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My Most Precious One(73)


“Look Niko…” He interrupted me.

“No you look sweetheart, whatever you got going on with the other guy isn’t my concern right now. If you were with him I figured you would be attached but you’re not. I don’t see a ring on your finger and that means I still have a chance. I’m interested in you plain and simple. Now, what do you say about a date?”

Before I could tell him anything Jacob showed up.

“Alexia? Is everything ok?” I stepped closer to Jacob. “It’s fine, he’s just an acquaintance.” I offered. Jacob nodded his head at him.

“Lukas has you watching me?” I asked.

“Yes” Jacob smiled.

I heard Niko chuckle. “You have to be kidding me right? The guy seriously has issues. Alexia, these are called warning bells.” He walked closer to me but Jacob came between us.

“You know you’re interested in me, if you weren’t you would have told me to fuck off by now. I’m not your typical guy but I won’t play you like a toy like this guy does.” I could see that Jacob was growing angrier.

“Then hear me Niko, Fuck off, I told you I wasn’t in the right frame of mind and I’m seriously not interested in you. If I was I would be thinking about you, not Lukas, so do yourself a favor and stop sniffing around. I might not have a ring on my finger but that man owns this broken heart of mine.” Niko didn’t like my answer, not one bit. It seemed that rejection was not something he was used to. Jacob shielded me from him as he walked off.

“We’ll see Alexia.”

I decided to take my walk anyway. Jacob followed only a few steps behind me no longer needing to hide from my sight. The thoughts of Lukas and me kept swirling through my mind. I seriously didn’t know what to do now. The sound of thunder rumbling through the sky yanked me out of my trance. I looked up and saw storm clouds billowing above me, a warning of what was to come. I didn’t bring an umbrella so I started to walk back to my condo, I was two blocks from my home when the rain came pouring down like a heavy veil of water. The warm droplets were cascading down my hair onto my face. I told Jacob to run to the car as I started running to the condo. I could see Lukas’ Aston outside, my heart kicked up a gear.

He got out of the car as I ran towards the door. I stood under the overhang of the doorway, huffing trying to catch my breath. Lukas continued to stand in the rain just in front of my door.

“What are you doing?” I cried out to him. “Hurry up and get under here.” The rain was coming down harder now.

“Can I come upstairs?” He asked his voice wary. He continued to wait as the rain completely drenched him.

“For fucks sakes Lukas!” I ran out to where he stood.

“Can I come upstairs?” He asked again looking down at me, his eyes pleading with me.

“Alexia?” It was the way he said my name, god how was he able to do this to me?

“Yes you can come upstairs.” I said meekly, weakened by the sadness I saw in him. I walked in front of him but he reached for my hand, his touch searing itself onto my skin.

We rode the elevator in silence both of us soaked. I unlocked my door, most of the flowers he had sent had died but some still lived. He stood waiting leaning against the door. I kept my back to him. His very presence overtook my home. He walked over to me and stood inches from my body. I began to breathe heavier; my wet clothes making me shiver. My heart wanted to leap out of my body as Lukas stood behind me, his very being pushing me to him, the sound of his breathing made my belly quiver. I closed my eyes and let my head fall to the side as he touched me ever so gently, leaving a trail of fire on my skin. He pushed my hair to the side leaving my neck bare, his fingers feathering the nape of my neck. He slowly took off my wet shirt. My cold skin trembled as his finger tips caressed my now bare back. He hesitated, waiting to see if I would stop him, but I wouldn’t, I couldn’t. He leaned in and placed soft kisses on my back, my head fell backwards and I let out a small moan.

That’s all it took to break him. He turned me around and placing his hands on my face holding me, looking into my eyes. He was searching.

“If you want this to stop, now is when you tell me or else from this point on Alexia you will belong to me and I will never let you go again.” He waited “Tell me what you want baby? Do you want this? Do you want us?” He eyes darted back and forth urging me to answer.

“I love you Lukas. I tried to stop but I couldn’t. I love you.” His mouth was on mine instantly, demanding, hungry, lusting after me. His tongue branding me, his kiss was hard and unwavering, his lips taking back his ownership. My legs went weak as his hands held my face. He broke the kiss, his eyes full of desire and want. He growled low in his throat.