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My Most Precious One(58)


I stood up from the bed, wondering how the hell was I going to go downstairs and get my bag.

“You are not seriously considering getting your stuff from downstairs are you? I told you not to bother. I may not have contacted you while I was here but I did think of you every damn day Alexia. Baby, head to the walk-in closet by those doors, I’ve already bought you your clothes.” Happiness began to overflow as I ran to his arms. “Thank you Lukas.”

Once I was done ogling and drooling over the clothes he had gotten me I headed down the stairs into the kitchen area where a nice older lady, maybe in her fifties, was busy cooking with her back to me.

“Um excuse me? Do you know where Lukas is?” I asked trying not to scare her. I hated it when people sneaked up on me, especially in the kitchen. She turned around and stopped dead, like she had seen a ghost. “I’m sorry for scaring you that wasn’t my intention.” I said quietly. She regained her composer and smiled.

“It’s ok dear I didn’t get scared. He’s outside on the patio. Just go through the living room and you’ll see the doors that lead you to the outside.”

I thanked her and made my way through the living room to a covered terrace with hanging plants. He was seated on a patio chair reading his newspaper. I pushed the doors open. The moment he saw me he smiled.

“Hey babe done being speechless over the clothes I got you? If you are, come here and sit next to me.” He had his iPad and newspapers around him, drinking his coffee and going over some papers he had.

“What’s her name?” I whispered nudging my head towards the kitchen.

“Mrs. Thatcher, why?”

I rolled my eyes “I want to know.” I saw her coming towards us her hands full. That’s when I got up and opened the door for her.

“Thank you my dear.” I reached for the tray in her hand and took it. “Let me help you at least.”

She smiled. “You’re quite different aren’t you?” I blushed at her comment, great she saw it too, “It’s a good thing sweetheart.” She offered.

I put the tray on the table and placed the food in front of us.

“What would you like to eat this evening Mr. Blakk?” Not looking up from his papers. “Whatever Alexia wants.” At that moment his phone rang, “I need to take this call babe, sorry.” He walked into the penthouse leaving me alone with Mrs. Thatcher.

“So what would you like to eat my dear?” She turned to me and smiled.

“If it’s ok, can we cook together? I have a feeling that Lukas will be leaving soon.”

She looked perplexed. “But he insisted that he would be home for the next few days.” I gave her the ‘are you serious look’. I knew those phone calls, my parents got them all the time, I could tell by the ring; come, come, come. I swear to you that’s how it always sounded.

Lukas walked back in growling.

“Something wrong?” I asked sarcastically knowing what he was about to say.

“I need to go into work but it will only be a few hours.” I looked at Mrs. Thatcher with the ‘I told you so’ look. “You’re good.”

I smiled “I know.”

Lukas was off and Mrs. Thatcher and I went grocery shopping. I was so excited to see New York. But all she could do was take me to all the exotic little grocery stores that had ingredients that I heard about. I wasn’t unhappy since it was something different. I had decided to cook for us so I ran around buying the ingredients I needed.

She was a really nice lady and she talked a lot about her family and her husband. She told me how they met and started a family. She hardly said anything about my Suit but I figured she was probably instructed not to.

We were cooking in the kitchen when Lukas got home. It was well past a few hours that he promised. My heart hurt a little but I had told him that I would understand so I let it go. I promised myself that I wasn’t going to press the issue. I had made a Greek meal of lamb and orzo in the oven. I bought us a nice red wine, which Mrs. Thatcher and I had already started to drink.

“And then he said…oh Mr. Blakk I’m so sorry.” She bowed her head a little. Did everyone do that with him?

“Its fine, I didn’t realize you were still here.” He said walking passed her.

“Well Alexia is so delightful I forgot the time. I should be leaving.” I stopped her.

“Not before you bring some food home to your husband. You said you wanted to try it.” She gave a quick look to Lukas and he nodded slightly.

“Thank you.”

“I’ll be upstairs for a few minutes, call me when the food is ready.” He said it so coldly I swear I needed a sweater at that moment. He must have brought with him the arctic cold. I didn’t know if he was angry with me or Mrs. Thatcher but I wasn’t about to let him yell at her because of me.