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My Most Precious One(100)


“To me it was.” But he still didn’t laugh.

“Are you done? I really need you to do something for me.” He said, I could sense the annoyed Suit aura. I guess something hadn’t gone the way he planned.

“If it’s me going down on my knees for you, we have that covered.” It was my sad attempt to make him laugh.

“Even though the sight on you on your knees is one of the most exquisite things I have seen, no that is not the favor I seek. I need you to go into my office and look for a file I need. It should be on my computer under Silmac Industries.”

Ok this was a first, my Suit never asked me to go into his office. Not that it was off limits but it was his space and I wanted to respect it. Everyone deserved their privacy.

“Ok I’ll call you back once I find it.”

I went into his office and turned on the computer I pulled out his uber expensive brown leather office chair to sit as I waited to log in. I knew his password. It was ‘MY ALEXIA.’ I often teased him about it that if anyone wanted to steal his files they would find out his password easily but he didn’t care. He said that I was his love and his love always protected him. The computer chimed and I was able to easily find the file and send it to him. I picked up my Iphone and sent him a text.

Sent it! Better make it up 2 me

I will. B ready later on tonight. Ur ass is mine.

I sent him a pic of me blowing him a kiss.

;-) Yeah!!!

I was about to leave when I saw a manila envelope with my name on it. I reached for it and opened it. Now before you judge me it did have my name on it and I was curious. Lukas and I had no secrets so I didn’t feel like I was invading his privacy. Plus there were a few documents with my name on it in bold print. It was a prenup. My heart sunk a little. I knew it was coming and I didn’t feel like I needed him to prove his love for me by not giving me one. He worked hard for all he had and it was fine if he felt like he needed to protect it. I was confident in my love for him that I knew we would never end up divorcing but still, it did sting. As I read on, a few pages fell out onto the floor. I picked them up and place it back into the envelope but it had the museum letterhead on it. It was from my boss, Mr. Simon, thanking Lukas for his generous contribution and that the review on me having the job had been looked at again. I felt my skin grow cold. Was I reading this right? It continued to say that yes I had excellent academic grades and great references but I lacked the experience they needed in the Metropolitan Museum and wanted someone who had more knowledge and skill. But with his generous offer they were able to overlook it and give me the job.

I was reading a fucken thank you letter to Lukas for buying me the job. I truly couldn’t tell you how I felt at that moment. But it was a mix of humiliation and degradation. They didn’t take me on because I was good but rather I had an uber rich boyfriend that paid them. I felt like those kids in school where their moms would make cookies or brownies so the other kids could play with them. I began to cry uncontrollably. I knew I needed to be quiet just in case Mrs. Thatcher heard me. I drew my knees to my chest and hugged myself. The world around me began to fall apart. Fuck when was this man going to stop doing this to me? I heard a faint knock at the door.

“Sweetheart are you coming down? Your breakfast is getting cold.” Mrs. Thatcher waited behind the door for my answer.

“Be right there.” I chocked back the tears.

I headed to the bathroom and made sure I looked fine, damn these puffy eyes.

“Are you alright Alexia?” Mrs. Thatcher asked as I walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just tired.” She busied herself with cleaning up and didn’t really stop to see me, thank god.

“Your breakfast is on the island. Sorry dear I really hoped I could sit with you a little but I’m running a little late with all the cleaning and cooking I need to do today.” She said as she hurried around the penthouse.

“Don’t bother with cooking tonight I honestly don’t know what time Lukas will be back and I have a feeling I’ll have some free time this afternoon.” I said softly still reeling from the letter I found.

“Are you ok”?” She stopped what she was doing and looked over to me.

“Fine just fine.” I replied forking my food around. Before she could interrogated me Mike came walking in tell me he was ready whenever I was. I stood up from the table and kissed Mrs. Thatcher goodbye and told her I’d see her later. She tried to pull me back to ask if I was ok but I shook her off and followed Mike to the car.

Mike tired several times to talk to me but I hardly listened. When we arrived in front of the Met my belly flopped and I could feel the shooting pains of nervousness that began jabbing my belly.