Reading Online Novel

Loving War(28)

Ash starts to speak, but someone knocks at my door, prompting me to run over and answer. Brin says something that has Ash laughing hysterically, and I smile like I’m infected on the way to greet whoever.

Since it could be Kode, I stop in front of the mirror to make sure my hair isn’t wild all over my head. Then I swing open the door, only to gasp in shock and try to slam it shut immediately.

My heart fires out rapid beats, thumping and pounding against my chest as panic sets in. A heavy black boot lands in front of the door, halting it from closing, and Pete Mercer shoulders his way in.

“Thanks,” he says sardonically. “I’d love to come in.”

I stumble backwards, looking at his freshly shaven head, his twisted grin, and his dark eyes that didn’t used to scare me so much. Blood hums through my veins, leaving me with a fearful fever. There’s not an inch of him that isn’t covered in menace.

Man, maybe I do have daddy issues if I slept with this psycho.

“You’re breaking the restraining order,” I say, pissed that my voice breaks three times.

He laughs while shaking his head. “Prove it.”

His long body is clad in jeans and a red T-shirt—blood red. His arms are corded with bulging muscles he didn’t have when we were together. If he were to hit me now, he’d probably break me with very little effort.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” I ask cautiously, stalling for time.

“Why? Fuck, Tria, it’s your fault I went to prison. You have no fucking clue what happens in a place like that. But I’ll show you. I’ll make sure you understand the hell I endured.” He grins the scariest smile I’ve ever seen in my life, and he cracks his fingers. “We’ll have long lessons that explain exactly what I went through.”

Swallowing hard, I look up to see the determination in his eyes. It’s sharing space with his hatred that is seeping through every visible feature on his body. Even his muscles are straining with rage.

He keeps stepping closer and closer, but suddenly he’s backing away, eyes wide in confusion. “Who the fuck are you?” he spits.

“The bitch who just snapped a picture of you with her phone after you broke a restraining order,” Brin says flippantly, making my stomach lurch.

She’s being way too brave. With a guy like Pete, you play submissive even if it’s just an act. He’s not a bully; he’s a psychopath. Standing up to him is the same as goading him to do his worst.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Ash says, joining us, my metal bat in her hands. “Cops are already on the way.”

Pete looks like he’s about to take on all three of us—and he probably could—but after a beat, he curses and turns to stalk away, leaving my door wide open and an ominous chill in his wake.

My sanctuary is gone. This place was supposed to keep me hidden from him. Sterling Shore is a place packed full of homes and condos, so how did he find me?

Ash blows out a breath while putting the bat down, her hands trembling. I can’t believe that was enough to intimidate him.

“Who the hell was that?” Raya asks from behind us, startling the hell out of me. I turn to see her lowering her Taser gun. When the hell did she pull that thing out? How long has she been in here?

“Pete Mercer. I guess he was a little surprised. You have a Taser gun?” I ask, noticing her poker face in place of her teary-eyed one.

“Yeah, my dad’s FBI partner gave it to me as a birthday gift. Pepper spray, too.”

“Man, I thought he was scared of me and the bat,” Ash says, laughing humorlessly while leaning back against the wall.

Raya runs a hand through her already disheveled hair, and then she looks back toward the door.

“Good thing you weren’t here alone. You need to go stay with someone,” Raya says, her own troubles forgotten as she focuses on my crazy drama.

“You can stay with us,” Ash immediately offers.

“Or you can stay with me and Maggie. You won’t have a parking spot unless you use the space across the road that my jackass neighbor doesn’t use,” Brin adds, forcing humor into the situation, something she always does to make people more at ease.

“I’ll let you know,” I say with a harsh breath. Shit. I don’t want to stay with anyone. I hate feeling like I have to hide.

“I need to get back to check on how the guys are doing with Kade,” Raya says while putting away her Taser gun, tucking it back into her purse.

“You heading to Maverick’s party?” Brin asks, running her hand over my arm in a comforting motion. “To see Rain, I mean.”

She means Kode, but she can’t say that aloud. Oddly enough, I really do want to see Kode right now. More than I did. It feels safe and peaceful in his arms, and right now, I’d give anything to feel that.