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My Most Precious One(42)


I loved it when he controlled my body. I began to move my head in slow rhythmic movements, letting my tongue swirl around him, I could feel him swelling I knew he was about to cum. He yanked himself out of my mouth and pushed me down onto the couch again. He began to stroke himself as his came spraying all over me. “Rub it all over yourself.” He gritted through his teeth. I did as I was told and spread his hot seed all over me, rubbing it around my belly and my breasts. “That’s it baby.” He encouraged me. He then sat back down. “Now we’re ready to go out.” He winked.

“Ah Lukas! I need to take a shower.” I said as I tried to get up from the couch.

“I don’t think so babe, I want my cum all over you tonight.” Was he serious? “Don’t give me that look Alexia. You like it that I want to own you.” I wasn’t going to argue with him, because the reality was I did love it. I loved it that he took control but I didn’t want him to know how weak he made me.

“Lukas as flattering as it is, I am not going to leave here with your cum all over me!” I pushed myself off the couch and headed up stairs, I could hear him faintly laughing.

“Go ahead, I’ll just cum all over you after you get dressed, either way you’re leaving here with me all over you.” I was half way up the stairs when I turned to look at him seating comfortably on the couch smiling at me.

“You have to be joking!” I cried, he shrugged and stood up and stalked towards me and leaned in to kiss me on my forehead.

“Babe the sooner you realize that I always win in negotiations the better off you are.” He winked and passed me as he was heading for his bedroom.

Don’t think I didn’t try to win. He was good on his threat the man pinned me down after I took a shower and came all over me again. I signed as I lay waiting for his cum to dry on me. “It’s your fault not mine, I told you.” He said as he sat on his high backed chair waiting for me to get dressed. He wore a simple white crisp button down with a pair of jeans, yum. Thank god he had the presence of mind to wait till after I finished my makeup. When I felt I was sufficiently dried I stood up to get dressed.

I found a pair of skinny jean capris and a white t-shirt and reached for my new hot pink Louboutins and walked out of his massive walk-in closet. I felt my stomach twist, waiting for his approval, he looked me over, head to toe. “Very sexy.” A sinister smile slowly etched itself onto his face. He reached out his hand and took mine, intertwining our fingers. He then brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Let us go have dinner.”

I walked into the resto the atmosphere here was laid back nothing to pretentions. The owners were awesome chefs that believed their food would do the talking, and oh my god did it ever.

I held my breath knowing most of the waiters in there.

“Lexi, how are you?” Ted came to me and hugged me. I felt Lukas stiffen.

“I’m good you?” I smiled back.

“Always better when you come.” He winked.

“Yeah only because I give you the best tip.”

He laughed out loud. “Since you know, why do you bother asking then?” I rolled my eyes at him. “Come on Nick and Adam are waiting at the bar area to serve you.”

We followed Ted through the resto. I could feel the annoyance that resonated off of Lukas. He sat us down at a private little table by the window.

“Lukas” I said knowing the tongue lashing I was about to get once Ted left. “This is Ted, we used to waiter together a few years ago.” Ted nodded as Adam brought me my fave wine, Riberach rouge n08, and began pouring it into my glass. “And what will the tall drink of water be having?” Adam was just as gay as my boss. “The same.” He said with all politeness. Ah this was going to be a great evening. I could feel it.

Ted and Adam walked away and I took my glass and drank from it. I could feel the full body of the wine; the hint of berries was distinct. I put my glass down, and took a deep breath as I watched my brooding Suit sit across from me looking at the wall where the menu and been written with chalk.

“Ted and I have been friends for awhile, Adam and Nick,” I looked over to see Nick waving at me from the bar, I waved back. “I’ve known since I’ve been coming here. So do me the favor and please don’t ruin our first real date for stupid shit I have no clue as to why you are angry about.” He turned his head, his eyes now betraying his anger, the color of his eyes were now ice blue.

“Ted wants you, you understand this?” Not this stupid shit again.

“Ted does not want me, and if he does that’s too bad for him, I unfortunately am quite taken in by it seems a very possessive man.” He laughed but there was no humor behind it.