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My Most Precious One(78)


He gave me a twenty and told me to keep the change. I rolled my eyes again at his effort at acting cool. He waited at the service counter as Diane finished his espresso.

“Why don’t you come and join me?” He asked as he held up his cup, I shook my head no.

“Sorry I’m busy with the customers.” He looked around but there was no one in the store.

“Busy? Really?”

“Yeah she’s busy douche, get a hint.” Diane said dismissively towards him as she waved her hand at him to leave.

“He knows you dating that uber hot guy right?” I watched as he sat right in front of my station.

“Yeah, he does.” I sighed. She shivered as she followed my line of sight.

“There’s this creepy air about him, like he thinks his hot but seriously he’s not.” She said in a disgusted manner.

“Trying to rhyme?” I asked.

“Making an effort. Like?” She asked me.

“Needs work.” I offered.

“I figured.” She answered.

We both laughed and continued our conversation about her assorted adventures.

“Fine I’ll fucken stop bringing them over.” She relented.

“Hallelujah!” I cried out.

“Just go to a motel, at least it slightly safer in the sense the guy doesn’t know where you live.” I continued to lecture her.

“You should listen to her.” Niko cried out from his seat, at least four hours had passed and he was now on his third cup of coffee.

“Seriously Lexi is the fucker going to leave?” Diane thumbed towards his direction while she looked at me.

“I have a feeling his waiting for me to finish my shift.” I looked at the time and I still had an hour to go, Lukas had a surprise for me and I was completely excited.

We ignored his presence until the faithful hour that I needed to leave. I whispered to Diane, that I’d see her tomorrow, not wanting him to hear me. She was working a double shift taking charge of the night crew, she winked.

“Go out the back.” She lowered her voice as she pointed to the front door, I guess in an attempt to confuse him. I had a staff member take my stuff with them to make it seem it was theirs to the back of the store and I followed a few minutes after. Niko was engrossed with some phone call and didn’t notice me slip out the back. I hurried taking off my apron and walked right out to the alley, some of the night crew were out smoking and I wished them a good night and left.

It was around seven o’clock at night and the sun was still up, my phone vibrated and I reached for it.

You ignore my calls but you can’t ignore my texts. Trademark move for you to avoid me, I’ll be back until we have this talk. Niko

Something inside me snapped I was completely irritated by this man. I wanted to go home and see Lukas but I needed this stupid thing with Niko to be over with. I marched back to the café with a determination in me that I seldom had. As I reached and pulled the door almost ramming into Niko who stood right before me, surprised that I was there.

“You. In. Now.” I pointed inside.

We sat right back down at the table he had occupied for past five hours, Diane gave me a look and made sure she was close to me, just in case I needed her.

“I don’t know who the hell you think you are by stalking me, but I’m not interested. I am dating someone else and I have no thoughts about you in any shape way or form. To be honest when you do appear before me or when I get a call or a text, all I feel is irritation and disgust. Do you understand now?” I enunciated the last part so that I could make him realize how tired I was of all this. He narrowed his eyes.

“I want you.” He murmured.

I sighed heavily “I want to be a millionaire and live on a secluded island in the Mediterranean, but guess what? We don’t always get what we want. I am seriously not interested.” I fired back. He looked away then back at me.

“I still want you.” I raised my hands up and looked at Diane.

“Seriously!” I pointed at him. “I can’t win.” I shook my head taking my bag and leaving him in the café but he followed quickly.

“Look Alexia just give me a chance, you’ll see that I’m a better suited for you.”

I was walking as fast as I could but he matched my pace. “I get it, you love him, but love fades but I can be there for you for the long run. Alexia!” He screamed after me. “Be with him now when it runs its course I’ll be waiting for you. You’ll see you’ll have a better life with me than with him. Alexia…” His words trailed off and I turned around to punch him square in the face, but Jacob and Lukas stood between us.

“If you don’t leave her alone, I will make sure that you lose everything that is important to you. First, I will call the cops and make sure there is a restraining order placed. Secondly, your precious import export company will be quickly and effortlessly bought out from under you.” Lukas was two inches from his face.