Reading Online Novel

Falling for the Ghost of You(14)

"We'll go over the syllabus, so you guys kinda know what to expect this year. Then you all can introduce yourselves while I pretend to listen," Mr. Jensen says with a laidback smile. The class laughs appreciatively.

Lauren and I exchange blah looks. We both hate the stand up in class and talk about yourself thing. Lauren always talks too softly, and I always end up sounding psycho.

"Lauren Cooper."

Lauren rolls her eyes at me, and half-stands at her desk. "I'm Lauren," she mumbles, and that's all I can make out—and I'm sitting right next to her.

"Speak up, Lauren. I don't read lips," Mr. Jensen says. His nice hazel eyes twinkle behind his glasses.

Lauren glares at him, looking like a pissed off kitten. "I'm Lauren," she snaps. She plops back down in her seat.

"Oo-kay, I think we've established that. Care to tell us anything else?"


I don't know how she gets away with talking to teachers like that, but she does. Maybe it's because she looks so cute when she's mad. Even her hair sticks up cute.

As if to make up for Lauren's curtness, everyone else seems to be in an extra sharing mode. When it's Matt's turn, he talks in his ridiculous "Australian" accent. People laugh, but I cringe in embarrassment for him.

"—and this is my right best summah evah 'cause I fell in love with this beautiful sheila."

Matt's grin is huge as he points dramatically to a blushing Rachel sitting at the desk next to him.

My jaw drops open. I can't believe he just announced it in class like that!

Everyone's looking at me for my reaction. Flushing hotly, I stare down at the scarred surface of my desk.

"Asshole," Lauren says quite clearly.

"Excuse me, Lauren?" Mr. Jensen says. "Did you decide you want to share something after all?"


I refuse to look up. Tears of humiliation threaten to fall, so I keep my eyes wide, willing them to dry up.

How could he do that? What, all of a sudden he doesn't care about my feelings anymore? I have to wonder if he was always this big of a wad, or did losing his virginity fry something in his little brain?

I hate him. I hate her!

"Violet Mercer."


I don't bother to stand. "I'm Violet," I growl. "I thought I lost something this summer, but I just realized, I never needed it."

Total silence.

Then someone mutters, "Is she talking about her virginity?"

In retrospect, I realize I could have worded that better.

Thank God the day is over. I'm exhausted, like I've been through a war. All I want to do is lie in bed and cry tears of self-pity. And then order a meaty pizza. I'm starving!

"I need to get my jacket from my locker," Lauren reminds me as I make a beeline for the door.

I sigh and reverse direction. "Okay."

On the way there, I hear someone call my name. It's Kim Marshall, Matt's younger sister.

I like Kim. Like her brother, she's always good natured and cheerful. She knows all the latest gossip, but never spreads any herself.

"Violet, just because my brother is a giant douche bag, I hope that doesn't mean we can't still be friends," Kim says, an anxious look on her pretty face.

"Of course not," I reassure her. "I've always liked you better, anyway."

Kim laughs and nods. "You know, everyone's telling Matt that you were too hot for him, anyway so it’s good he downgraded. I can't believe him and Rachel!"

I shrug. What can I say to that?

"Oh, and I hear your English sub is pretty hot," she says, opening up her locker.

"He's okay," I say.

"I don't like him," Lauren says flatly. "But you probably would, Kim. He's blonde and kinda scruffy."

Everyone knows Kim has a thing for scruffy blonde guys. Just look at her locker—it's plastered with pictures of the singer, Aiden Cross and John Heller—some WWE wrestler, I assume from the pictures. Aiden Cross is gorgeous, and his voice is amazing—as are his darkly beautiful songs. But that other guy is scary-looking, from his huge bulging muscles, to the bloodthirsty look in his sea green eyes. Kim is obsessed with them both.

"Hmm, maybe I'll have to visit your class someday," she says, waggling her eyebrows. "Well, I'm off to my job at Freezy Pete's. You guys should stop by sometime. My shift ends at nine."

We agree to visit her soon, then we exchange goodbyes, and Lauren and I head for the parking lot.

I feel better after talking to Kim. I'm glad she still wants to be friends, despite me hating her brother's guts. I wonder if she'll be friendly with Rachel, too?

No. I quickly banish that thought from my head. That's none of my concern.

"At least you got that awkward first run-in over with," Lauren says as we get into my car.