Reading Online Novel

Gentry (Wolves of Winter's Edge Book 1)(17)

"All the time," she murmured mindlessly.

"I can tell," he rumbled, teasing her with his lips. "Makes me want to eat you, kitty."

Chills rippled across her skin, raising the fine hairs all over her  body. The way he'd said that …  It was one part threat, two parts pure sex  appeal. Dangerous Gentry.

Her body was shaking bad from adrenaline, nerves, or maybe both. Gentry  didn't seem to mind, though. He only smiled wider in the moment before  his lips pressed against hers.

It was gun-powder meets flame. It wasn't a gentle kiss, or a questioning  one. This was hard and focused. He sipped at her lips so hard his teeth  scraped her, lifting another wave of chills over her body. His body  pressed her against the wall, trapping her, but she felt nothing but  safe. She wanted this, wanted him so badly. Not just fooling around this  time either, she wanted all of him.

Blaire was ready.

With trembling fingers, she pulled at his belt. God, she was bad at  this. It had been too long since she'd asked for this from a man.

He allowed it, even let off a soft, sexy noise deep in his throat when  her fingertip brushed the head of his cock. His abs were rigid as she  unfastened his pants and shoved them down his thighs. Was that a smile  against her lips? Was he laughing at how clumsy she was?

Gentry rolled his hips against her so hard she could feel his erection  through the thin material of her leggings. Nope. He wasn't laughing.  Maybe he was just happy she was telling him what she wanted? What if she  wasn't any good at this? Stop thinking.

Gentry cupped her neck with one hand and dragged her waist hard to him  with the other. His kisses deepened, his tongue stroking into her mouth  rhythmically. He ran his hands up her ribs, dragging her sweater with  them, then pulled it over her head and threw it to the ground. And then  he was back on her, kissing her as he unsnapped the back of her bra. At  least one of them knew what they were doing. He made quick work of her  boots and leggings next, peeling them neatly from her body, panties  included. She'd worn black, see-through lace just on the off-chance  boning would happen, but Gentry didn't give a fig about her carefully  chosen lingerie. Into the pile everything went.

He took off her shirt, so that was the signal, right? He was okay with getting naked? Seriously, stop thinking!

With a little growl of frustration with herself, Blaire shoved his  sweater up his torso. She wasn't as smooth, but she made up for that in  sheer desperation. Sweater removed, she tossed the fabric and then lost  her mind. With a squeak, she jumped up like a little flying squirrel  aiming for a tree.

Faster than she'd imagined he could, Gentry caught her and wrapped her  legs around his hips before he slammed her against the wall and kissed  her breathless. He ground his hips, hitting her in just the right spot.  God, he was right there, and it felt so good already.

His body was shaking now, too, and that low noise he made was back in  his throat. When he spun her away from the wall and settled her on the  floor in a rush, her stomach dipped like she was on a roller coaster.  Geez, he was strong, and fast.

He grabbed her wrists in one hand and pushed them over her head as he  trailed kisses down her throat. Teeth, teeth, Gentry liked scraping her  with his teeth. Sexy, bitey man.

The full moon outside was casting everything in blue light, and when  Gentry lifted off her and locked his arms against the floor, she got  this incredible view of his body. Deep shadows adorned the ridges of his  muscles, and the moonlight made his eyes look so bright and striking.  Chest heaving, he dragged his hungry gaze from her eyes to her lips to  her throat. His attention lingered on her breasts, and she could feel  him right at her entrance, the swollen head of his cock dipping  shallowly inside her.

"Fff," she murmured, arching her back against the floor.

"Say it," he growled. "Say something bad, just for me." He trapped her  in that blazing green gaze as he pushed into her by inches, stretching  her.                       


"Fuck," she whispered helplessly.

His body rattled with that sexy noise, and she wanted to feel the  vibration against her breasts so, enticing him, she rolled her hips to  meet his next stroke inside her.

Dominant lover wanted to keep her submissive, though. He wouldn't  release her wrists over her head. Instead, he got a smirk that she fell  in freaking love with. Naughty man, the devil was in his smile, and she  liked it. Liked the tease. Liked being at his mercy.

"Gentry?" she whimpered as he dipped into her shallowly again.

"What do you want, Trouble?"

"You. All of you. Everything. Please."

Gentry rolled his hips hard, thrust so deeply into her she cried out  with pleasure. Perfect. So perfect, and now he was sliding in and out of  her hard and fast. He released her wrists and pulled one of her hands  behind his head. Lowering down, he pressed her against the cold wooden  floors with his body. Hot and cold. Heat on her front, cool on her back,  fire in her middle.

"Gentry!" she cried out as he hit her clit over and over, filling her  with a tingling sensation she hadn't felt in so long. Had sex ever felt  like this? Like desperation to go farther, go faster, go deeper with a  man.

Something was happening. Something big that started in her chest and  emanated outward. Her entire body felt like it was glowing from the  inside out, and with every pump of his cock inside her, the sensation  pulsed stronger.

He spread her legs wider and bucked into her deeper, and she was there.  Too soon maybe, but she couldn't stop what was happening. Blaire cried  out and gripped the back of his hair hard, raking her nails against his  scalp.

The rattle in his throat turned into a feral snarl that should've scared  her. It should've terrified her, but Gentry had hit his stride, and  orgasm ripped through her in that instant. Gentry buried his face  against her neck and bit her, almost too hard, as he rammed forward  again. Pulsing ecstasy rippled through her body in the moment he shot  warmth into her. He reared back and bucked again with a grunt. His teeth  felt so sharp. Pleasure and pain, and then flooding heat as he emptied  himself inside her.

"Ow," she squeaked as he worked his jaw, and Gentry's reaction was instant. He released her and pushed up on locked arms.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." His dick was still throbbing inside of her, matching  her aftershocks, but there was horror in his eyes as he watched where  she was covering her neck with her hand. "Let me see," he said in a  voice she almost didn't recognize. It was too low and growly.

His eyes looked like two churning green flames as she pulled her hand  away from her neck. He rolled his eyes closed and let off the most  relieved sigh she'd ever heard. His body went limp as he rested his  forehead against hers and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry. That was too  close. I'm sorry."

"Too close?" she asked, baffled. They'd had sex. The deed was done. They  couldn't get much closer than they were right now, connected at the  hips, him buried deep inside of her. Plus, she didn't know how it was  for him, but to her, it felt like their souls had met.

Gentry rolled to the side, bringing her with him, and hugged her tightly  against his chest. He was quiet, but he seemed to need that right now.  So she cuddled close to him, immersing herself in his abundant warmth,  and waited.

"I've never done this with someone like you," he murmured, his chin resting on the top of her hair. "It was reckless."

It stung like a slap on cold skin. "You've said that before." She was  trying to keep the hurt from her voice and failing. "That was good for  me. I don't have a ton of experience, Gentry, but for me, that was good.  It was special. I don't jump into bed easily, so don't hurt me. Or if  you plan on it, let me have tonight. I don't want to feel guilty until  tomorrow."

"That's not what I mean. Blaire, you were amazing. That wasn't just some casual fuck for me either. I wish I could tell you … "

And there it was again-the shut-down.

"Tell me what?" she whispered against his chest.

His heart was beating too fast against her cheek. He swallowed audibly. "Everything."

"Why can't you?"

"Because we're different, Blaire. We aren't the same, no matter how much I wish we were. There are rules."

"What rules?" she asked, completely frustrated.

"Rules against us. Against this."

"Against us hugging?"

"No, against us being together at all. Fuck!" Gentry released her and  sat up, ran his hands through his hair and gripped the back of his neck.  "The rules are there for a reason, Blaire."