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My Most Precious One(63)


“Why am I here?” She asked in an incredulously tone “What is that doing here?” She pointed at me. Lukas took two very angry steps forward.

“Give me the key Mollie?” She moved around him.

“No!” She seethed. “Tell me what that bitch is doing here first.” I was so going to stay out of this and let him handle it, but I couldn’t. By my observation I could so break that girl in two.

“This bitch is twitchy and if you say one more thing about me that I don’t like, you will really regret it.” Each word came out controlled and halted so she could understand me. She ignored me and looked right at Lukas waiting.

“Well?” She crossed her arms tapping her fingers on her elbows.

“She belongs here in our home. Now the key!” My heart fluttered at his words.

“Our home? Are you kidding me? You’re slumming with that thing.” I saw red. I flinched forward and she moved, good I wanted her scared.

“Alexia!” Lukas looked at me “I’ll take care of this.” He turned his attention back to her.

“The key Mollie!” She refused. “Fine! I’ll just change the locks, someone I know already taught me that much. There’s no point in fighting with you. Now get out.” He snapped.

She laughed “You’re kidding me right? You’re going to tell me it’s a coincidence how she looks.” Lukas moved quicker than I had ever seen. He was inches from her face towering over her.

“Get the fuck out now Mollie!” Lukas roared so loudly that both her and I jumped, he’s eyes were murderous, his stance ready to lunge at her.

I walked up to him slowly and placed my hand on his back soothing him.

“Baby relax. She’s not worth it.” She looked at me as though I was shit that had stained her precious expensive clothes.

“Do you know why I have his key?” She pronounced ‘his’ harder than the rest her words.

“Honestly, I don’t care.” I lied. Lukas moved in front of me trying to block her from me.

“We used to…” I cut her off.

“Look I’m not going to believe anything you say unless it comes out of this man’s mouth. You obviously have an agenda, so nothing you can say has merit. So you slept together, that was the past and I am his future.”

She scoffed at the last part. “His future, awe honey, this man is just using you. I’m what will end up as his, my money and my family can offer him more than your sorry waitress self ever can.” I smiled at her throwing her off.

“You’re right you probably can but I’m here now and I have no intension of leaving until this plays out. Right now, this time belongs to Lukas and me and not you. So get out before I call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing.”

She held her mouth open, “You can’t do that.”

Lukas looked right at her “Yes she can. Get out, you’ve been warned.” She yanked the key off the chain and threw it at him. She murmured a few swear words at me and stalked off slamming the door behind her.

I sat back down on the couch Lukas followed shortly after. We sat at opposite ends.

“You’re going to change the locks tomorrow.” I told him.

“Tomorrow.” He agreed.

“The only reason why I’m not ripping into you right now is because it was in the past.”

He relaxed his stance “Alexia, I never slept with her. I told you our parents wanted us to get together but that was never going to happen.” I glared at him.

“Then why does she have a key?”

He moved closer. “She had a key because she works at the company and I needed things from the house sometimes. That’s all.” I waited.

“Then why was she here today?”

He inched closer. “Probably to drop off a proposal I needed.” I glanced at him then back to the TV.

“Did you really mean it when you said our home?”

He laughed “You made it a home Alexia, I told you that already. Where you are is my home.” He reached for my arm and pulled me to him. “Now about that punishment.” He wagged his eyebrows at me.

He stood up and stared at me, “hand” he said. I hesitated, still reeling from my encounter with Mollie. “Hand!” he growled. I held it out and he pulled me off the couch taking me to the dining table. “Stand still. Do not move or it will be a very long and painful punishment.” I took a deep breath, I knew him enough that he meant it when he threatened. He moved the chair from the head of the table and placed me there facing him. “Arms up.” I lifted my arms over my head as he reached for the hem of my tank top and yanked it off. “Stay with your arms up.” A crooked smile came over him as his eyes drank me in. “No bra?” He reached for my breasts and began to fondle them. “Very nice.” He lowered himself to one and licked it till my nipple peaked then he bit it hard. I sucked in air, the pain was so sweet.