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Loving War(91)

By:C.M. Owens

The spot beside Kode is the only spot available in the curved booth now. Maverick and Corbin are smiling like cats who ate canaries, and I roll my eyes while dropping in beside Kode.

The second his arm goes around my shoulders, I start fighting the urge to melt against him.

“Love those shorts, baby,” he says against my ear. It’s then I smell the alcohol on his breath. Too much liquor makes his hands glue themselves to me. Possibly any girl. I guess I’ll find out tonight.

“You’re drunk,” Rain notes, looking pleased for some bizarre reason. Kode’s hands have already started pawing at me, but I’m not fighting him.

He won’t stop, and everyone will get mad if I fight him and he doesn’t stop. I don’t want them pissed at him or saying anything negative toward him. It’ll only piss me off.

At least that’s what I’m telling myself to justify this.

“He’s been drunk all week. Last night was the first time he’s been sober,” Maverick says, sounding somewhat like he’s tattling.

“You’ve been drunk all week?” I ask, turning to meet his smile.

He tugs me to be flush against him, nuzzling my face with his as he leans over.

“I miss you too much when I’m sober,” he confesses, making my heart clench.

Drunk people tell the truth all the time, right? Isn’t alcohol like a truth serum? Or is that just some myth that I’m trying to convince myself to believe.

Kode’s arm slides around my waist, and one hand moves to my ass as he tries to tug me onto his lap. I resist, and he pouts before moving his lips to my neck and starting a trail of searing kisses that have me practically convulsing.

His touch… It’s my Achilles heel.

“Tria, if he’s too much, just ask for help,” Maverick says, though he’s grinning.

Rain’s smirk says it all. I remember him once being like this with her, but not nearly to this extent. She said the only time he ever kissed her was that time at Dane’s party—the night when all hell broke loose. But she said that Kode is like an animal around me when he’s been drinking. Right now, he’s proving that.

She’s right across from him, but even drunk off his ass, he’s completely focused on me. It’s a small victory, but one that still has me questioning my already fragile resolve.

“I love you,” he says against my neck, and another piece of that resolve breaks away.

The table makes conversation, and Corbin pulls Rain out of the booth as Maverick grabs Ash. They abandon us and make their way onto the dance floor as Kode continues his oral assault on my sensitized skin.

“You taste so damn good,” he says when he reaches the swells of my breasts. Dale walks toward us, but his grin crawls up when he sees Kode practically devouring me, and he turns and walks away.

“Why’d you go to see my father,” I ask, my voice cracking.

He leans back, tilting his head. “How’d you know I did?”

Frowning, I glance around to make sure no one can hear.

“I read the letter.”

He brushes his hand across my cheek, and those silver eyes stare softly into mine with more compassion than Kode ever shows anyone else.

“He mentioned that?” I nod to his question, and he continues as his hand slides down to my waist, unable to stop touching me. “He wanted your mom to drop stuff off, but she didn’t want to. Melanie asked Rain, but it upset her. Then Corbin asked me to ask you, and it pissed me off. I didn’t want you having to deal with that, so I went and took Dale with me so I didn’t do something stupid. Did I screw up?”

His question is so sincere, that I almost launch myself into his arms. But instead, I just lean into his touch a little more, which of course has his roaming hands taking full advantage.

“No. You didn’t screw up. Why did you tell him about us?” My voice is soft, barely maintaining an audible tone over the music.

“I got defensive when he said something that I took out of context. It took him five seconds to realize I was there to protect you and not Rain. He actually seemed pleased with that.”

Oh damn. He’s drunk and talking in a way that is almost hard to understand, but there’s no doubt that he’s telling the truth right now. It’s almost enough. Almost.

His mouth returns to trailing kisses down my neck as he says, “I’d do anything to protect you.”

In that moment, I completely believe him. His brazen lips make it back down to my shirt, and his tongue darts out to find the line of my cleavage. I’m so glad the music is drowning out the embarrassing sounds I’m making. Kode is the only one hearing them, and it’s only fueling him.