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My Most Precious One(44)


He stayed inside me not moving, his body was heavy and wet from sweat. I reached for his back and glided my finger slowly up and down. I could feel tears coming but I fought hard and pushed them back. He lifted himself putting his arms on either side of my head. “Alexia I’ve been with many women.” I tried to move. Was he serious about wanting to talk about this after we passionately fucked? I could still feel him inside me. He grabbed my head so that I couldn’t move and was forced to stare at him. “But you are the only one I have ever wanted this much, needed this much. I want to own you, so badly baby. I know I can’t but I’ll do everything I can in my power to keep you with me.” The tears I fought so hard to keep from coming began to flow. They slowly started to fall down the side of my face. With his thumbs he brushes them off. “Alexia, listen to me. I want you to understand that I fucken need you. Please don’t let my stupid past fuck this up for us.” He kissed me slowly still holding onto my face making me move to his desires. He lowered his head to my chest and I held him close as we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


It was Monday morning and we were both dressed ready to go. He was dressed in a suit ready for work while I was dressed ready for home. I had made him breakfast, for two reason really. One I wanted to cook for him and well two it was his magnificent kitchen.

“So are you a Dom?” I asked as I was having my Greek yoghurt and fruits. He laughed as he was trying to eat his omelet, which was with three cheeses, jalapenos and salsa, that’s right I went there.

“No babe, I’m not a Dom. I’m dominating yes. It’s who I am but I’m not into the scene if that’s what you’re asking.” I kept eating my yoghurt looking at him through my hair. He let out a small sigh. “I like to play with toys and bring my girl pleasure.” He reached for my face and caressed. “Watching you cum is an exquisite thing, knowing I could bring that out of you makes me hard just thinking about it.”

I sucked on my spoon “have you done…” He dropped his fork on his plate.

“Alexia, the thought of you with anyone else but me brings about a quiet rage inside me. I would truly want to hunt anyone down who has seen you naked but I can’t. I understand how you feel but baby let it go, I can’t change the past but I desperately want us to have a future. Now do I have to fuck you until you understand that you belong only to me and that I am nothing without you?” He challenged. I made a pouty face.

“Sounds kind of nice” I smiled trying to take in all that he said.

“What sounds nice? That I’m nothing without you? That I want a future with you in it?” It did, I never thought that I would ever have a man say those things to me. My heart swelled as he spoke about a future with me.

“No ace, you fucking me till I understand.” I lied.

“You’re impossible.” He stood up shaking his head.

I picked up my bag and headed to the door with him.

“Why don’t you stay here?” He asked. I cupped his face and kissed his cheek. “I want to go home. I miss my place plus I have things to do.”

He nodded not the least bit happy about it. “I’ll drop you off and come after work.”

I nodded “I’ll cook.”

I finished my Muay Thai class and did some grocery shopping. I walked home listening to Billy Idol’s Dancing with Myself as I turned the corner bobbing my head to the chorus and thinking about making my gyoza when I was stopped dead in my tracks. I watched as a short pudgy Greek woman stood in front of my condo complex, damn it all to hell. Why was she here? I called her to prevent this surprise pop up. I hung my shoulders and walked over to her.

“Hi ma.” I managed to say, she was shorter than me which was quite a feat. She glared.

“Don’t hi ma me!” She cried. “Where were you? I’ve been calling you since last night?” She said to me in Greek.

This was going to be painful, “I was out.” I said as nonchalantly as I could.

“Out?” She hissed as we walked up to the elevator. No point in taking the stairs she wouldn’t want that. “Out?” She said again.

“Yes ma, out.”

Since I was a child my mother only spoke to me in Greek and would never speak to me if I spoke in English. She insisted that I needed to know our language and customs. Which to tell you the truth I loved more than she did, if she thought hanging out with the Greek kids was going to somehow make me more Greek she was totally delusional. The Greek kids she wanted me to hang out with would only party and get drunk. It wasn’t wrong but wasn’t my scene.