Reading Online Novel

Claiming Kara:Fate Harbor 3(28)



"Look at me, Kara." She turned her head, but her hair hid her face. He  pulled it back, using it to turn her face toward him. She knew her  expression was one of desperate want.

"Don't make me wait any longer. I promise to relax. I promise you won't hurt me. It only hurts when you make me wait."

She smiled as he smoothed a condom on and started the slow slide into  Kara's cunt. He felt better than she remembered. She clutched at him,  sucking him ever deeper and drawing him to the back of her channel so  that he bottomed out as she gave a moan of satisfaction.

"Again, Ben, do it again."

He pulled out and slowly did it again. This time it took her two breaths  before she could cry out for him to do it again. This time he pulled  her head backward. He almost released her hair when she said, "Pull my  hair, that feels so good." Thankful when he pulled on her hair harder,  she snapped her hips back against him.

"Harder, Ben, I need to know we're together. I need to know this is real," she sobbed.

He let go of the shaft of hair, tangled his fingers near her scalp, and  pulled. "God, yes," she exclaimed. He fell over her back and used his  other hand to clasp her breast, to bring her closer to his chest. They  pushed and pulled against one another, fighting to take each other to  the pinnacle of pleasure, but also to ensure that they were together.  They struggled to ensure they were no longer separate.

"Kara, my life was so dark without you." Ben managed to gasp the words.

"You're half my heart." She shuddered, and he pulled her closer, gentling his hold.

"No, don't stop, I need to feel your desire. I need to feel you wanting  me. I have to know that this time I belong to you." Ben must have  understood, because he reared back, pulling her head back by her hair,  and she howled in pleasure. He swelled inside of her, and she tightened  around him, and as one their releases rocketed through their bodies,  leaving them on the floor in a breathless heap.

Quickly Ben realized he was still on top of Kara, and he rolled to his side, cuddling her front to back.

"So much for being careful," Quinn stated dryly. Neither of them had the  breath to laugh. Kara fell asleep in bed with the two men she loved and  prayed that this time things would work, hoping that her tenacity and  loyalty would pay off.

Chapter 9

Kara was disoriented as she woke up to a pounding in her head. It was  like she had a hangover, the pounding was so loud. There were tears on  her pillow. It probably was a depression hangover, she guessed. She had  them every time she dreamed of her days in Sitka. She pulled herself out  of bed and stretched until finally the pounding stopped.

"Kara, we saw your car. We know you're home." Fuck, it was her brothers.  Kara grabbed the coveralls off the floor and climbed into them, then  flung open her bedroom door.

"I told you not to use the key when I'm home," she yelled back. She strode into the living room, not happy to see them.

"We come bearing gifts." Eric held up a pink bakery box. It just turned her stomach.

"You picked those up off the floor, didn't you? Geez Kara, don't you do  laundry?" Dane asked as he took in her bedraggled appearance.

"Jesus, Dane, what's it to you?" Kara flopped onto the couch and eyed  the two men invading her sanctuary. "I told you to only use the key when  it's an emergency."

"It is an emergency." Eric set the pink box on her lap, and she set it  beside her. The brothers looked at one another. "They're cinnamon  rolls," Eric prompted.

"I'm not hungry."

Eric sat down and put his arm around Kara. "Honey, let's talk about this." She shook off his arm and stood up.

"Damn it, Kara, would you go back into your room and put on some clean clothes?"

"Dane, if you're telling me I'm a slob, I'm going to kick your ass!"  Kara couldn't even work up a good head of steam to give her brother the  smack upside the head that he deserved. Still, she couldn't let him get  away with any slob comments.

"No, you're not a slob exactly. But Kara, it just scares me when I see  you not taking care of yourself. It reminds me of the time five years  ago, okay?" Dane's voice was quiet.

"Look, guys, I'm fine. I've got a show coming up. I've got a man in my  life. I'm socializing. Hell, I was just over at Josie's babysitting."  She gave Dane a reassuring smile. "I wasn't expecting company, so the  laundry isn't done, okay?"

"Okay, sis," Dane said with an obvious sigh of relief.         



Eric pushed at the box. "Don't you want your cinnamon rolls?"

"Not really."

"See! You are depressed," Dane exclaimed in a worried tone.

"Jesus, would you just cut a girl some slack?"

"These days you always eat."

Kara jabbed a finger in Dane's chest. "First I'm a depressed slob, now I'm fat. Get the fuck out of my house."

"I'm worried about you. This new guy isn't right for you, you know  you're still in love with Ben and Quinn, that's why you're a mess," Dane  shouted back.

"They left me! Just like I want you two to leave me. Right now." Kara new she was barely keeping it together.

"You know they had their reasons, especially Quinn." Eric got up off the  couch and got in front of her. He was speaking quietly, trying to  persuade her. "Everything he had worked for went down the drain when  that boat sank. You were there when it happened. Lenny should never have  taken it out in those rough waters."

"You're right, I was there. I asked to stay. I wanted to stay. I begged  to stay. Eric, they had just recovered from the last crisis with Tim.  He'd gotten out of detention services. Levi was physically okay and was  walking just fine. Everything was fine, and the boat sank. Guess what,  everything's going to be fine again, and then they'll take me back. Then  guess what, life will happen again, and something will go wrong, and  they'll say poor Kara needs to be protected and sent away. Well, fuck  them."

"Kara, they were doing what they thought was right-" Eric started.

"Eric, let me make this simple. You're my brother, I need you to take my  side." She stopped speaking and waited. Eric opened his mouth twice  more, each time thinking better of it and closing it.

"You're right. I'm on your side, always."

"But, Kara, you can at least admit you understand where they were coming  from, right?" Kara looked over at Dane in astonishment. "They had your  best interests at heart."

Kara knew she was going to start crying and wanted to do it in private, so she decided to finally answer Dane's other issue.

"Okay, brother, I'll go put on a bra now, since I'm offending your  sensitive sensibilities." She stormed off to her bedroom, where she  immediately burst into quiet tears.

"Kara, please come back out. I promise Dane won't talk about them again." It was Eric.

"I promise not to be upset, even if you haven't put on a bra. Please, don't cry anymore."

God, she loved them, even when they were the biggest pains in the ass.

"Can't you go away?" She knew her voice was desperate.

"We really can't." Eric was speaking for the both of them again.

She left the bedroom and was confronted by two large chests. "Can you  please move so I can go to the bathroom?" They quickly parted and let  her go down the hall. She put a cold compress on her face, and then  returned to the living room to see what they had to say.

"Are you really planning on marrying this doofus?" Dane asked.

"You haven't met him." Kara was so tired. She just didn't have the energy to fight about this.

"Everybody knows. You're forcing yourself to date him." God, she hated  small towns. She knew this hadn't come from her parents, or from Leif.  It had to have come from one of the women to their men, and then to Eric  and Dane. "Butch and Sundance don't even like him," Dane said in  disgust. Yep, she absolutely hated small towns.

"Not your business."

"You're our business, Kara. We love you. We want you to be happy," Eric  said in a soft voice. "We don't want you to make a mistake. I understand  now why you're done with those that will not be named, but I don't want  you to go into a loveless marriage. I know you want kids, but do you  want to raise children to think that it's okay for their parents not to  be in love?" Fuck, he had a point.

She raised her chin. "He'll be at the opening on Saturday. Would you  please do me the courtesy of meeting him? He's a good man. I need you to  see the man I know. He's a good and decent man, that I truly believe I  can make a very happy life with. He's caring and loving. There might not  be passion, but there's a strong mutual respect. I think in time,  passion and love can come. Please keep an open mind."

"That's a load of crap."

Kara glared at Dane.

"I'll keep an open mind," Eric promised, "if you'll keep an open mind  about what I've said." Eric then smiled and winked at her. "I would say  we, but Dane hasn't offered anything constructive to the conversation."