Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(113)

“Daniel?” I cried out.

“Yes Ms. Lexi?” He replied.

“I don’t know what you have to do babe but find me a new guy cause this one is beginning to be a pain in my ass and I don’t have time for his bullshit.”

I looked up to see Lukas peering down towards my direction. I nearly froze. My breath hitched and my mind went blank.

“Sure thing boss lady.” Daniel cried out.

“I got to… go.” I stammered, thumbing to my office. I didn’t bother waiting for Lukas’ reply.

I just left him alone in the bar.

I reached my office and closed the door behind me. I held onto the knob. What the fuck was that? I thought. A loud knock came and I answered thinking it was Daniel or Audrey but it wasn’t, it was Lukas. He stood tall almost taller than my doorframe, his large body casting a shadow into my office. I moved aside and let him in.

“So this is your office?” He asked as he lowered his head slightly to walk in.

“Yes.” I swallowed hard.

He made his way to my desk where he spotted my picture of us. A strong grin came across his face as he reached for it and took it in his hands.

“I have the same one on my desk.” My heart stopped at that moment.

“I love this picture of you.” He remarked as he put it down and looked at me. The strong tension in the room was nearly excruciating.

God when was the need for him going to stop? I tried in vain to let go of my feelings even acted like he didn’t affect me but here he was doing what he always was able to. My body only ever reacted to Lukas Blakk. My heart only came to life when he was around me.

“You looked pretty in control out there.” He grinned devilishly making my belly drop. Great thanks Lukas! He slowly walked around my office observing my area.

“It’s nice.” He noted, damn you Lukas with your icy blues and barely there but super sexy dimples.

“Thanks.” I nodded.

Another knock came at my door, praise Jesus.

“Yes?” The door slowly opened.

“I’m sorry to interrupt again but it’s the same supplier he wants to talk to you again.” Daniel held out the phone again but as I took it I could swear I heard Lukas growl.

“I’m sorry Lukas but…” He stopped me “I know you’re busy.” He walked passed and left, Daniel closed the door behind me and I was left engulfed in Lukas’ scent.

All Mine

The winter months were long and tedious the only thing that made the time go by was all the great attention the bar got. I had just finished an interview for the newspaper about the wine culture in Montréal, when I was supposed to meet the girls for lunch.

Roxi, Kaci and I sat down at this awesome luncheonette that had just opened.

“So how did the interview go?” Kaci asked and I shrugged with a mouthful of salad.

“Really that good?” She grimaced.

“It went great.” I swallowed my food quickly to answer her.

“You? How does the cupcake business go lately?” I asked only because I knew how successfully it was. She always tried to be modest but I loved making her talk about something she worked so hard at.

“I’m thinking about opening a second store.” She hesitated, waiting for our reply.

“That’s fucken awesome!” Roxi cried out.

“Seriously Kaci you should do it. At least built one next to the bar so I could stop by and get one every day. Free of charge of course.” I smirked.

“I don’t get wine for free?” She joked.

“Bitch not my fault alcohol cost more.” I laughed.

“You listen here!” Roxi pointed at me “I’m never paying my tab and you better know that!” Thank god the old Roxi had grown up a bit and her drinking days had slowed down. Not to say anything but that girl can drink anyone under the table and still be functional. I lifted my Iphone and took a pic of her.

“What was that for?” She asked.

“That’s for the Not Welcomed Here poster I’m going to put up in the bar.” Kaci laughed and I shrugged.

We joked around until we got dessert. Hmm ‘pot au chocolat’, who could resisted chocolate that has been melted with cream and baked in a slow oven and served with a bit of fleur de sel. Not me, that’s who. I dove into it with my spoon, the soft velvety chocolate easily got scooped up. I was about to enjoy my bite when Roxi asked the faithful post break up date question. “When the hell are you going to start to date?” I forced the spoon into my mouth now needing the chocolate as a Band-Aid. I let the chocolate melt in my mouth before I attempted to speak.

“I am dating.” I smiled

“WHAT?!” Both Kaci and Roxi screamed.