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Loving War(48)

By:C.M. Owens

“Or I can just give you a private demonstration of what I want done in public right now,” he dares, his voice full of lust, tempting me more than I want him to know.

Fortunately for me, the doorbell rings, and I send a silent thank you to Brin.

With a steeled moment of false bravery, I step into him, forcing contact with our bodies. The magnetic charge between our heady attraction is almost too much to bear, and we both take a deep breath.

“As soon as you fold, you can demonstrate any position you want to.” My voice is huskier than intended, but it seems to work, considering how hard he’s forced to swallow.

He walks away woodenly to disappear into the bedroom. I start to wonder if he’s caving right now, and a thrill shoots through me. Jax starts rolling up the mats while I walk toward the bedroom.

My victorious grin turns into a frown when I hear the water running from the bathroom.

Drat. Cold shower.

“Guess our training session is over,” Jax says with his charming grin.

Brin grows impatient and calls out that she’s coming in when she realizes the door is unlocked. She walks into the living room, joining us, but she stumbles when her eyes catch sight of the dark-haired MMA fighter.

“Do we have to go shopping?” she asks, her eyes greedily taking in every sexy line of muscle.

“Yep. I need coffee and clothes.” And sex, but coffee and clothes will have to do.

Brin pouts playfully, and we laugh as we head out.

“Has he given in yet?” she muses when we reach her small, old Camry. It’ll draw less attention than one of Kode’s flashy cars. There’s no way Pete would be looking for me in this. He assumes I’m a snob that thinks I’m too good for the blue-collar ways. Just like most people, he doesn’t know me at all.

My phone rings just as we start down the road, and I frown when I see Rain’s name. She probably went by the empty condo again.

“Do me a favor,” I tell Brin.

“You need me to talk to you while you’re talking to her so that she knows you’re really with me. Got it,” she says, reading my mind and impressing the hell out of me.

“You really should be doing something more than assisting the director of the museum.”

She laughs while nodding. “I agree. Now answer.”

As soon as I answer my sister’s call, Brin starts speaking as though she was in the middle of talking before promptly apologizing for not realizing I’m on the phone. I mouth thank you before moving my attention back to Rain.

“Sorry, we’re on our way to do some shopping. What’s up?”

“Well, Corbin called to see if we could all get together tonight. I wanted to see if you would go with us. He thought it’d be a good idea, and I totally agree.”

Of course Corbin thought it would be a good idea. He’s the only one of Kode’s friends besides Jax that knows what’s going on between us. He wants me to be there for entertainment value.

“Will Kode be there?” I muse, wondering why he didn’t bother saying anything to me.

“Probably. Corbin was calling him next. But don’t worry; he’ll behave. I swear.”

Almost immediately, I get a text. I pull the phone away to read it, and groan when I see Kode has changed his name in my phone again.

Master Of Your Universe: We’re going out with the guys tonight. Maybe you can fold then, and I can spend the night getting reacquainted with your body.

I stifle a grin while rolling my eyes. “I’ll come,” I tell Rain.

After she gives me the place and time, I hang up. Another text comes in, and I bite back a grin when I see it’s from him.

Master Of Your Universe: If you fold now, I’ll cancel on the guys and fuck you like I hate you all night.  Considering the pain I’ve been in, it wouldn’t be too hard to fake it.

“You’re grinning,” Brin says as I leave Kode hanging.

“Yeah. I think I need a really sexy dress for tonight. Kode is close to breaking.”

Chapter 16


“Any word on finding Mercer?” I ask the private detective I’ve hired.

“He’s hiding good, but I’ll find him. He hasn’t contacted any of his family or his pre-prison friends in a few months, but he has to be staying with someone. Did something happen to make him take precautions? Because he’s definitely been covering his ass since before the warrant for his arrest was issued.”

I curse while pulling up at the restaurant. The cab is also rolling up, depositing Tria at the front door, and I watch as she blows me a kiss and gives me a wink before going in. Maybe I should just fold. If she doesn’t give in by Saturday, I will. Even though I’m enjoying the spirit of this game.