Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(72)

“When I came to Montreal a few months ago to open my new branch, I walked into the bistro and you had your back turned to me as I sat down. I could hear you laughing loudly and unapologetically. You said some crude joke that made Roxi and Kaci laugh. The three of you were just so lost in your world. Hearing your voice, it was perfect combination of low and sultry. It brought a smile to my face I thought that I might have found someone to enjoy myself with in my brief stay here. That’s when you turned around. It was like a ghost had come back to haunt me.”

I looked away from him not wanting to hear this. He carefully placed his hand on my cheek and pushed me back to look at his face.

“I knew it wasn’t her the moment you opened you mouth. You were so lively. You had this vivacious personality that made me know you were not my Olivia. Your bright green eyes drank me in like I was something you had craved for all your life. It made me hard just looking at you. With Olivia everything was sweet and nice but with you it was real and remarkable. You were wild and untamed and I wanted you so fucken badly. After that day I never thought of Olivia again, I only thought of you. I thought of the different ways that I wanted fuck you. How the touch of your skin would feel? I would dream about the face you would give me when I made you cum. Until one day when all I thought of was you, in my arms sleeping. I would come every day just to smell your scent, to see you and lust after you. Just like you did whenever you saw me.”

He stopped and waited hoping his words were working.

“I want to believe you but…” I really did but my heart and my mind were too conflicted right now. He looked away from me, sucking in his lips like his plan somehow didn’t work.

“But you don’t trust me. You don’t trust my words.” He finished my thought. I tried to move away from him, I needed to get home and process all this.

“Don’t leave me… losing Olivia hurt, it created a scar on my heart that I couldn’t heal but you leaving me in New York nearly killed me.” He stood from the bed and began pacing.

“I haven’t slept. I haven’t eaten. I keep replaying everything in my mind. Trying to figure out when I could have told you. How I would have said it to you.” His voice grew louder, a quiet rage smoldered as he spoke.

“I would lay awake at night thinking about you laughing and joking with me. I would imagine you underneath me, your warm little body wrapped in my arms as I would make love to you.” He reached for me grabbing my arm and holding me tight.

“Just…Just don’t leave me, I’ll give you space, I’ll leave you alone, but just don’t end it.”

“Lukas, I need to go.” I whispered, no more tears came I had no more to give. He released my arm and I willed my body to move. As I made it to the door Lukas finally spoke.

“I was wrong to tell you I loved you the way I did, but Alexia I want you to know that I so fucken love you. You are mine, you will always be mine. I’ll be here waiting for you.”

I had another week to myself. My mother left irate messages on my phone and I chose to erase them rather than to listen to how much I disappointed her. I slept better and had a bit of an appetite after listening to Lukas’ story. It somehow made me feel at ease, the gnawing questions were now at bay. I still loathed my face, hating that I was some kind of reminder to him of a past lover. Lukas kept true to his word and gave me space. I wanted to believe him, to fall back into his arms but it wasn’t as easy as that. I had the face of his dead fiancé for fuck sakes.

My phone chimed that night

Thinking of u, I love you.

A Rainy Day

The two weeks I took off were now nearing an end and I wasn’t looking forward to going to work and having the next few days be about me and why Lukas and I didn’t work out. I had decided to go for a walk. The day looked nice and I wanted and needed fresh air. A stark difference of who I was two weeks ago.

As I walked out the door to my building I bumped right into the person in front of me, “I’m so sorry.” I said as I found my balance.

“I’m not.” I looked up to see it was Niko.

“What are you doing here?” He raised an eyebrow and laughed “Isn’t obvious.” He pointed at me.

I took two steps back to gain some distance, “I thought I told you I wasn’t interested?” He shook his head no. “You actually didn’t say anything so I figured I still have shot. So I came to see you.” I scoffed.

“My mother gave you my address and told you to come.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Correction I asked your mother for your address and I came on my own.” I sighed great a male version of my mother.