head. I tried to struggle but his body pinned me to wall. I felt his length along my belly. Fuck he smelt so good, his cologne filling my senses, his hard body pressing into me, he groaned as he leaned in. His hot lips caressed my collarbone. He nipped and sucked making me moan.

“So I’m only empty threats?” He murmured into my ear. “I don’t think so babe, you love the chase and I love to chase you. You’re mine to play with anytime I fucken please.” My body melted with his words the quiver in my belly turning into hot liquid. “I know you like this.” He kissed me along my jaw line. “That‘s why your mine.” My breathing became erratic. Damn this man knew how to play with my body. His knee slid between my legs, he lowered his head to my ear. “I can feel how wet I make you.” My mouth parted and breathed his name. He stilled a moment, I could hear his phone vibrate on the counter in the kitchen once it stopped the house phone began to ring.

“Shit!” He growled. He released me; my legs had become jelly so I had to steady myself on the wall.

“Yes!” I heard Lukas say in a halted manner. “What is it that you need to call me so fucken early in the morning?” He listened. “Fine I understand I’ll be right there.” I walked towards him, his hands on his waist, his face pointed to the ceiling. I could feel the raging Suit coming.

“Everything ok?” I asked quietly. “No, it’s not.” He bit back “There’s a problem with one of the deals I had going.

Shit!” He yelled.

I busied myself with cleaning up; trying to stay out of his way. He buttoned his shirt and tied his tie. I was at the sink rinsing the dished when I felt Lukas behind me; he placed his hands on either side of me and lowered his head to mine.

“Sorry babe, but I need to go to work. And it doesn’t help having this raging hard on I have for you but I don’t have a fucken choice.” He murmured the heat of his breath warming the back of my neck.

“Fuck” He growled.

“I get it Lukas its work just go.” I reassured him. He kissed my hair.

“I’ll see you soon. Make sure to be dressed when I get back.” He started for the door.

“Why?” I asked wondering what he had up his sleeve.

“My surprise obviously.” I heard the door close and I was left alone, excited about my surprise.

Mrs. Thatcher had finally come and was surprised to see me, it had been awhile and she told me about how much she had missed me. She apologized that she never mentioned anything about Olivia, that it wasn’t her story to tell. I’m not going to lie and be happy at the thought that she knew her too, I really wished that she hadn’t known her, the thought of her and her image still resided in the recess of my mind.