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My Most Precious One(52)


Lukas sipped his coffee “But Jane came back.” He added.

“Yes she did but she was different. She understood herself more and had more confidence. She was now able to have an equal relationship with him.”

Lukas laughed. “So old man Rochester needed to lose his eyesight and most of his fortune to have an equal relationship with the woman he loved? It doesn’t sound like a fair exchange.”

I put my now empty plate into the sink, almost throwing it, why couldn’t he get it? “So he should have what? Should he have kept her like the caged bird? Have her for his entertainment? She deserved better than that.” I turned and crossed my hands. “Look she came back by her own choosing knowing how he was. She chose to be with him in the end because she loved him, despite all that had happened. Sometimes you need space to understand yourself and how you’re feeling about everything. She was lost in the whirlwind of their quick romance not able to see the warning signs.”

Lukas stood from the counter wearing his suit minus his jacket he walked towards me putting his plate in the sink.

“It’s undoubtedly an early onset B/S relationship. She liked calling him master and hated displeasing him. He loved the power he had over her. It was an intense exchange of power and love.”

I rolled my eyes unable to hide my annoyance. “So you don’t get it?” I asked.

“Just like pissing you off.” He shrugged.

He leaned in to kiss me, my belly anticipating the feeling it was about to have when his phone rang. He ignored it at first but it wouldn’t stop, he closed his eyes and hissed “Fucken phone.” He turned to the counter and picked it up. “Yes?” He barked into the phone. He stood silent for a moment, “I’ll be right there and make sure there is a fresh suit waiting for me.” He picked up his suit jacket that lay across the bar stool. “I need to go babe. I’ll see you later.” He gave me a chaste kiss and left, little did I know what later meant.

Night came and went and there was no news from Lukas. I texted once but got no response. Something inside me felt uneasy, it was completely unlike him. In our little romance he insisted that we talked everyday and at least see it each other even if it was an hour but today was completely different from his modus operandi.

I took a long shower and cooked for myself, anything to keep my mind from going a little too far into the deep end. I was right on the border of crazy girlfriend town and ragging bitch city, when I finally reigned myself in. The man ran a billion dollar business and didn’t need me to hang onto him when he worked. I shook off my feelings and decided to watch a movie, figured he’d come over when he was able to.

The noise of the TV woke me up. It was one in the morning and no sign of Lukas. I began to worry, please let nothing have happened to him. I reached for my phone, texting him again, I waited but nothing.

Thursday came and went, the day was slow and arduous, the minutes felt like hours, this was passed crazy girlfriend, this was girlfriend worried if something had happened to him. Work was tedious as I tried dodging Roxi’s and Kaci’s questions.

Friday and still no sign. I had moved passed worry to just plain old pissed off.

Saturday morning I opened the bistro and began working. I barely joked or responded to anyone. I liked working when I was angry, anything to keep my mind off Lukas.

“Koukla?!” A hesitant Roxi reached for me, I hardly noticed her. “Anything you want to talk about?” She waited.

Kaci eyed me for a minute “What did the asshole do?” She breathed.

I could feel my flesh turning red from sheer anger. “I don’t know, haven’t seen him since last Wednesday?” I muttered.

“What?” Both Roxi and Kaci said in unison.

“Just like that he disappeared?” Roxi asked.

“Are you ok?” Kaci wondered.

“At first I was worried, than I thought I was acting crazy, the guy owes a huge company and he would obviously be busy. I moved to being worried, what if something had happened to him, but then I thought he was famous in the business world that it would be all over the paper, right?” I looked to the girls for some encouragement. “Right?” I insisted.

“Yeah, yeah right.” Roxi finally got the clue.

“Now I’m at the second to last stage.” I said.

“Which is?” Kaci asked nervously.

“Being pissed.” Kaci looked at me and rubbed my back.

“What’s the final stage?” Roxi asked.

“I’m going to kill him.” The murderous glare was not to be mistaken.

“This I can see you do.” Roxi nodded anxiously.

My table called me over wanting the bill. “Did you hear about the considerable buy Blakk Enterprises did this week?” The two old suits spoke. I hovered waiting for the rest of the conversation. He looked at the bill quickly and gave me the money telling me to keep the change. Both walked out still talking but I couldn’t hear the conversation anymore. I reached over to the Wall Street Journal they left on the table, on the cover was Lukas. He had bought out some tech company that had developed software for thumb print recognition for phones. The company was also on the verge of developing the latest technology concerning interfaces that can be developed for everyday use. I devoured the article. He had made a lot of money and now was getting offers to help develop it further. Investors were throwing themselves at him.