Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(48)

“Damn good! That’s it babe I’m keeping you now.”

He barely talked about work not that I didn’t try to get him to talk. I knew he had a personal assistant, some security that I never saw and a secretary.

We finished out meal and I brought out fruits and cheese for us to eat. “So you’re saying your cousin made this cheese in Greece?” He asked looking at cheese then the honey.

“Yes Lukas, he did. Just dip it into the honey and the sweet and salty flavour will overwhelm you.” He hesitated.

“Trust me. This is how we eat it.” I dipped a small piece of cheese into the honey that was also from my cousin and offered it to him. He took it and relished in its flavors.

“I told you!” I rolled my eyes. He grabbed my wrist and brought my fingers to his mouth and licked them clean. I was gawking. Stop Alexia, the fantasy of having honey drizzled all over him had plastered itself all over my mind. I was busy slowly licking it off… “With a face like that I know you’re thinking something dirty.” I blushed, time to change the subject.

“You said I can only ask you if I had questions.” I tested the waters.

“Yes” he answered.

“About you family…” He reached for his glass and held it.

“My family is from old money and had a lot of power. Like your mom my father and mother sought to control me but I refused, took whatever I could and started on my own. Now I have more money than they do and I barely speak to them.” The way he ended his sentence was basically don’t touch this subject anymore.

“Okay.” I said slowly sipping my wine. “And all the women?” He exhaled I regretted it the moment I asked.

“Alexia, look at me.” I reluctantly looked at his face, his perfectly shaved goatee with the slight grey showing, his eyes fusing me in place “I would have never picked you out of the line of my usuals… I can’t lie but…” I sucked in air as he continued “they always came to me, but you, you waited till I came to you. They were cold, one dimensional, only wanting the image of who I was. You, you’re whole, red hot live wire of independence. There is a fierceness in you. You’re someone I have to actually make an effort for, you challenge and push me, while others only want to appease me.” He laughed “Those women would come to me with a flick of my eye, you…you actually ignored my existence.” That was a lie, he must have known it.

“Thank god for Roxi’s loud mouth or I would have never heard it come from your mouth that you fantasized about me. It made me hard hearing you say you watched porn thinking of me, cuming with me on your mind.” He brushed his knuckles across my cheek. I watch as he perfectly chiseled face smiled at me like I was so precious to him. “Alexia, I don’t want you to go to your parents’ house, not unless I’m there.”

“Lukas I know that we only met and started to see each other, but you need to trust me, I can handle this.” I pleaded.

“Baby, I have been watching you for quite a while and the ‘when’ we started to see each other is only a formality. You are what I need and want and I don’t like the idea of another man thinking he might have a chance with what belongs to me.” His words froze me in place.

“Lukas, he won’t think that. How could he? When you have so decisively marked me as yours. No man will ever take me away from you. I’m not going anywhere unless you want me to and even then Lukas I’ll fight for you.” I took his hand into mine and squeezed it. “You’re an ass.” I mocked.

“What?” I took him by surprise.

“It’s your fault. You’ve branded me as yours inside and out.”

He laughed “Then I’m doing my job.” Lukas then spent the rest of the night making sure I would remember who my man was.

Lukas was in the shower and I was eating my breakfast when my phone chimed.

Who the hell is the guy and why is mom all over me about this?

Great! So my mom had called my sister and started to rant to her.

Lukas is customer @ the store, one thing led to another and well we started dating.


Mom says she doesn’t like him… too pushy. Send me a pic want to see who finally got ur attention…


Says the pot about the kettle… she basically arm twisted me about meeting some stranger from Greece to get married to him. she’s the one who’s Fucken pushy….


Ok just send me a pic already!!!!!

I waited till my Suit got out of the shower and sat himself down at the counter to eat the breakfast I made me.

“Be brooding!” I ordered. He looked at me in a questionable manner. That will do too. I took the pic.