Reading Online Novel

My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(12)

“I haven’t done a thing.”

I can barely talk from all kinds of frustration pummeling at my core. Being roped by Shea is the most exciting thing ever. As he reels me in, my anticipation rises to the peak until I feel ready to go over the edge from tingles and sparks flying all over me. And then I'm brought up short backing into Shea's chest wall.

I whip around, ready to face him and give him a piece of my mind, but his fingers grip my chin to tip me up and his mouth crashes onto me. His tongue delves into me and tangles into mine, like he'd like to lick out every part of me. His other hand slides down my pinned arm to cup my butt cheek and lift my leg. My foot travels up his shin so my pussy lips come apart and grind against his thigh.

I let out a needy moan into his mouth that elicits a guttural sound from Shea in return. He's dropped the rope so I loosen my bond and my hands are everywhere at once, tearing at him, finally getting my hands on the unbelievable solid bulge of every muscle. With his mouth all over me, I'm tugging at his belt buckle. I want him right now.

“Not here,” he grits out.

“Yes here.” I moan. “Here and now.”

Chapter NINE


My chest wall forces her to back up the length of the truck, out of the light spilling from the bar. She's mine alone and no other fucker is going to steal a single glimpse of this delicious body. I want to take her somewhere pretty that she'll love, somewhere romantic.

But that's talk crazy because there's no way we can break this. The heat pouring from both our bodies and crashing between us is off the scale. No way to slow it down now. She's tearing at my clothes, her little hands slamming against me, clenching me with her small finger points. She's coming undone with the need roaring through her.

For me.

Dallyce and her desire for me is more intoxicating than the strongest moonshine. My cock is adamant that we aren't walking away. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I push her against the side of the truck and my fingers go inside the opening at her cleavage and tear the tee shirt and soft push up bra cup down together so her perky, high breast is exposed. The flesh melts, both soft and firm into my hand. I immediately tug the aroused nipple between my strong lips and circles fast jabs of my tongue around the solid little pellet. I feel her little body, malleable in my big ol' hands and I want to squeeze it mercilessly, it's just so damn hot.

“Oh god,” she wails with a shudder and daggers her fingers up through the waves at my neck, knocking my hat to the ground as she clamps my mouth deeper onto her.

As she arches her back and pushes into me, I devour the creamy flesh and rip the material away from the other breast to mound it under a heavy palm.

“Please, I can't stand it,” she whimpers. Her breath all ragged and hitching.

I clasp the sides of her head, almost covering her with the size of my palms and capture her eyes in mine. I hold her there, the ravenous desire swilling between us as we catch some oxygen from the airless night. I feel her naked tits heaving up and down against my abs and it's too much to ignore. Her body is too much to hold. It needs to be roped and tamed. She needs to be tied down and savored.

“Please,” she mewls. Her nails clawing at my back.

With her head still clasped immovable, my mouth slams down on hers and she gasps inside me as I tongue fuck her harder than she's ever known, that's for darn sure.

My dick is hammering out a fucking tattoo against the now skintight denim. I can't hold back from Dallyce much longer. I need to shove her thighs apart and ram my burning fucker all the way inside her before I detonate. But she's such a sweet parcel of delicious flesh to run my hands all over. If only I could relish the moment before feasting on her lush curves like a man starving to death.

“You gotta start wearing skirts, pretty lady,” I grunt, before tearing her belt and zipper open.

I shove my big hand inside the tight fucking denim, with her slapping at my chest and wringing my shirt in her hands. Finally I get the sweet hot flesh of her rump naked in my hand and it's the most delicious thing I've ever touched.

“Delicious,” I grunt against her ear before biting the lobe and grazing my stubbled face down her throat.

My hands slide down her decadent curves as I drop to my knees and drag the reluctant denim down her thighs.

“Hold still there Wildcat,” I order her. And she stops writhing long enough that I can get her jeans down below her knees.

“Fuck,” I curse. Her boots are tightly ensconced in the pants and it's gonna be a nightmare task getting her out of them.

She's thrashing around and moaning out loud, voicing my own boiling emotion. I can't wait.

“I need a taste of you right now,” I grit out.