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My Most Precious One(80)


“Bye Bitch.” She called after me. The night was warm and I seriously was pissed I really wanted to be with Lukas. I wanted to walk around the city and enjoy the sights with him but the fucker was still ignoring me.

I swallowed my pride and walked over the side walk and waited, I knew Lukas had someone always watching me, he made sure they never interfered in my daily life but he wanted someone there just in case. A few minutes went by and Jacob showed up. I opened the front door and sat next to him. He looked at me kind of stunned.

“Can you take me to Lukas’? I think I need to apologize.” He gave me a side look.

“I think it best you go home.” He said as he began to drive off.

“Um hello? I need to speak to him.” I chuckled.

“Yeah I know Lexi but Lukas left this morning for New York, unless you want to stay in these clothes the whole time.” The car stopped at a red light.

“New York?” I stammered.

“Yep, something about work and a deal he had to do, but boy did he beef up security around you.” Jacob said nonchalantly.

“Fine Jacob, take me home, I’ll go pack a bag and we’ll drive down.” Fuck I really wish I could fly there, I wasn’t ready to drive eight hours to New York. Jacob smiled.

“Don’t make that face, I’ll get us there in six tops.” He grinned.

“Shut up Andrei.”

My Surprise

True to form Jacob got us there in less than six hours. I honestly don’t know how he did it. Thank god I fell asleep most of the way there. He woke me up when we reached Lukas’ penthouse, my nerves got the better of me. “He’s upstairs.” Jacob nudged me and gave me the code and his key.

I took a deep breath as I contemplated using the key or not, knowing Lukas he would have used the key and not cared about my privacy, but I felt like I was somehow violating his space if I did. I rang his doorbell holding onto Jacob’s key in my hand and waited. I rang it again but still no answer, I bit my lip, my belly hurting for the nervousness I felt. I used his key and let myself in, I stayed by the door waiting just in case I could hear Lukas but I didn’t. I walked in looking if I could see him anywhere. He wasn’t on the first floor, so I headed up the stairs to his bedroom. I could hear quiet murmurs. My nervousness took over me, I opened the door, the light of his office was on and he was yelling.

“Get the fuck out now, I can’t believe you made a copy of the key.” He bellowed.

“Oh come on Lukas you know you want me.” I heard a familiar female voice. That bitch!

I ran in and saw Mollie half naked sitting on his desk while Lukas was far from her, seething.

“What the fuck?” I cried out.

Lukas stood frozen “Baby…” He looked stupefied.

“Shut the fuck up please.” I pointed at him as he stood there watching me. I bee lined for the bitch that was half dressed in my fucken space and I slapped her good, she cried out in pain. I was going to clocked her but decided against it the last minute. I then pulled her by whatever clothes she had.

“I didn’t do anything the last time you came because Lukas asked me not to. I didn’t give you what you deserved the last time we saw each other because I was too much in pain to give a shit about you. So right now I think I owe you a few don’t you?” I questioned.

She cried out for Lukas to help her but he didn’t, he followed me till I reached the stairs. I pulled her down the staircase by the arm and with my free hand I yanked whatever lingerie she had on. We reached the door and I opened it wide and threw her out.

Lukas stood far from me watching me intently. I stalked up the stairs to his office and picked up her purse and walked calmly back down. She was banging on the door as I opened it. She stood frozen when the door opened. I threw her purse at her shocked face.

“You are now the variable I just removed bitch and next time I won’t be so nice!” I threw the tiny string underwear at her.

“Now get out.” I slammed the door on her before she could finish her bitch comment.

“You mind telling me what exactly was that I walked in on?” I roared. He smiled.

“Why the fuck are you smiling?” I asked. Fury ran through my veins. He walked over to me but I moved away.

“I was busy with work when I looked up and there she was half naked, telling me she wanted me, I told her to leave and that’s when you came in.” I waited trying to calm my breathing.

“You said you’d change the locks?” I accused.

“A lot happened and I forgot.” He answered. Seriously!

“Why did she do that?” I asked.

“Because I fired her the day she did what she did. She had no other way to reach me. I cut all ties to her and she grew rather anxious about seeing me.”