Reading Online Novel

Craving Beauty(23)

"Yes. Apparently they are scared of what you might do-it didn't take me   long to find out that you have a reputation, husband." She scowled, and   he knew she'd question him on that reputation later. "Now I'll have   peace. I said that-" her voice dropped a few octaves "-my husband would   not be pleased with their attentions."

He gave up trying to hold in his laughter. "God, you're amazing!" He tugged her into his arms and kissed her smug little face.

"I am glad you understand that." "So what will you do with your degree   once you've finished?" he asked, hungry to learn her dreams, to be   allowed into the secret world of her hopes and wishes.                       


"Well, I've only just started but.. .1 thought I might like to be a teacher like the ones at the university."

He caught the uncertainty in her tone. "You'd make a wonderful lecturer."

Her smile bloomed. "Do you really think so? I'd have to do much more   studying to become such a teacher. It will take a long time, especially   since I want to spend a lot of time with the boys when they are ours,   but I think I can do it if I work hard"

"I have every faith in your stubbornness, cher," he joked, touched by   the way she was embracing his dream. "If you're not careful, you'll make   us respectable. Can you see me at some faculty dinner, discussing   business theory?"

She laughed at his horrified tone. "I shall try very hard not to tame   you-it's fun having a husband with a reputation such as yours."

He grinned. "Tell me more about your day." A frown marred her face.   "Well...many people asked me if I was a model, as if a woman with a   certain kind of face could be nothing else."

He moved his hand to her hair and undid her plait, sending that   midnight-and-gold glory tumbling over his hands. "I suppose people think   that that would be more glamorous than studying."


"Why didn't you model? Wouldn't it have been a way out?"

"I thought about it." She settled herself more comfortably against him.   "It will be hard for you to understand, coming as you do from this   country of ultimate freedom, but I'm very old-fashioned. I don't believe   in showing my body to anyone but my husband.

"I couldn't do it, not even to escape my home. It would've been a   betrayal of myself, a surrender to my father's attempts to change me   from the woman I am. I always thought I would think of something else."

"I like being the only one who's seen your body," he whispered, touched   by her confession of her deeply held beliefs, of her determination not   to compromise those beliefs, even in an attempt to escape the life  she'd  hated.

Her fingers undid one of his buttons and touched skin. "I know. Every   time you look at me, I know you're congratulating yourself on acquiring   me."

"Men don't acquire women. We woo them." He bristled.

"When did you woo me?" It was only when she met his gaze that he   realized his lovely lady of a wife was enjoying herself by teasing him.

Grumbling, he captured her laughing face and proceeded to kiss her until   she was whimpering and agreeing to his every demand. Then he teased   her.

Things had been going a little too well as far as Marc was concerned. He   supposed he should've expected it all to come falling down around his   ears. He'd been kicked viciously by life too many times to take  anything  for granted.

'There's a letter for you in the mail my assistant just dropped off," he   called out, striding into the kitchen the next day. After waking at   4:00 a.m. for an international telephone conference, he'd had no desire   to head into his city office. The fact that Hira had had no classes,   either, had cinched his decision to telecommute. "It's from within the   States."

Hira's face was as curious as his when he handed her the pale-lilac   envelope addressed to her, care of his company's post office box number.   'That's strange. I don't know many people yet."

She didn't object when he walked around to stand beside her, one hand   idly stroking over her curvy hip. At that moment he was simply   interested in the unexpected letter, with no knowledge of the pain that   could result from a single small envelope.

Hira tore open the flap and pulled out a card with the words I Love You   emblazoned in red on a white background. Marc felt his whole body   tighten in readiness for a fight. Who the hell had dared to send his   wife love greetings?

"Perhaps it's one of the boys-they make me cards sometimes," Hira   muttered, flipping open the cover. Almost immediately she slammed it   shut.

"Who is it from?" he insisted, his hand clenching on her hip.

Her face was pale but her answer honest. "Romaz."

"The man you loved?"

"The man I thought I loved," she corrected. "He wasn't who I believed him to be."

But, Marc thought with a gut-wrenching shaft of pain, she'd cared very   deeply for this man at one time and there had been no coercion involved.   Not like their marriage.

"What does he want?" His wife was entitled to her privacy and he wanted her to trust him.

"He's in the country with his new wife, but he wishes to visit me." She sounded vaguely shocked.

"I see."

Her head jerked up. "What do you see, husband?" Her voice was soft.                       


He was furious at the gall of the man in contacting Hira through him.   "You had feelings for this man once. Now you're my wife, so you won't be   seeing him." It came out sounding like an order.

Her eyes narrowed and he knew he'd made a mistake. "Ah, so you never see the women who have been in your bed?"

He blinked. "That's very crude coming from you."

"Perhaps I've decided that with you, a lady will only get crushed into   the dirt." She turned to face him fully, those wild eyes of hers   furious. "You didn't answer my question."

"Tit for tat?"

"Do you really think me so shallow?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "No. But I still don't want you seeing him."


There was no answer he could give her that wouldn't betray his snarling   possessiveness. Hands fisted, he moved away. "If you're determined to   meet him, I can't stop you." His tone was harsh.

Silence, then a quiet, "I'll write him a short note telling him a visit is not possible. Even he should be given

a response."

She turned and walked away, leaving him shaken by the power of the relief he felt at her decision.

That night as they lay in bed Hira turned to her husband. "I've sent   Romaz a letter saying that I'm happily married and have no wish to meet   with him." She knew her husband would never ask her what she'd said,   having too much pride. A woman who married a hunter of a man like him   had to know when to bend, for a hunter's pride was part of his emotional   armor, something no true wife would ever steal away.

He turned to her, arms folded behind his head, ghost-gray eyes glinting   silver in the moonlight shooting through their bedroom windows. "Are  you  happily married?"

It wasn't a question she'd anticipated. "I suppose I'm happy."

"That's not exactly an avowal of joy." "No, it's not." She sighed. "When   I was a girl, I dreamed many dreams about the man I would marry,  though  I was aware from a very early age that my father saw me as a  commodity.  I always knew I'd be part of a business deal, so it wasn't  such a shock  to marry you."

"Ouch." Her husband rose to lean over her, a wry look on his savagely   masculine face, a face mat made her heart sigh and her stomach tighten   in desire, no matter how hard she tried to resist. And when he smiled   that slow smile...

"I thought you might've fallen for my charm."

"You tease me, for you know we didn't speak much before our wedding   night." Marc had seen her one night, and the next day he'd agreed to her   father's desire to seal the deal with her hand.

At that stage she'd met the American stranger who'd offered her a way   out of her father's house exactly twice. And yet he'd seemed by far the   better choice. Her womanly instincts had craved him from the first,   though the dark intensity in his eyes had scared her.