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Loving War(40)

By:C.M. Owens

Chapter 14


My strapless dress is a shimmery silver, my cleavage is pumped to the nth degree, and the dress has a fitted feel that Kode seems to love. But… it seems to be completely ineffective tonight.

Kode is talking with some of the guys. I’m with Ash. And the distance between us feels like it’s suffocating me. He’s done well pretending I mean nothing to him. Very frigging well. He hasn’t even glanced in my direction all night.

I hate this—hate hiding us.

“Damn. The Sterling boys are looking mighty fine these days. I think they only get better the older they get,” Courtney Hughes says while joining us.

I hate her. I don’t even know why she’s here, other than to try and weasel in on Kade. Fortunately, Kade and Raya aren’t here for her to try and destroy. Unfortunately, her eyes keep raking over Kode every time he walks by.

“Yep,” Ash says, trying to be nice, but I can see her inwardly gagging every time Courtney speaks.

After grabbing another glass of champagne from a passing tray, I start chugging it. If I don’t bitch slap Courtney, I might crunch Kode’s balls. Neither would make me look very sane, so I need to drink so I can be nice.

“Brin couldn’t come?” Ash asks, trying to shift the subject off the Sterlings when Courtney talks about Corbin’s ass.

“No. She works at a museum, and tonight they’ve got some fundraising party there.”

I would really love to have Brin here right now.

“Damn. If Kode is smiling at Leisa Mosely, then he must be drunk.”

At Courtney’s words, I look up. Sure enough, Leisa is wrapping her pink manicured nails around Kode’s arm, and he’s smiling down at her. My stomach twists with a gnawing knot of jealousy that seems to be relentlessly clawing at me.

“Grip that glass any tighter, and it might break,” Ash says, eyeing me with curiosity.

I slowly loosen my hold on the champagne flute. This is torture.

“Well, if he’s paying her some attention, then I know I have a chance. Especially since we have history that I know he wouldn’t mind repeating.” Courtney’s smug declaration has my head spinning and my teeth crunching.

I shouldn’t be this jealous. We’ve barely been dating for any real amount of time. Hell, we can’t even go on an actual date. Yet I feel as though I could grind nails into dust with my teeth right now.

“Hey,” Ash says, nudging me. “Rye’s here. You know, I was thinking… If you don’t find a date for the wedding between now and then, you might consider asking him. He’s really a great guy.”

Other than the fact he never really smiles. Kode’s smile is my favorite part of the day.

Crap. Now I’m waxing poetic nonsense. I hate myself.

“Um… Yeah… We’ll see.”

My eyes are forced to peel themselves away from Kode and move to the duo walking into the large living room that is filled with guests. Ethan is beside Rye, both of them looking relaxed in their jeans and T-shirts with all their tattoos slithering down their skin. They should have been brothers.

Wren quickly joins them just as Rye’s eyes meet mine. He gives me a forced smile that doesn’t come close to looking real, and then he turns his attention back to the guys.

“He’s gorgeous,” Ash adds, as if I’m blind.

My eyes fall over to Kode who is now smiling and talking to Courtney and Leisa. He’s never this nice to anyone. Well, no one but his cousins, Rain, and me. But right now… Is he trying to hurt me? Because it’s working.

“Damn. Kode and Corbin look some kind of good right now,” Julie Crane says, causing me to groan. “Oh, and wow. Just saw Maverick and Dale. And damn, Wren, Ethan, and Rye are here, too. It’s like a Sterling Shore edible single men buffet.”

Ash laughs while turning her attention toward the socialite woman who doesn’t mean any harm. “Courtney is competing with Leisa for Kode,” Ash chuckles, unaware of the knife jabbing into my heart.

“Ah, well, that should end up in a cat fight. Then again, Kode enjoys watching drama. He’s a bit of an ass like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was intentionally pitting them against each other right now just for the fun of a showdown,” Julie says, further provoking the anger within me.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to defend him, but I rein in the urge. My champagne flute is suddenly empty, just like my tolerance-level for Kode’s antics.

“I think he’s gay,” I brazenly and randomly state.

Both women swivel their heads toward me, eyes wide in their faces. But Julie, the gossip she is, quickly pounces.
