Reading Online Novel

Loving War(20)

Maverick laughs under his breath when a dude who seems to be in love with argyle heads our way, his grin too big for his face.

“That douche is totally man-crushing on you,” Maverick says just before the guy reaches us.

“It is so awesome to meet the legendary Kode Sterling. I’ve seen you in so many magazines. I bet the women flock to you on a regular basis,” the sweater-vest wearing, annoying-as-hell guy says. “What’s it like?”

That’s all I can take. This prick took the seat beside me at the show, while Rain took the other side of me. Tria had to sit next to Corbin and Maverick, which pissed me off to no end, and now she’s all the way at the end of the sidewalk, turning into the casino with Dale. Everyone is going to steal her away with all their fucking charm.

“It’s like hell when I’m being tortured by wanna-be guys like you,” I snap.

His lips flatten to a thin, disappointed line. “That’s a jerk thing to say,” the argyle-wearing fool says, affronted.

“Well, I’m a jerk who doesn’t give a shit,” I grumble while pushing through the revolving doors.

It doesn’t take but a few seconds to find her sweet ass in her tight jeans. The high-heels she’s wearing would put her at the perfect height to bend her over. Which I will be doing. Soon.

Maverick is laughing when he catches up with me, telling me something about not being such an ass, but my eyes are zeroed in on someone that is far too close to Tria.

“What the hell is Rye Clanton doing here?” I demand.

He’s talking to her with that look in his eyes that will get him laid the hell out. Tria knows him because of her cousin, Ethan Noles, and I know damn well Rye has no qualms about fucking his best friend’s cousin.

“Rain invited him, but he couldn’t make it out here until today,” Maverick answers, shrugging as though it’s no big deal. “Guess he’s meeting everyone here. Lucky bastard. He missed that terrible, horribly long show.”

Tria’s head falls back as she laughs at something he says. My fists are clenched before I start walking toward them with fury leaking from me, but I’m intercepted by a feisty blonde before I can reach the infuriating brunette.

“Don’t you dare embarrass Tria anymore while we’re on this trip,” Rain says sternly, still assuming she intimidates me.

I usually humor her, just like the rest of the guys, but not right now. Right now, my eyes are on a different Noles girl, and the prick who is inching closer to her to show her something on his phone.

“Are you listening to me?” Rain demands. “Be nice, Kode. She’s my sister, and you being a dick to her is the same as being a dick to me.”

“I’ve been very nice to her since the pool debacle,” I say as a secretive grin tries to tug at the corners of my mouth. “I was just about to show her how to work the roulette tables.”

Rain stares at me like she’s unconvinced, then she glances over her shoulder. “No. Not right now,” she says, turning back to me with a grin. “Rye is talking to her, and I think she has a thing for him.”

The tattoos running down his arms don’t bode well for me. Chicks dig ink these days.

“If he wants her, then he can follow her to the roulette table. I’ll be drinking soon, Rain. You probably don’t want me talking to her after I drink. So I’m going to go talk to her now.”

“Don’t drink. Problem solved.”

I look at her as though she has lost her damn mind. “You made me sit through the worst magic show I’ve ever seen. Alcohol is a must after that.”

She groans while playing with the ends of her hair. “It was supposed to be good. We read the reviews.”

“It was three hours long.”

“I know, but—”

“Three hours,” I repeat, and she starts laughing while rolling her eyes.

“Fine. But wait and see if Rye makes a move before you go interrupt. She could use some attention.”

If Rye makes a move, I’ll give her some attention when I go caveman and haul her ass out over my shoulder.

Tria’s eyes come up to meet mine, and her hazel gaze shifts from me to Rain before she turns her attention back to Rye. She looks tense now. Is she jealous of me talking to Rain?

Rain’s phone sings some annoying song, and she holds a finger up to signal for me to stay put as she answers.

“Raya? Hey, whoa… Slow down… Calm down. I can’t understand you.”

Whatever is going on sounds serious, but I couldn’t care less. There’s a dark-haired siren calling to me, and I make my way over to her and the tattooed son of a bitch at her side.