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My Most Precious One(47)


He gave me a ghost smile. “I like your mother. I see where you get your temper from.” I laughed a little.

“When you speak Greek its really sexy.” He added trying to make light of the situation.

“Thanks I guess.” I said as I picked up the grocery bags I left on the floor near the door and planted them onto my new refurbished counter.

“You’re not going tomorrow night?” He demanded.

“She’s expecting me too.” I said as I took out the gyoza wraps from the bag.

“Are you going?” He hissed.

“If by going you’re saying I want to see this man, then no, but if I’m going, it’s to save face for my parents… I might.” I said it so low I hope to god he didn’t hear it. “Then I’ll go too.”

I took out the cutting board and started to clean the Napa cabbage. “Lukas it’s all too soon, don’t you think?” I put the cabbage down.

“What I’m trying to say is trust me to handle this. Greek families see things differently and I don’t want to complicate things with us. I want it to be just you and me, just like you said. Please!” I was begging him to understand me to just let this one go. I was just too tired to fight with him again. I wanted one night where it could just be him and me on the patio enjoying ourselves, no fights, not arguments, no nothing. I was willing him, my tears just hovering promising to fall. “Please” I sobbed. He reached for my face and held it in his hands wiping my tears away with his thumbs. “I never want to see you cry, not like this. Its gut retching Alexia. I can’t take watching you ache when I can’t do anything to make it better. Please baby.” With his soft pleas he began to slowly kiss each eye trying to make my tears stop. I pushed forward and landed in his chest. The warmth of his body soothed my bruised ego. He shushed me as I silently cried in his arms.

“Let’s order in, ok?” He finally spoke.

“It’s ok now, I’m better.” I mustered up a smile. “Mommy issues.” I opened my drawer and took out my butcher knife. “At least you didn’t rearrange my stuff.” I sniffled.

“I just wanted to fix the cabinet I busted up.”

I looked around. “Lukas, you did far more than just fix my one cabinet.”

We spent the rest of the day fixing gyozas well it was more me showing Lukas how to cook. He seriously needed lessons. It was fun and he was making an effort to make me forget about my mom and what had happened before.

“So are you going to stay in your suit all night or are you going to change?” I asked as I was about to fry up the gyozas.

“I didn’t bring anything to change into.” He reached for the bottle of wine I bought. I smiled as I opened my tote. I knew it wasn’t what he was used to but I wanted to repay his thoughtfulness. I bought him a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants from Lululemon, they had the best comfy yoga clothing. He uncorked the bottle as I stuck out my hand holding the bag.

“What did you do?” He asked pointedly. I urged him to take it.

“I wanted to get you jeans but I didn’t know your size and unlike you I didn’t have anyone to ask, so I opted for sweatpants.” He took the bag from me and opened it. “If you don’t like it I can always return it.” He took out the clothing I got for him, there was something about his face at that moment, it was almost melancholy. He walked around the counter and grabbed my neck pulling me in for a kiss, his lips softly brushed against mine. His taste was titillating. He then bit me on my lower lip and then soothed it with his tongue.

“Thank you baby.” He smiled softly as he brushed past me to my room to change. My Suit had his own issues.

Easy Living

The night was warm but I still turned on the patio heater, Lukas had decided to take a shower, I mimicked his actions by buying him a tooth brush and shampoo he used. I set up the outside as he cleaned himself up. Dinner was ready and I sat on my comfy patio chair with my legs folded into me as I held a glass of merlot. I was looking up into the sky; it was a little past six and the sun that shined all day had begun to set soft colors of orange and red peaked across the sky. I put on some classic Billie Holiday; she filled my home with her melancholy voice as she sang Easy Living.

I laughed quietly as I sipped my wine, I didn’t miss the irony of the song.

“Why are you laughing?” Lukas asked as he sat down.

“It’s nothing I just love her that’s all.” I poured him a glass wine.

“This is Billie Holiday right?” He asked

“Yeah.” I waited till he tried one gyoza. I really wanted his approval, more like I wanted his acknowledgment that I was a good cook. He ate one, looked at me, his eyes nearly bugging out, then took two more, dipping them in the sauce and shoving them in his mouth. “Good?” I laughed.