Reading Online Novel

Loving War(41)

Shrugging, I prepare to wage a little war between myself and the sex god who is flaunting himself like a steak in front of two starving lionesses. He doesn’t date women from Sterling Shore very often. He’s barely had any real affairs here. I assume that had a lot to do with the fact he was into Rain for so long and didn’t want her thinking he was as bad as Corbin or Maverick.

But his lifestyle sets the stage for this little rumor that I’m about to spread.

“You said it yourself; he thrives on drama. What heterosexual male would prefer to pit two women against each other in hopes of a fight, as opposed to trying to appease them and get one—if not both—into bed? And when do you ever see him with a date? Never. He’s in the closet, obviously, and doing what he can to keep up pretenses, but if he were straight, wouldn’t he have already made a move on someone by now?”

Ha. Julie’s expression is priceless, and I watch as the light bulb goes on in her mind, her wheels slowly turning. It’s easy to manipulate someone who is eager for something as juicy as this detail.

Ash starts to speak, but then doesn’t. Instead, she suppresses a grin as Julie excuses herself for some ridiculous reason. She runs a whole two steps before whispering in the ears of two women. When their heads snap to the right to look at Kode, I bite back a grin.

“You’re so going to have to pay for that. What the hell are you thinking?” Ash asks, but the humor in her voice is evident.

“Couldn’t help myself,” I say without shame, swapping my empty glass with a full one on another passing tray.

A few gasps ring out, letting me know the rumor has more than likely been spiced up and morphed into something jarring by now. Crap. There’s no telling what it’ll be by the time it reaches him.

No. I refuse to regret it. He’s being an ass right now, so he deserves this. Maybe all the women will leave him alone if they hear he’s yet another delicious bit of eye candy that is batting for the other team.

Rye waves me over, and I smirk in Kode’s direction. Of course he doesn’t notice me. If he wants to be this big of a dick, then let the games begin.



Tria isn’t in my peripheral anymore, and it’s irking me because if I turn and try to find her, it’ll be obvious to her that I’m seeking her out.

I’m ready to rip Courtney’s head off and spit down her throat. One time. I got drunk enough to stupidly end up in bed with her one time. Now she acts as though it was supposed to be a night to remember. Hell, she would much rather be with Kade, and right now, I’m wishing he was here to deal with her drama instead of me.

Leisa… I swear she has some serious self-image issues. I actually feel bad for her, which is unusual, but not bad enough to keep letting her grate on my nerves.

Why me?

“Corbin is close to launching his newest website. You really should talk to him about it,” I say, throwing him under the bus in an effort to save myself.

Neither girl stops talking to me. My head is going to explode.

Don’t look at Tria. Don’t look at Tria. That’s been tonight’s mantra for me.

She said for me to treat her like I used to, and I’ve decided to be maliciously obedient—do exactly as she said. If she wants me to be a cold and dismissive dick toward her in front of everyone, then she’s going to get the full effect. Maybe next time she won’t be so eager to toss that out there like it’s not a big fucking deal.

Dane is holding onto Rain, his arms draped casually around her shoulders and holding her back to his front. That sight used to sicken me, but now I feel… not a damn thing. It’s like I’ve had chains unlocked, and it feels so damn good.

The growing number of older socialites is annoying me. I get sick of going to my parents’ functions and having to deal with the elite crowd who want to speak to a Sterling. This was supposed to be a reprieve.

Deciding to note that to Corbin, I move to his side, also hoping to leave behind the women vying for my attention. I’m seconds away from exploding on them. It was fun to play when Tria was watching. Now that she’s not, all I can think about is pointing out all their flaws and giving them complexes to last a lifetime just to get them the hell away from me.

“Why the hell are there so many of our parents’ friends here? I thought it was just going to be us tonight,” I say to Corbin.

I try to disentangle myself from the two sets of hands that seem to have followed me to Corbin’s side. Stupid fucking party.

Corbin snickers while Dane groans, his eyes burning down at Rain who bats her lashes with faux innocence.

“Rain invited our neighbors because she didn’t want to be rude. And from there, well, apparently no one had anything to do tonight.”