Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(56)

“Cause and effect, kind sir. Had you not caused the issue she would have not resorted to those actions.” I raised my hands in triumph.

“Did you?” His tone now serious.

“Did I what?” I retorted.

“Did you go out with someone?” His face was pained still hurt by my words from this afternoon.

“No Lukas, I would never go on a date, I just…wanted to hurt you. Your leaving brought up old wounds. They’re my issues I know, I’ve been trying to deal with.”

“You made me fly all the way down here for you and you think you have issues?” His smile somewhat relieved.

“I didn’t make you do anything sir, you came all on your own. I would have been quite content being at home on my own.” I turned my head pretending I didn’t want to look at him. I could see his reflection in my window, his smile grew wider, so did my heart “liar.” He murmured. I sucked in air acting like I was wounded and turned to face him.

“Moi? A liar? I think not.”

His navy suit still looked good. He had taken off his tie leaving his white crisp shirt unbuttoned till I could see the top of his chest. His thick chain still dangled around him. He turned his chair to face me; he was hunched over his legs, resting his elbows on his knees, giving me a direct stare. “Well I wouldn’t have been happy if I didn’t get to see your face. I missed you too damn much.”

It was only a forty five minute flight, but the moment we hit the air Lukas was fast asleep. He must have worked really hard these last few days and I didn’t help matters. The stewardess came around and said it was ok to unfasten our seat belts. I figured it would be ok to walk around and check out the plane.

I walked to the front where his “little” board meeting area was, little being an understatement. I found Mr. Baldy sitting there.

“Ms. Samos.” I smiled.

“Sorry about before. There was a misunderstanding.” I felt like shit about having to do that to him.

“It’s ok.” He said.

“Your name?” I asked, he just stared at me.

“It’s that or I’ll call you baldy.”

He laughed “I’m bald by choice.”

I shrugged “pas d’ importance.”

He straightened up in his chair “My name is Jacob.” He began wrapping up his ear buds.

“Sorry you were listening to music.” I said apologetically.

“It’s ok.” He stood up and put his nano in his pocket.

“What were you listening to?” Best way to judge someone was to hear about their music preference.

“You wouldn’t know them.” He stated.

“Yeah give me a try.” I challenged.

“The Kills.”

I laughed “Black Balloon is one of my faves.”

“You know them?” He gasped.

“Who doesn’t?” I asked sarcastically.

“I don’t.” Lukas stood at the door way, Jacob bowed slightly and walked to the front of the plane.

“Sorry babe did I wake you?” I asked, as I reached my hand and caressed his chest.

“I don’t like you flirting with the help.” I laughed and tried to compose myself, I reached for his face and cupped it in my hands and lowered him to me and gave him a kiss.

“I wasn’t flirting. The only man I see is you. Know that and understand it.”

We landed and a Q7 Audi all black with tinted windows was waiting for us. Jacob drove as we headed towards Manhattan, “You’re excited I see.” He said with a slight smirk on his face. I jumped into his lap “I can see that you are too.” I winked.

I nuzzled myself into his embrace; I got comfortable in his arms as he wrapped them around me and held me close to him. “Always the bad girl.” His gruff voice making it evident how tired he was. “Always.”

We drove for a while till I saw the skyline.

“I’ve never been to New York before.” My revelation shocked him.

“Are you serious? I thought all girls came to see where Carrie Bradshaw lived and loved.” He mocked.

“Not me, I loved the show but I never came here.” He pulled me tighter and kissed my head.

“It’s almost midnight, the city is still alive. Do you want to go for a drink?” He offered. I could see the tale-tell signs of him being overworked. I wanted him home and sleeping not entertaining me.

“No you’re tired.” I insisted “Let’s just get me home.” Once I finished my sentence, I felt him stiffen.

“What?” I asked pulling away a little. I looked up at his face. He looked somber and serious. He was lost in his thoughts. I reached and lightly caressed his cheek as I searched his eyes desperate to find where he went to. He shook his head and began to breath. He finally looked at me pushing my hair off my face and gave me a ghost of a smile.