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My Most Precious One(103)


“Alexia?” My father called for me after my mother was done railing into me about love and how stupid I was for falling for him. She even accused me of being dramatic and so what if he had gotten me the job I should have been grateful and stayed with him.

“Ela Dad.” I walked to him leaving my mother in the kitchen as she still spoke about what a loser I was.

“Come with me and let us take a walk.” He offered knowing how much I needed to get out of here.

I put on my converse and followed him out. It was late spring the flowers were blooming and the grass was a bright and vibrant green.

“I understand why you left.” My father began. “But do you truly think it wise that you left without letting him explain?” He waited with an open ear and I felt shame wash over me.

“If I had, he would have convinced me to stay and I just couldn’t. I felt like the life we were building was a lie. What else did he do to keep me in this cage he had made for me?” I began to cry.

“It was a cage you gladly stepped into.” My father said without apology.

“So I’m to blame?” I asked.

“No you are not to blame but you are not without your own faults. You need to find who Alexia is before you can be anyone’s bride. Alexia what is it that you want?” He asked a question that Lukas had once asked me.

“Freedom to be who I want to be.” I murmured though my tears.

“Then be free. I will help you get back on your feet.” He smiled.

“No!” I said vehemently.

“I am your father, I may not have the money Lukas has but I have enough to make me live well. Alexia, we are not poor take what you need and start your life.” My father said in a serious tone.

“I will take what I need and pay you back.” He nodded.

“Do what you think is best. But first we need for you to leave here. As much as your mother loves you her words can be poisonous. She doesn’t mean it in a bad way but she has her own way of showing her anger and frustrations.”

“I can’t believe that prick!” Roxi almost slammed her Starbucks coffee on the table.

“How are you feeling?” She asked.

“Dazed, confused, hurt, confused, pissed, confused.” I kept listing my emotions.

“Yeah you said confused a few times.” She reached for her coffee.

“What are you confused about?” She asked.

“Don’t you see she’s confused cause she doesn’t know if it was such a bad thing he did.” Kaci spoke for me.

“It was a bad thing. You don’t go around manipulate someone else’s life.” Roxi snapped.

“It’s not like he did it to hurt her, he did it because he loves her.” Kaci bit back.

“Kaci the man has some serious control issues. He can’t just buy her a job. How would you feel about going there every day living your dream job and then finding out it was a fucken lie and that everyone was in on it?” Roxi fired back and Kaci stayed silent.

“Ok girls round two.” I smirked with a few tears falling down.

“What are you going to do now?” Kaci asked.

“Well I asked Stella if I could work there until I find something better.” I said sadly it felt like I was taking two giant leaps backwards.

“Why don’t you work with me?” Kaci offered.

“No. I want to keep our friendship and I would be too nervous. I might fuck up somewhere.” I said shaking my hand in the air to her.

“But why then work at Stella’s? Aren’t you afraid to fuck it up there?” she asked.

“Stella’s like family. There’s nothing I could do to piss her off and if I did it wouldn’t fuck up our relationship. You mean a lot to me and I’m not risking that for a job.” I said candidly.

“Fine! Do you have a place to stay?” Kaci asked picking at her food.

“Well Maria has found me a couple of awesome condos in old Montréal and I’m going to look at them later.” I smiled but my heart wasn’t in it.

“How do you know they’re awesome?” Asked Roxi.

“Cause it’s my cousin Maria. The girl knows what I like and want. There’s no way she’d ever make me look at something I wouldn’t want to waste my time on.” I noted.

“Anyways if any of them are half descent I’ll just take it. Anything to get me out of my mommyville.” My body shook as shivers came down my spine.

“Mommy giving you trouble? I’m shocked.” Roxi mocked. Roxi had to leave since her lunch break was almost up. I thanked her for coming out to see me and we made plans to see each other on the weekend.

“So has Lukas even called or at least made contact with you?” Kaci asked.